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Stavanger Bay this is happening - Printable Version

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this is happening - Kyrillos - August 05, 2014

Golden eyes flashed from the darkness, it was night and the captive was staring at the stars that filled the sky, his eyes unblinking, wondering what kind of punishment did the alpha had for him for disrespecting his wife. The dark agouti shifted in his spot, the faint moonlight illuminated his pelt, showing white scars that criss crossed across his pelt. Normally they would not be visible under his thick fur but he had gotten thinner and now they were visible.

He doubted anyone would visit him, why would they anyways? He was just a captive, nothing else and he had disrespected the alpha's wife. Life had gone hard on the young male but he just had to accept it.

Golden eyes blinked and continued gazing at the stars.

RE: this is happening - Thistle Cloud - August 05, 2014

Thistle slid towards the captives intent to check on the youth Tiarnan. Her husband had done a number on the youth, and if they wanted him to be a healthy captive she needed to care for him when she could. Besides that she was still vastly restless with the recent changes in her life, slowly becoming accustomed to them, that was not to say she liked them, just getting used to them. She had come to the conclusion that she was second best, he may not even love her, but she loved him and that was all that mattered. Even though it hurt her heart to think of it.

As she neared the captive's area golden eyes flashed at her and she became uneasy, for a brief moment she had forgotten the other male Kyrillos was here. She did not think him so foolish as to do something to harm her, but it still made her nervous. She should have made Ragnar come with her to watch while she checked on the youth, but she was still a little upset with him and hadn't.

She blinked back at him and spoke softly hello, is all okay? most are not awake at this hour.

RE: this is happening - Kyrillos - August 06, 2014

"Hello, is all okay? Most are not awake at this hour." the dark agouti male sat up, ears swiveling and golden eyes blinking as he looked at....the alpha's wife. A look of confusion darted through his face, what was she doing here? Most certainly not to visit him and at this hour too when the stars and moon arrive. He wondered what was her name.

"Yes, milady. I'm fine," he spoke softly, crouching down submissively. Usually his pride would stop him from doing any acts of submission but he decided until he was released from his captivity, he would try his best to act polite and respectful to his captors. His tail and head lowered. "It is not in my place to ask, but what is your name?" he asked, voice lowered and respectful.

RE: this is happening - Thistle Cloud - August 08, 2014

Thistle looked at him crouching and she studied him. She dipped her muzzle to thank him, you may sit if you wish rather than crouch, I am not large so i imagine that crouching like that hurts your back, however be sure to mind your manners. she looked at him pointedly, she would not take any crap from him, she was tiny, but might and he best realize this. She moved around and sat looking at him, she hoped he realized that if he had any doubts about being respectful or if he got the attitude he had, that made him a captive to begin with her husband would rip his throat out and feed it too him.

My name is Thistle Cloud Loðbrók, but you can call me Thistle if you wish everyone else does. I have been told my name is rather lengthy. I apologize if I woke you, i just wished to check on the boy. If this wolf didn't know the other captive had a wound she wasn't about to tell him, let him think she was merely checking because she was a mother.

RE: this is happening - Kyrillos - August 09, 2014

The agouti male sat up, blinking before smiling slightly. He had not expected her to actually answer him but it was a start. "It's fine, you didn't wake me up. I didn't sleep." he said softly, dipping his head at her politely. "Merely thinking about my worthless life." he muttered to himself, hoping Thistle hadn't heard him.

He turned to smile at her softly, his gaze not meeting her eyes in case she thought he was challenging her. "If you don't mind me saying this, milady, I think the name Thistle suits you rather well." he'd meant it as a compliment to her and hoped she didn't think of it as an insult.

RE: this is happening - Thistle Cloud - August 11, 2014

Always the healer Thistle spoke quietly It is not healthy to not sleep you know. She perked her ears forward and had heard the last part, only because it was a quiet night, if the wind had been blowing or someone else breathing near she would not have heard it. oh no one's life is worthless. We all just get into binds and bad things sometimes or we make bad choices, as long as you learn from it, you are not worthless.

