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Tuktu Hinterlands you keep avoiding me - Printable Version

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you keep avoiding me - Chanel - December 08, 2019

Chanel was taking a walk and observing the various plants in the forest. She didn't necessarily want to be a healer- but Sugar's interest in educating herself had inspired Chanel. She thought she ought to pick up a role within the pack. She could only find what she loved by dabbling a little in everything, although she had already eliminated mercenary as the most grisly trade. So now, as she took her walk she occasionally stopped to shove her dark nose into an unfamiliar plant and observe it a little bit. She may not learn a lot this way about their actual uses, but Chanel was really not the type who thought that in depth- she figured that by familiarizing herself with the plants she would decide whether she wanted to be a healer or not, and so she continued this practice. 

The pretty yearling paused at a berry bush, brown eyes fixated on the red berries as she took a whiff. The girl wondered whether berries were a bad option in this time of famine- everyone was hungry, right? Her stomach ached to eat the kind of feasts she had received back home. But Chanel wasn't that stupid, she knew that there were dangerous berries in the wild. If she didn't know what it was, better not to consume it.

RE: you keep avoiding me - RIP Rhode - December 08, 2019

this was a season of transition. learning to move was difficult but not impossible. it'd been a few days since anathi'd left the den. he was able to maneuver, albeit poorly, and could stand for seconds at a time. count it all joy, he thought. 

there was no time for rest. when he wasn't attempting (and failing) to hunt, anathi was working on his balance. without consistent movement, his muscles would atrophy (umntu ofileyo, they called it) and the hunter would never again know health.

that wasn't an option, he decided. 

ahead was a stranger, a female it seemed. there'd been too many encounters with her type wherein anathi was in a place of need. this time, even on his wobbly legs, he had to show his power. it took him a moment to steady himself, but soon enough, he was standing somewhat still. he chuffed and waited for her response.

RE: you keep avoiding me - Chanel - December 08, 2019

A little chuff disturbed her plant sniffing business. She thought it would be someone she knew, perhaps, until she turned to face a stranger, a male. 

That made her a little more tense but she was slowly learning that males weren't the threat that her parents had taught her they were. Perhaps she had nothing to fear.

She took in his appearance. He was a short red boy, with a pair of mesmerizingly blue eyes. That blue was pretty. A little handsome she thought, although of course she kept that to herself. "Good afternoon Sir, do you need something?" She asked the boy politely, hoping dearly that he would have the same politeness towards her. People hadn't been nasty to her yet but she knew that nasty people did exist in the wild, and she could only go so long without meeting one.

RE: you keep avoiding me - RIP Rhode - December 08, 2019

even if he'd understood the question, anathi would have held his tongue. it was improper to make requests of a female who wasn't yours. this wasn't a woman of the west, but she was woman. a very pretty one, too.

andiqondi., he sighed. there was no use in trying to make conversation with these wolves because none of them understood anyway. 

he noticed that she'd been eyeing the berry bush. bessies, anathi said, hungry? he wasn't at his most capable state, but if the lady wanted some food then he was willing to make an attempt.

RE: you keep avoiding me - Chanel - December 08, 2019

The red boy responded with some words unknown to Chanel, and she realized that perhaps he was foreign. The first word he uttered was sighed, and she wondered if the sigh meant disappointment? But before she could try to determine whatever his issues were, he said... bessies, whatever that meant.

And finally, a word she knew, hungry. "Oh, you're hungry? Me too. There's a famine here right now." She paused, realizing that the word famine likely meant nothing to him. If only wolves had google translate. Instead she spoke again, "Do you want to hunt with me?" , motioning a cream colored paw towards him and then herself, as if to communicate the aspect of togetherness.

RE: you keep avoiding me - RIP Rhode - December 08, 2019

me too, anathi repeated, wat me too? it didn't sound like anything edible, but nothing did. not when translated to english, at least. besides, even if it was just an insignificant word, he thought that it would be in his best favor to try and learn their language. it seemed like he'd was stuck there, unfortunately.

he remembered the ebony-furred femme from the pond. eh, water? if there was water, anathi could (probably) fish. the small frogs and sickly fish that swarmed by the banks were a large part of his sustenance during this period of inability.

