Wolf RPG
The Sunspire Would you kill to prove you're right? - Printable Version

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Would you kill to prove you're right? - Fang - August 04, 2014

For @kipling Though anyones free to jump on bored this train-wreck. Post dated a few days, obv

Fang had spent the better part of 3 days away, exploring, or hiding, in the alabaster woods, the area which Red had shown him. The sudden silence was almost maddening to the half-breed. His thoughts had become stagnant, a mingled expression of self-pity and loathing drenched the wolf-dogs mind in bitter hatred. He out the enthusiasm that usually moved him from place to place.

Without distinction the day edged its way into early night when he finally crossed the thresh-hold of the mountain kingdom. He stopped his trek, golden eyes taking in the landscape as he tried to decide exactly where he was, where he was going. His thoughts trailed off, once more returning to the female he'd become close to, no reasons, no explanations, he was found standing on the outskirts of the sunspire like a bored statue unsure, totally lost of what he was doing.

Time passed as the star-scape overhead slowly grew brighter, and he once more found himself turning to leave the way he had arrived. There was no peace in his mind here. A resigned sigh escaped as he began slowly moving back down the mountain.



RE: Would you kill to prove you're right? - Kipling - August 04, 2014

Kipling did not particularly miss the hybrid, though she had taken note of his absence. Self-absorbed as she was the Lambda wondered if she had, had any part of his reluctance to stay around their mountain home. (She was not at all aware of the issues he'd been having with his lover's distance.) It was not at the forefront of her mind, and she wouldn't think long about it if Fang never happened to return. But then, she caught his scent.

She follow it, if only to verify that he was actually still living and breathing. It wasn't such a long trek before she caught the sight of him heading away from the mountain. Curiosity as to where exactly he was sneaking off to all this time, and what the big secret was--hoping it would turn out to be some piece of juicy gossip, she relented the option of letting him fade into oblivion, and began to follow behind him.

Hey, loser. She greeted, not about to be sneaky while trying to keep pace with her packmate. Going ghost on us again? Prying to see how he would explain his lack of attendance, or if he would at all.

<style type="text/css">.Kipling2{width:400px; margin:0px auto; padding:300px 25px 20px 20px; border:3px double #fff; background-image:url('http://i57.tinypic.com/ezgznb.png'); background-position: top; background-color:#dbcfbd; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;} .Kipling2-in {width: 380px; padding: 10px; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.55); text-align: justify;} .Kipling2 q {color:#93baca; font:13px/2 georgia bold;} .Kipling2 p {text-indent:30px; color:#000; font:11px/2 verdana; margin:0px;}</style>

RE: Would you kill to prove you're right? - Fang - August 04, 2014

Ugh. The inarticulate sound of exasperation was an automatic reaction to the females voice. He couldn't quite bring himself to turn and confront her, however he did stop his trek. Kicked your ass. He offered to her introduction of calling him a loser. Ghost was an interesting explanation, rolling his shoulders in a shrug as he finally turned himself around to face Kip, the forced half-smile on his face.

Something like that. An unsatisfactory response to her question, a smart quip was on the tip of his tongue though he couldn't bring himself to spit it out, instead he simply shook his head in the negative before sitting on his haunches, looking away from her for the time being.



RE: Would you kill to prove you're right? - Kipling - August 05, 2014

Thoroughly enjoying the disgruntled reaction she elicited from the slick hybrid, the she-wolf's expression remained neutral. She gave a silent internal hardly at his delusional claim he'd kicked any part of her ass (the knick she'd received was barely a scab now) and lifted her brows somewhat put off on how reluctant he seemed to turn around and face her. When he did she was met with a familiar half-smile and for the moment brushed it off until his eyes diverted the other way.

While he seemed keen to feel like he'd rather be anywhere else but in Kipling's company, she rolled her eyes. So what's the big secret? She pressed, very much aware that he'd intended to leave the mountain again, there was no way he was wandering around just to settle down for chit-chat. Do I not get to know? She expected him to deflect her questions again, but even so she insisted as was what in her nature to do.

You and the little miss have a fight and you have to sleep out of the den? She'd be amused if he'd been put in the "doghouse" by Red (though it was very hard to time the wolf as anything but patient and gentle) and it showed clearly in her tone, a smile inching up her maw.