She chuckled thank you, and it is okay. What brought you here in the first place? She was merely curious. She wanted to understand why he hadn't minded her, and why he had pushed his boundaries knowing that he shouldn't? And being disrespectful, which she could certainly deal with even though she did not like it.

RE: this is happening - Kyrillos - August 11, 2014

He was not worthless, huh? That would be a first. He smiled at Thistle, "Thank you, Thistle." he murmured quietly. It was the first time that someone had said something nice to him. Not even his parents had said anything nice to him, not even once. Sometimes he was glad that they were gone but well, that wouldn't be nice would it. After all they had raised him for one year before dying.

"I don't really know, milady. I was just wandering as usual and reached the seaside, and decided maybe it was time to join a pack. he smiled sheepishly at her. "I kind of ruined all my chances before by killing or injuring their members.

"Anyways I was going to stop by your borders and wait but my mind wandered and I walked into your territory. And because of my pride, I refused to back off. He turned his gaze towards the sky. "I hate my stupid pride.

He turned to Thistle. "I just want to say that I'm really sorry for being so disrespectful even though you and your husband probably won't forgive me for it. he said sincerely, dipping his head.

RE: this is happening - Thistle Cloud - August 12, 2014

" "

She dipped her muzzle you are welcome. He seemed surprise at her kindness, did he think all were cruel and devoid of emotion? She was not, she was actually a rather very kind wolf. Her husband though she loved him he was a little rougher around the edges, and she supposed he could figure she would be the same.

She stared at him uneasy, Why would you kill them or attack them if you wanted to join them? That makes no sense? I am just trying to understand the logic there? She didn’t understand why if he wanted to join he would do such things, it didn’t make any sense, And she also for a moment was very glad her husband had come when he did, this wolf was much bigger than she, and had he decided to attack her, he would have definitely hurt her, though she would have done her best to protect herself and her pack.

Thistle chuckled Pride goeth before fall. I would say Kyrillos that you have fallen now, and your pride should go then at least most of it. I myself have been victim of my own wayward thoughts and have gotten lost in them. that did not give him an excuse for not leaving, neither did the fact that he had large amounts of pride. Her husband was a pride fueled man and he would not have done what this one did, but it just went to prove that it took many types to build a village.

Thistle chuckled I am a forgiving wolf Kyrillos I forgive easily, I do not forget but I do forgive. However, you are right my husband will not forgive you for some time if ever, and he shouldn’t. I shouldn’t either, but as I said its natural for me to do so. She shrugged then a small smile still there. Even though you are a captive? Do you like our little slice of paradise here?

RE: this is happening - Kyrillos - August 12, 2014

He winced slightly at her comment about killing the wolves. "Well its either because they try to kill me first and attack me or because I kinda trespassed. I made too much mistakes." he said, tilting his head to look up at the sky. He looked back at her when she chuckled.

"Pride goeth before fall. I would say Kyrillos that you have fallen now, and your pride should go then at least most of it. I myself have been victim of my own wayward thoughts and have gotten lost in them." a small smile appeared on the agouti captive's lips. "Yes, I have fallen. My pride is gone now." it wasn't a good thing, it wasn't a bad thing either.

"I am a forgiving wolf Kyrillos I forgive easily, I do not forget but I do forgive. However, you are right my husband will not forgive you for some time if ever, and he shouldn’t. I shouldn’t either, but as I said its natural for me to do so." he gazed at her, surprised. He knew that she shouldn't forgive him for such disrespect but she did.....
"I am forever in your debt, milady. I do not deserve such kindness." he murmured softly, head bowed.

""Yeah, this clearing is actually quite beautiful. Both at night and at day." he smiled softly.