RE: you keep avoiding me - Chanel - December 08, 2019

He said wat me too, the most of the common language he had spoken so far, even if it was regurgitated vocabulary from Chanel. She wished she could explain to him, but as she tried to think of how to explain the words me too, and their meaning together, she felt stumped. Again she pointed to herself, "Me. Chanel Vasselli," she told him. She decided the word too could not be described simply enough. 

Then the boy said the word water. That she knew. First hungry, and now water... "Water? You're thirsty? Follow me!" she told him. There was a little stream nearby and she knew the way. With a swish of her tail, she began to tread just a few steps, before pausing and turning back to look at him. Hopefully he would follow- if water was what he seeked, Chanel would be sure to lead him to it.

RE: you keep avoiding me - RIP Rhode - December 08, 2019

anathi nodded along. cha-nel va... va-che-li. okay. me and my sounded remarkably alike, so he was able to deduce that this was her name. me, rhode. it was one of his first english introductions and honestly, he felt quite proud. 

there was a request made but the details were lost. if not for chanel's enthusiastic spin and expectant look, he might have thought that she was simply growing tired of conversation. anathi tried to walk a few steps but faltered. he looked apologetically at his companion as he attempted once more to stand upright.

RE: you keep avoiding me - Chanel - December 08, 2019

He sounded out her name slowly but correctly, and it filled her with joy. A huge smile met her face and she beamed at him proudly as if he was a child learning to walk. And then, came an introduction of his own- Rhode. "Rhode! Happy to meet you." She told him, even if she knew he wouldn't understand anyway. Maybe he'd catch on from her cheerful smile. 

The boy started to follow her, but seemed to struggle. Even without words, she could understand the apologetic expression he took on. Was something wrong with his legs? "Rhode, hurt?" She asked him slowly hoping he would understand her question. Whatever was wrong, she wished she knew so that she could help. As she waited for his response she wondered if she should bring him water instead, unaware that it was the fish he desired rather than the water.

RE: you keep avoiding me - RIP Rhode - December 08, 2019

chanel kept her distance but the concern was clear. to be fawned over was something that anathi dreaded, especially by this stranger. she couldn't have known the disrespect that he'd interpreted from her tone so he chose not to hold it against her. foreign women, they were... different.

it took a moment longer than he might have hoped but anathi did make it back onto all fours. he took two steps forward, wobbled, then took another. me, ek is okay. sien? the balance, it was hardly there but there nonetheless. om water, okay?

RE: you keep avoiding me - Chanel - December 08, 2019

The boy struggled back onto his feet, wobbling and struggling to balance. Acting like a child who had never before stood. At this point, she couldn't help but see him as a little helpless- he could barely walk or talk. Of course it would've offended him, lucky Chanel that Rhode could not read her thoughts. 

The string of words- me, okay, and water again, were enough to communicate an idea. "Okay. Come," she said again, turning back in the direction of the not-too-distant river as if to signify that she was ready for him to follow. And then turning back to see, if he would come closer to walk in her steps.

RE: you keep avoiding me - RIP Rhode - December 09, 2019

anathi hoped that chanel wasn't leading him too far. the fatigue was beginning to set in and soon, his muscles would give out. every few steps, he would be nearly toppled over before regaining his balance. me come, okay? he would laugh, if only to quiet her concern.

the sound of rushing water came as a song from heaven. phew! anathi exclaimed. he waited to be led to their resting place before fully giving out.

RE: you keep avoiding me - Chanel - December 09, 2019

Rhode followed her, though stumbling and causing her to slow her pace to allow him to keep up. His cute limited english phrases and his laughs evoked laughter of her own. 

It was not long, before the two arrived at the stream. She was glad, too- she could tell he was becoming weary with each step. Once they arrived at its edge he gave out with tiredness. "Oh, my!" she exclaimed at his collapse, a little worried again. At least they had made it here, she decided. "Here. The water is here. Are you thirsty? Hungry?" She inquired.