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RE: Would you kill to prove you're right? - Fang - August 05, 2014

Her presence was already pushing his composure to breaking, the fact he was willing to sit and put up with the smart-mouthed females questions did nothing to improve the emotional frustration that was already boiling over inside him. He continued to avert his gaze, his ears flicked to listen to her better. Secret? There's no secret. He offered flatly.

A sigh was offered when she insisted on getting to know, rising he took a few steps away from the lambda. The words little miss caused him to stop mid-step. The light tingling ran along his spine, his ears moving flat against his skull when all at once a low, quiet growl escaped. It came out without thought, or effort. Turning back to Kipling, the half smile that tattooed his features was replaced with a look of anger, confusion. What? The growling question carried a variety of meanings none of which he elaborated on. Instead he stood there, staring at the fae, suddenly feeling aware that she knew more about this situation than he did. What do you mean? His Golden eyes looked over Kipling with evident suspicion.



RE: Would you kill to prove you're right? - Kipling - August 05, 2014

Well it wasn't as much fun if he didn't play along. Any sort of quip would have satisfied her more than the lacking answer she received. Cocking an ear forward with a new sense of confusion it heightened when her packmate suddenly moved to exit (she assumed) and then just as quickly paused at her next remark to come back at her more fired up than what she'd anticipated.

Kipling's smile dropped flat after that, a small frown replacing its presence on her lips. The low growl was enough of a warning to make her take a step back from Fang, thought it served to annoy her more than anything else.

Oh, so you did fuck up. That's no surprise. At this point coming to the conclusion that her shot in the dark about his absence had actually hit the target. And if that was the case and he was having issues with his humping partner then Kipling, of course, would not be taking his side. She had no interest in hearing him out either. Her own bias clouded any sense of fairness she might have considered, had it been anyone else.

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RE: Would you kill to prove you're right? - Fang - August 05, 2014

You did fuck up. Another low growl escaped at her words, black lips pulled back to reveal pearl whites. He moved toward the Lambda in quick order making a point to invade her personal space. This was not an open attack, this was him trying to make himself seem more intimidating than he was. Golden eyes fixed the female with a cold stare as he practically hissed. You know nothing.

He paused for a moment before another growling crescendo of words followed. Now watch your fucking tongue, or lose it. Practically spitting the last words, he would begin to turn away from her, assuming she'd allow his little tantrum without a snap of her own.



RE: Would you kill to prove you're right? - Kipling - August 05, 2014

Her own lip curled as he made a swift move towards her ready to meet any attack towards her with a full force offense of her own. But she was left wanting, keen to duke it out between them (as her own pride would not allow her to swallow her words or regret them) but instead was left with what she saw as an empty threat. And he didn't disappoint with her assumption, already turning around as if she did not matter at all.

Heart pounding with the adrenaline Kipling had gathered at his sudden approach, she was left fuming, translating his disregard for her as an insult. A more rational Kipling told her to let it be, despite his actions she was more than he gave her credit for, but the seething part of her bubbling up with rage wanted to swipe at him for his mistake. The mistake being you don't spit out a threat and turn tail acting like your goddamn untouchable.

Determined to safeguard her dignity (as she saw it) the Lambda without warning reached forward to snap at his back leg--to catch it and literally drag him back towards her. He had no issue breaking her personal bubble a moment ago, and with his back turned, she made use of the miniscule time and space that he'd gotten ahead of her with.

<style type="text/css">.Kipling2{width:400px; margin:0px auto; padding:300px 25px 20px 20px; border:3px double #fff; background-image:url('http://i57.tinypic.com/ezgznb.png'); background-position: top; background-color:#dbcfbd; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;} .Kipling2-in {width: 380px; padding: 10px; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.55); text-align: justify;} .Kipling2 q {color:#93baca; font:13px/2 georgia bold;} .Kipling2 p {text-indent:30px; color:#000; font:11px/2 verdana; margin:0px;}</style>

RE: Would you kill to prove you're right? - Fang - August 05, 2014

He hadn't expected her to react, his own adrenaline was already coursing through him since the events started, the lethargic movements he made would seem deliberate when compared to the reaction of the lambda biting down on his retreating form.

the first instinct at the sharp pain was to pull his leg away from the source of pain, all at once he turned in on himself, charging himself toward the females neck, face, ears, any part he would be able to effectively bear down on. His reaction more a retaliation to her bite, than any outward attack. If she broke off the her attack, he'd just as likely stop his own. But again she had just been previously insulting his very being. Thinking normally wasn't on his list it seemed.



