Wolf RPG
Lake Rodney fingers laced a crown - Printable Version

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fingers laced a crown - Eirwyn - December 01, 2019

the wraith drifts along the lakeshore, hunger not as pressing as it was days ago, and thus warranting her aimlessness. the region that stretched between the southern mountains and the flatlands has come to appeal to her, and she finds herself remaining content within its limits. without the pressures of a pack, she wanders as she will, following whichever food sources have the most potential. she is more scavenger than hunter, yes, but for now, it suits her. 

she pauses by the waterside, stepping forward until the chill washes over her paws. night is already settled over the wilds, and the fog that has come alongside it makes it hard to see more than a few meters across the still lake. dipping her crown, she moves to drink deeply as the distant, sharp yowls of a coyote pack start up.

RE: fingers laced a crown - Odyssey - December 17, 2019

Meanwhile, Goodnight—who was following the scent of lakewater through a thickening fog—felt an uncomfortable stitch in his gut, and knew it to be hunger settling in for a stay.

He had abused his goodwill while he'd had it, and ruminated quietly on each prey-scent he'd dismissed the last couple days in his conceit. The regrets only grew as he went; ending in the ranger's idle consideration of a return south. And the thought was indeed idle—as ultimately it was stubbornness that drove him further—finding no dire reason to backtrack just yet. This was merely a rough patch, one he intended to find the end of.

His eyes set on the lake at the same moment a coyote coronach pierced the quiet like fireworks on a random Tuesday night, which brought Goodnight's attention flickering briefly in the direction of its source. When he looked back towards the loch, he noticed a lofty, moondusted she-wolf already at its banks before him, and redirected his path.

The wolf made sure to make plenty of noise as he approached, but didn't otherwise pause or speak as he kept several wolf-lengths to the left of the other drifter; padding up to the bar for a drink.

RE: fingers laced a crown - Katya Noir - December 17, 2019

Yay, new wolves! :D

Like her company, the dark woman was in search of food and water. She had taken a particular duty of patrolling the surrounding territories of the Great Bear Wilderness and found herself drawn to the watering source near the base of her home--Lake Rodney. She was confident to find something of interest, and if she were lucky it would be something worthy enough to bring back home to Moonspear to stash in the caches for later. She was also content with merely filling her empty belly while on patrol of the massive lake, as it had been some days since she had trekked and hunted down a prey larger than a rabbit that could satisfy her for a few days or more.

It didn't take her long to catch the distinct howls and yips of mingling Coyotes and she paused for a moment to listen as they gathered, probably to prepare for their own agenda for a hunt. She wasn't sure whether venturing so far from home, with a pack of Coyote wandering around, was a good idea but she had come too far now to turn back. She would keep herself downwind in hopes that they wouldn't smell her and consider her a worthy of toying with. Within a few moments of hesitant steps she continued on until she could smell the lake in the air.

She caught the sight of both wolves when she was within a few feet of the lake and again, she paused to observe her enviornment. She figured these two were loners, no other pack from her knowledge had claimed these lands and their pelt was strong of their own musk, but she was cautious non the less. She neared the lake as the others had and dipped her head silently to drink, watching her company from her peripheral in case anyone tried something funny.

RE: fingers laced a crown - Eirwyn - January 24, 2020

two others come, wordless. one melts away just as quickly, the greyscale male vanishing into the evening. she drinks, considers doing the same, but then her gaze falls a moment on the woman. there is nothing to be gained from leaving now, besides her own solitude, and she's had enough of that. "hail," she offers, gaze slipping back toward the water. 

"I am Eirwyn." comes her introduction; either the woman will follow suit, or she will melt away as had the male.

RE: fingers laced a crown - Katya Noir - February 06, 2020

The male had disappeared as quickly as he had come, and without missing a beat the alabaster woman that remained greeted Katya with words of her calling. The dark woman nodded her head, a smile flashing along her lips as she greeted the male in return, her tail swaying slowly behind her. "Hello, I'm Katya." her words fell gracefully, "do you live along these lands? her scent was foreign to her nose, yet strong.