Wolf RPG
Sequoia Coast Bad news, go away - Printable Version

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Bad news, go away - Kaname - August 05, 2014

@Shadow Takes place on the shore near Wheeling Gull Island

He rarely visited the shore. Only on two occasions had he made his way close to the salty, endless depths. Both of those times were for pack business. For attacking Majesty's bunch of fools.

With the war (could one call it a war? It was only one attack) over, the pack moved, Jinx dead and him the next Beta, he wanted to return to the Isle. See what everyone was up to. Maybe kill one of the idiots, if they were still there.

His dark limbs brought him swiftly to the shores from Ouroboros. He was loathing how far he was from his pack and his new alpha. With that usurper and her lackies close to their lands, the newly appointed second-in-command was on edge. But he needed this little excursion, to see if their old rivals from the Island were still there. It was important to know for the safety of the pack; they needed to know if they had rival packs in Teekon Wilds.

Paws in the swirling water, his ice blue eyes searched the horizon, looking for the familiar dark shape in the distance. Was he in the wrong place? He paced the shore, trying to catch a glimpse.

RE: Bad news, go away - Shadow - August 05, 2014

The silver wolf had left the Creek once again to go exploring, it felt great to feel the wind in his fur and his limbs moving again. It wasn't that the Creek wasn't a good home, it was great but sometimes he just needed to get away from it. And they were going through difficult times, all the better for him to leave to get some air.

This time he traveled for a long time, he traveled further than he had ever gone before. Only when the distant crashing of waves against the shore woke him from his thoughts. He was near the sea and he did not even know where he was. All the better for exploring. Slowing his pace, the ashen male trotted towards the shore.

He noticed a dark furred wolf pacing in the shore, eyes on the sea. He stared curiously at him, not sure whether or not to show himself.

RE: Bad news, go away - Kaname - August 06, 2014

For a moment he saw the elusive thing, though the ocean spray made his eyes squint. He hissed stepping back and pawing his eyes. The Beta-to-be paused in his furious pawing as he heard pawsteps in the sand. The assassin turned around, eyes still irritated by the salty water, seeing a silver wolf watching him curiously in the distance. For a moment, as his vision was blurred, he thought it was that Keith bastard from Ouroboros.

But, to his relief, it wasn't. It was someone else, someone very unfamiliar. He couldn't trace his origins, still clogged up by the water, but at least his eyes were clear. Though they were burned like hellfire. "May I ask why you are staring at me in such a manner?" he said, noting the male's far distance.

RE: Bad news, go away - Shadow - August 06, 2014

Platinum eyes blinked slowly as the words were uttered "May I ask why you are staring at me in such a manner?" . The dark wolf had seen him and naturally he was supposed to walk out of the small hiding place he had, it couldn't really be called a hiding place. It was just a couple of gray rocks. But he did not leave instead after turning his gaze to the horizon and back, decided to answer his question.

"I was just wondering what you were staring at." he called softly, ears twitching as they swiveled forward to catch whatever reply the dark male had, or not.

RE: Bad news, go away - Kaname - August 07, 2014

He snorted. Part of him loathed other's curiousity. It was the assassin part, which was 80% of his psyche. Curiousity led to questions, questions to suspicion, suspicion leads to your whole family being slaughtered in front of you. All in all, he did not like when people questioned him. But, he quelled his annoyance and answered.

"I'm looking for an island. Wheeling Gull Isle." He murmured. The assassin looked back to the Keith-look-alike. He wondered if he knew of the pack that once lived there. If one could even call them a pack. If they still resided there, they would be targeted as intruders, but the Beta did not care. He had no respect for the fools.

RE: Bad news, go away - Shadow - August 07, 2014

"I'm looking for an island. Wheeling Gull Isle." The silver male did not move from where he was. He did not know the island Wheeling Gull Isle, this was probably the first time he'd ventured so far and gone to the seashore. He wondered if there was a pack out there, living on the island. If there was, he doubted the dark wolf would be friendly.

So he did not reply at all, after all he did not know the island or knew where it was. And no question had been issued towards him, just a statement. The black tip of his tail twitched as he waited to see what the other would do.

RE: Bad news, go away - Kaname - August 07, 2014

His ear twitched as he heard the caw of seagulls above them. The assassin looked up, just in time to see a white blob diving down towards his face. He jumped to the side, growling up at the birds, who seemed to laugh at him. "Winged rats." He muttered before turning back to the silver wolf.

"Would you like to join me?" He offered to the wolf. If there were wolves still on this island, then they could possibly fight them off. Right? The fools didn't have much battle experience from what he saw.