RE: you keep avoiding me - RIP Rhode - December 09, 2019

listen if this makes no sense.......i am so sorry

die water is here, anathi repeated, then muttering, what here? there were few similarities in their languages, but he was always glad when a new one arose. it didn't matter that 'thirsty' meant nothing to him because it wasn't the point of them being here, anyway. hungry, he said with a nod, eh, fish, eet. verstaan? whether chanel did or not, the hunter was ready to begin. 

positioning himself to crawl, anathi pulled himself just over the river bank. the water was quiet as the fish hid beneath its surface. the lessons taught by swartwolf were fresh in his memory. still, calm, she'd told him. anathi waited patiently for the first opportunity to arise.

RE: you keep avoiding me - Chanel - December 09, 2019

noooo dw dw!! & rhode is so cute :"3
I rolled twice in the discord tabletop channel with 1 as yes and 2 as no, for 1) does she see a fish and 2) does she catch it? lucky me rolled 1 for both :D tell me if ur not ok with this and I'll change it,, I'm ok w whatever!

Hungry, he repeated, and then- fish, eat. She nodded enthusiastically, feeling that she understood him, and turned her brown eyes down towards the water. She hoped something would appear soon, until then she was as still as a rock. It was not long- even if what appeared was not especially impressive in size. 

A flash of silver, a ripple in the water; she did not have to think twice before her fangs submerged in the river. As much as she did not really want to get her face in that freezing water, the fish was worth it. Her jaws opened, and then closed on a slippery little thing. A digging of her teeth into the wiggling creature stilled it, though she was sure to be delicate about it- she was a lady, after all. Finally she set the small catch down on the shore, thankful that anything had appeared at all. Brown eyes turned to look at Rhode, wondering if he had the same luck.

RE: you keep avoiding me - RIP Rhode - December 10, 2019

okay well dice hate me so i used the google number generator and got 2 - 1. don't know how that works google but okay.

also i think that putting non-english text without hover is a lot of fun.

anathi really sucked at fishing. seeing yet another female out perform him, well, it didn't feel good. and for her to have been so ladylike! there were no fish in his pool of reach, but he knew that coming up with nothing wasn't an option.

the hunter waited patiently for an opportunity to arise, but one never did. he decided to just go for it, see what the water had to offer, and was surprisingly gifted a small (unimpressive) fish. it was good enough, he decided.

once these legs started working and the herds returned, anathi knew he'd have more to show off. in the meantime, he'd survive. ek het een! kyk na my, chanel.

RE: you keep avoiding me - Chanel - December 10, 2019

hmm yeah I've been thinking about doing that with huā sometime! I get tired of putting her translations anyway lol

Chanel grinned at the sight before her. The foreign boy had a little catch of his own, a fish between his jaws. He exclaimed something which ended with her name, but of course the words were lost on Chanel. Nevertheless, she was happy that both of them had had the luck to catch anything. 

"Oh, my gosh! Great job Rhode!" She congratulated him, although knowing he would not understand. She merely hoped her tone of voice would be enough to convey her general thoughts. "Eat, Hungry?" She asked then, meaning do you want to eat now? But instead using the words which she knew he may recognize.

RE: you keep avoiding me - RIP Rhode - December 10, 2019

wanna wrap? we can just have this fade on them eating lmao

it felt... insulting to be instructed with such basic language. anathi couldn't be angry for too long, as even he could admit that anything more complex would have gone over his head. eat, chanel, he replied, a sweet smile accompanying the command.

the two of them, they would enjoy their meal and eventually depart. anathi was resigned to simply enjoying the time that they had together.

RE: you keep avoiding me - Chanel - December 10, 2019

sure!! thanks for the thread!! I hope they meet again when rhode is better at english lol :3

Eat, Chanel. The boy instructed. Maybe he hadn't met it as a command, but it came across like a command. She didn't mind though. The two of them enjoyed the meal side by side, grateful for a bit of food in the famine. After Chanel assured herself that he would be okay, even with his wobbling legs, she headed back in the direction of Firebirds. She was no longer thinking about the plants of the forest or her potential trades- she was reflecting on the little fishing trip, and hoping that one day they may meet again. Perhaps then in the future, there would be less hurdles to overcome in their interaction.