RE: this is happening - Thistle Cloud - August 12, 2014

Thistle raised an eyebrow and then a slow chuckle came forth. well at least you admit your shortcomings. Were you never taught of boundaries? Or just foolish and rash in your youth? she was very curious, even she knew not to venture past the boundary likes that clearly marked a pack’s lands.

Thistle shook her head again I do not think it is gone, so much as just less. You will gain it back in time, you must have pride within yourself if you are to succeed, but too much pride and it will destroy you, remember that. She knew this well having seen it happen again and again to others, or even her own battles with pride and humility.

Thistle said quietly again Everyone deserves Kindness Kyrillos, sometimes it is the only thing you have against an enemy and you may be able to turn them into a friend. Have you ever heard the phrase kill them with kindness it works. She strove to live by that rule every day, what she could take she would and she would try and give it back with kindness, she could not always do it. And sometimes she fell flat, but she did her very best.

She smiled again This whole bay is beautiful I think in time you will fall in love with it as many of us had, just remember to mind your manners here. Then she turned blue eyes to the sky to watch the nighttime stars wink and blink at them all.

RE: this is happening - Kyrillos - August 12, 2014

"I was never taught about boundaries in my life, my parents didn't care about me and died soon after and I was left to journey alone. Overtime I learnt about boundaries though didn't really realized the importance of it." he said, shrugging.

"I do not think it is gone, so much as just less. You will gain it back in time, you must have pride within yourself if you are to succeed, but too much pride and it will destroy you, remember that." The dark agouti nodded, "Yes Thistle, I will remember that."

"Thank you Thistle, for you kindness. I shall try to treat others the same why you have treated me, with kindness."

"If only I wasn't so foolish," he murmured to himself before turning to Thistle. "I'll do my best to redeem myself in everyone's eyes."

RE: this is happening - Thistle Cloud - August 13, 2014

Thistle listened and frowned. How could a parent not care for their child, the love she held for her children sometimes rendered her breathless and caused her to fall to her knees in agony if they got hurt, and they were as of yet tiny beings, what was she to do when they were older and on their own adventures. That to me is mind boggling, to love my children is like breathing for me. It seems so natural and easy I do not understand and I am very sorry that you had to go through that. and she was it wasn’t fair to the male in front of her and it wasn’t kind, and it made her heart ache.

Thistle chuckled at him and spoke softly taking his words to mind, At the moment if I were you Kyrillos I would work on redeeming yourself in my husband’s eyes first and foremost before you attempt to appease anyone else. In this land it is his opinion that matters and weighs in. Granted yes some of us have hefty weight ot ours, but his word is law. The male of agouti fur would do best to remember that, if he took nothing else out of this meeting he needed to take that, it was the truth of his existence at the moment, it was all he needed to worry about.

RE: this is happening - Kyrillos - August 13, 2014

The dark agouti looked at her incredulously, "You don't have to be sorry for me, Thistle. At least they bothered to keep me alive and raise me, even if they didn't care. I think they just wanted their bloodlines to continue." he shrugged, his parents were no longer in his life, they didn't matter now.

"Yes, I know that." he sighed quietly. [/color=#566c7c]"I'm just here waiting for whatever punishment he has installed for me."[/color] he shrugged, directing his gaze back onto the night sky.

RE: this is happening - Thistle Cloud - August 14, 2014

Thistle worried her brows as she thought about his words. There is that I suppose That was all she said on the matter. Thistle shifted and looked upwards, realizing it was getting late, and she needed to return to sleep she stood to her feet.

She looked at him and his next words and she frowned. She too wondered at what her husband would do, whatever he chose to do she would do her best to support his decision. Granted she did not know he was planning on asking her to dole out the punishment, and though she would be loathe to do so, she would simply because it was the way of things. He needed to be punished for his disrespect and trespassing. Even if she had forgiven him, it did not mean that he shouldn’t be punished still at least a little. I must go now Kyrillos, the hour is late. I will see you again. She dipped her muzzle and turned to leave.