RE: Bad news, go away - Shadow - August 07, 2014

"Would you like to join me?" the silver wolf stared at him for a short moment before replying. "Yes." He trotted calmly towards the other wolf, tail twitching slightly as he arrived, not too close beside the wolf.

The sea was even more magnificent when he stood closer to it, waves rolling towards them and crashing against the shore. He wondered what the dark wolf really wanted to do if there were wolves on the island. Kill them all? Was he why he called him to join him?

RE: Bad news, go away - Kaname - August 07, 2014

With his offer accepted, the Beta-to-be skimmed the shore again to find the island. Thankfully this time he didn't waste minutes doing so. The assassin located the island in the distance and gestured his head towards it. Without waiting for response, he plunged into the cold, salty waters, strong limbs paddling towards the Isle.

Every so often his head turned back to see if his companion was still following. To be honest, he really didn't care if the guy drowned, but he'd better check now then drag himself onto shore, only to find that no one was there.

He spat up some of the brine that spilled into his mouth. They were almost there, only a few more kicks and then they would reach the shore again. Swimming through this water made him think about how nice the lake back at Ouroboros was compared to this beast of a water source.

RE: Bad news, go away - Shadow - August 07, 2014

The ashen male watched as the dark wolf leaped into the sea's salty waters, wondering if he should follow. He leaped into the waters, moments later, strong limbs paddling as he followed the other male to the island. It wasn't like he had anything better to do anyways, and if he could explore a bit more....

They were almost there, the silver wolf spat out a mouthful of salt water thinking how the Creek back at home was so much more pleasant. The sea was good to watch, bad to swim in.

RE: Bad news, go away - Kaname - August 08, 2014

After swallowing copious amounts of salt water involuntarily, he scrabbled onto the sands of Wheeling Gull Isle. Kaname expelled the unhealthy liquid from his stomach and lungs before shaking himself. The assassin looked around, icy eyes searching for any sign of wolves.

Temporarily deprived of scent from the amount of salt water clogged in his nose, he walked around the shore for a bit, wondering if any wolves were set to attack them. But nothing came. "It seems that no one is here." He said to the silver wolf.

RE: Bad news, go away - Shadow - August 09, 2014

"It seems that no one is here.", the silver wanderer spat out more salt water as he arrived on the sandy shores of Wheeling Gull Isle. He shook himself, droplets of sea water flying everywhere, hoping his coat would not smell of the salty water when it dried. He turned to the dark wolf, wanting to spit at him sarcastically but restrained himself.

He turned his gaze to the island and paced around the shore for a bit, it was true, there were no wolves on the island. And no fresh scents, nothing to attack them. "True, there doesn't seem to be any fresh scents here." he murmured in reply.

RE: Bad news, go away - Kaname - August 09, 2014

To say Kaname was disappointed was an understatement. He was feeling a flurry of emotions. Anger, disappointment, contentment. It was strange. While he was glad that the Isle wolves were gone, the assassin had the slight urge to get into a fight today. He had pent up aggression to release. But he sighed, eyes closing for a moment before he opened them and turned to the silver wolf.

"Shall we continue exploring?" He asked him. Though, it would be a few moments wasted if they just turned around and left right now. They might as well explore the place to see what lay here.

RE: Bad news, go away - Shadow - August 10, 2014

Fade after next two posts?

"Shall we continue exploring?" the dark wolf asked, he nodded slightly. "Yeah, that'll be great." After all they had swam across the sea just to find that there was nobody there. There time would be wasted if they didn't explore this island wouldn't it?

And he did not have time to waste. His nose sniffing for any scents, the silver wanderer trotted forward. Paws sinking into the sandy shore.

RE: Bad news, go away - Kaname - August 10, 2014

The sand would be a pain to get out of his fur, but that was something he could take care of later. For now, he and the unknown silver wolf would explore, try to see what made the pack who lived on the Island disappear. While the silver male sniffed the sands, Kaname moved off the shore, into the foliage. The scents were clearer there without the tang of the sea.

He could smell the fading scent of a marker close by. The assassin chuffed softly. Like they even patrolled their borders. The invading party of Silvertip (now Ouroboros) had easily slipped onto their shores and got into their territory by a few feet before they were even detected. It was quite sad actually.

RE: Bad news, go away - Shadow - August 11, 2014

Last post from me! :)

The silver wanderer's paws steadily moved through the island, exploring. It had been sometime since he'd explored an island in the sea, a lifetime ago. After all this was probably one of the few times he had gone to the sea, the few rare times in his life. He wandered, paying no mind to the other wolf.

Shadow moved in, paws steady. Gaze lingering on the sea before turning to go deeper into the island, he smelled a fading scent marker from long ago. Today, he decided, would go to exploring this island.