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Haunted Wood Sword and Shield - Printable Version

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Sword and Shield - Vengeance - December 11, 2019

-3C°, currently it is light snow and set during the late afternoon. Located in Haunted Woods, dead river bed | ooc: we can take our time with this spar, there is no rush!! | tagging: @Alison

It's been a while since we last had ourselves a spar, Alison. He spoke while walking toward their destination, away from prying eyes, where the two leading members of the Nightwalkers could talk and spar without some kind of interruptions. After going out of his way to find the woman, he wasn't about to let themselves get distracted or judged by a crowd - the same that had gathered during his spar with Black Hat months ago. 

What do you say? With a quick flicker of his eyes, they landed onto the amber woman and waited for a response. He was curious about how they had changed since their first meeting, what had become of them, their small evolutions since then. Once he was happy with their distance from the busier part of the forest, he stood, allowing the mist to swirl around them in a now-familiar sensation of solitude.

RE: Sword and Shield - Alison - December 12, 2019

The General's icy gaze shifted to the beast with a raised brow. So that's why you sought me out. Vengeance could be a man of few words and the silence that stretched until now only further proved that. Luckily she was never one to question his word. One thing was clear though, he did not want those who lingered to follow. The Nightwalkers had a nasty habit of always lurking, even behind their own members. That was their purpose though, she knew this going in, not that she cared.

Vengeance wanted a fight, perhaps to test her abilities as General. If he was having second thoughts, she'd be sure to prove him wrong. Some have already attempted to challenge her, even if they were casual spars, she wasn't one to play nice. You never know who's watching. You know I will not deny your wishes

RE: Sword and Shield - Vengeance - December 19, 2019

I'm a simple man with simple desires. He said with a shrug. There was one thing for certain when it came to him, he enjoyed everything to be physical. Sex, fighting, and eating - the basic necessities in order to keep one fully satisfied. 

Then let's begin. Was his only warning before turning to lunge at the woman immediately. Teeth reaching out with poised toxicity to them as they aimed a swift bite to the side of Alison's neck - not wanting to cause a devastating or deadly blow, but certainly one that should his aim be true, would sting as the first contact. 

What had she learned? What had improved? He only expected the best from Alison, better than what they had encountered on their first meeting. She was the second in command to a pack of mercenaries now, second in command for half a year now since their formation and her promotion within the pack. She had held on for this long, there had to be a reason for it.

RE: Sword and Shield - Alison - December 19, 2019

rolled a 2

A shrug was all the time she had to prepare before the beast lunged, fangs aimed for her throat. The General tensed, immediately stepping back as the teeth clacked shut where she had been standing, only escaping by some tufts of fur. It was not hard for her to remember how their last fight had gone, despite the time that had passed. If Vengeance grabbed her he would easily overpower her.

The Bel would focus on speed and staying light on her feet. Dodging was what important now. Perhaps over time, she could wear down the Warlord. With Vengeance so close, she'd raise a paw aiming to strike his face. If he didn't move in time, the blow likely wouldn't hurt too much, but it might daze him and give her a chance to reposition herself.

RE: Sword and Shield - Vengeance - December 22, 2019

Rolled a 9

His teeth met nothing but air, of course, she would use her superior speed to counter his strength. It was nothing new to him, he had done this song and dance over and over before. There were few who stood taller than he, heavier than he, and so, naturally, the majority, if not all his opponents were smaller and faster than he. 

But he had power. Should he grab hold of them, his damage would be much more catastrophic. She moved away and he immediately continued forward, refusing to give her any space away from him as he snapped his maw once more, the swipe of the paw scraping his cheek and neck as he moved through it thirsty to grab onto the woman.

RE: Sword and Shield - Alison - December 27, 2019

rolled a 12 sorry if this post doesnt make sense im midnight posting lMAO feel free to ask if you have any questions

The beast was as relentless as she remembered as he quickly seized her leg, truly not backing off even to the extent of taking the swipe to his face, not that it was truly strong enough to be of concern. Perhaps it was the smart move to keep powering through if it meant getting in some heavier damage. It would not surprise her if his plan was to avoid letting her move freely, that was how she would have the upper hand.

If she could not move, then she would have to give and change her approach to a purely aggressive one. One benefit to Vengeance's bull-headed fighting style is he had left himself rather open by trying to overwhelm her. With the warlords fangs focused on her shoulder or leg, her own jaws snapped forward aiming for his neck. The firey woman would attempt to make a strong enough hold just under his jaw so it would be tough to throw her off or grab her own neck.

RE: Sword and Shield - Vengeance - December 30, 2019

Rolled a 14! HP: 16/30 | I think it was fine! If I interpreted it wrong however please let me know! <3 one more dice roll and the spar is over? I think we decided on 20 hp?? i added both her rolls to tally up the damage done 

Keeping it close had its ups and downs, he was more susceptible to heavier hits from his opponent, but so were they. The battle would not rage on for long, one was bound to give as they exchanged heavy-handed (pawed) blows. She was clever, using his tactic against him as the fangs wrapped around his neck, drawing that primal desire to stop her by any means necessary - and the only way he could see how to do so was to bite down harder on that shoulder of hers. To dig in relentlessly and allow the pain to speak for itself.

They were in a lock now, both choosing their target and not letting go. Though he didn't know how much longer he could ensure with her around his neck, the desire to win was strong, and a part of him itched to plow through despite it all and claim victory at the risk of his own damn neck - but it wasn't worth it. He only had a little left in him, but should this continue much longer... he might have to concede to the General.