RE: Would you kill to prove you're right? - Kipling - August 05, 2014

There wasn't much to guard herself with, having not thought ahead as to how he would retaliate. Blood pooling into her mouth as she crunched down on the hybrid's leg wit a sharp growl now surging in her growl, Kipling didn't have much in the way of maneuvering when it came to keeping her grip on him and getting out of the way. And so, he bore down her, the pressure of her jaws against him surging for a moment as his teeth clipped down on the side of her neck.

Instinctively at that moment she released him, tugging and using all of her efforts to move away and out of his grip. Despite the pain that flashed hot in her veins, it was a bad position to be caught in; a realization that dawned on her a moment too late. Seeking to scramble out from his hold and turn around so that she might face him directly.

<style type="text/css">.Kipling2{width:400px; margin:0px auto; padding:300px 25px 20px 20px; border:3px double #fff; background-image:url('http://i57.tinypic.com/ezgznb.png'); background-position: top; background-color:#dbcfbd; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;} .Kipling2-in {width: 380px; padding: 10px; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.55); text-align: justify;} .Kipling2 q {color:#93baca; font:13px/2 georgia bold;} .Kipling2 p {text-indent:30px; color:#000; font:11px/2 verdana; margin:0px;}</style>

RE: Would you kill to prove you're right? - Fang - August 05, 2014

The pain that erupted in his leg was dulled to a mild throb when it was ripped from the females maw. The connection was made with the Lambda's neck, biting down his mouth filling with thick fur. Despite his frustration, rage, and instinct his bite was only enough to pierce the flesh lightly. The metallic taste of blood tinged at his mouth. Her squirming to escape was offered as he released his grip before any real damage was done.

His attack stopped as she turned to face him, his muzzle lowering to protect his neck as he stared the female down trying to spit the fur out of his mouth. The growl that escaped him spoke volumes, a challenge if she decided to strike again, he wasn't about to pull his punches a second time.



RE: Would you kill to prove you're right? - Kipling - August 06, 2014

The growl he gave was echoed by her own rumble, teeth pressed lightly and exposed, a wicked tongue whipping out between her fangs and curling back. It took a lot of willpower for Kipling to not lunge and try her luck again. Instead, face to face she snorted meeting his gaze evenly and taking a decisive step back. The she-wolf was satisfied with what damage she had done already, and really didn't want to exhausted herself with the effort it would to take to assert herself above him. Besides, it wasn't as if she wanted him to stay. He'd been doing what she (and she assumed Ferdie) had wanted from the start.

If I were you She began, words soft and absent of the rage apparent in her expression, I wouldn't bother coming back. Dropping her snarl with a hard squint, she didn't spare him any other words. The slight wound she'd received from the altercation stung in the crisp mountain air as she leapt, to side-step him and jog around so that she could trot back up the slopes. Kipling had put a notch in his usual swiftness, she doubted he'd be able to keep up with her, which would emphasis the point of her message: he no longer belonged on the mountain.

<style type="text/css">.Kipling2{width:400px; margin:0px auto; padding:300px 25px 20px 20px; border:3px double #fff; background-image:url('http://i57.tinypic.com/ezgznb.png'); background-position: top; background-color:#dbcfbd; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;} .Kipling2-in {width: 380px; padding: 10px; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.55); text-align: justify;} .Kipling2 q {color:#93baca; font:13px/2 georgia bold;} .Kipling2 p {text-indent:30px; color:#000; font:11px/2 verdana; margin:0px;}</style>

RE: Would you kill to prove you're right? - Fang - August 06, 2014

I can't help but think of the line "You have just. Made a very powerless enemy my friend!"

Staring down the lambda as she spoke, the only response was another low growl issued from behind exposed teeth. The half-breeds thoughts, normally quick and clever were dulled by the adrenaline, and his confused emotions. The suggestion wasn't hers to make, though he had been slowly avoiding the mountain lately it find seem to confirm his opinions.

The thought of going after her, once more setting his frustration on the condescending butch-queen was squashed by the sudden flash of pain from his injury. He snorted his own retaliation before turning away heading from where he had just come from. Limping down the mountainside, his brief home already being forced to the back of his mind. Soon to be a fading memory. A simple background prop in the illusion he held.

