Wolf RPG
Dawnlark Plains god, oh my god, where have you been? - Printable Version

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god, oh my god, where have you been? - Caiaphas - December 14, 2019

forward dated a few days, if that is ok. aw! <3

she's south.

the snow is deep, cold. (slow) an image is burned in her mind, she forgets and it comes again -((sick)) - a boy, copper eyes, devil smile. he's somewhere south, somewhere -- home.

she can't remember what's made her like this, so lacking in acuity. her entire life caiaphas had been clever, cleverer even than some -- this disorienting haze had come from nowhere and saddled itself to her back in a filmy blackwater cloud. she was terrified, furious, and


merrick. the boy. easthollow.

caiaphas stumbled, snow splattering in hushed crunches.

something about raleska -- raleska? a growl rippled from her throat as rosalyn loomed in her vision, an enemy she should have never trusted. demon, bitch, daughter-and-soulstealer.

she was only distantly aware she had not gotten up. somewhere, seemingly so far away it hardly mattered, she felt a fissuring burn in skin that hardly seemed her own. she remained extended in the snow, thin wrists cleaving the iridescent white surface. snow on her chin, her nose -- cold.

how long had she been here, how long, how long?

RE: god, oh my god, where have you been? - Aphiwe - December 15, 2019

it was becoming increasingly clear that elahlekileyo did not roam this taiga. a part of the huntress was grateful for this revelation, as it made an excuse for her to take leave. 

that was the plan, anyway, until aphiwe came upon the collapsed frame of a shadow in the distance. instinct warned her against approach, but if there was a chance that this stranger lived...

aphiwe walked slowly toward the other, keeping some yards between them. ngwevu mfazi, why don't you rise?

RE: god, oh my god, where have you been? - Caiaphas - December 18, 2019

how long since she had fallen?

(hours? days?)

a sound stirred beyond the incessant muffling of snow. a figure, hooded in soft gold -- caiaphas' rheumy gaze lifted, a distant spark rekindling in those sunken eyes as she thought of how imperiled she seemed, supine in the snow. a memory filtered out of the fug that snaked in her mind - of sarah, would-be crone killer.

her gums pulled back, yet no sound. her vision was slurry, her head wobbly -- as if balancing that skinbound skull was a coup too weighty for her ailing spine to bear. she blinked once, the rheumy film of her gaze slowly clearing. "water," came her hoarse reply, followed by an airy laugh that was uncannily cut short by sudden silence.

RE: god, oh my god, where have you been? - Aphiwe - December 19, 2019

water? aphiwe parroted, wondering what exactly the sickly woman meant. it seemed most likely that she was asking for water, something that the huntress wasn't sure she could provide. you thirsty? she asked. before putting in the effort to go and find the water, she wanted to make sure that that was what was being asked. 

aphiwe waited a moment before continuing. can you stand? move? it would make the process much easier, she thought.

RE: god, oh my god, where have you been? - Caiaphas - December 21, 2019

caiaphas' throat worked heavily, burning. her silence was punctuated by the stranger's voice, which carried a lilting accent to it that tickled caiaphas' long ear. she tried to prop her head up so she could rest her fevered gaze on the woman -- her strength was so weak she rocked and her head fell to the snow.

snow -- water -- yet she could not force her jaws to work, to grasp or chew -- it was fate mocking her, water all around that she could neither drink nor seize in her teeth. she collapsed to her side, a low groan fluttering past her lips which were far too lax to belong to a wolf possessed of health. could she stand? caiaphas seemed to have no response, but after several moments of haggard breathing, a quiet "no." came from her lips.

RE: god, oh my god, where have you been? - Aphiwe - December 23, 2019

it had occured to neither aphiwe nor tweet that snow was water. while waiting for a response, she took a moment to think of possible solutions. this was a deathbed, the snow that the woman laid upon. it was no place for a living wolf, but umzingeli could not leave her like this.

she was an elder, age made clear by the grey of her coat. even in such a state, she deserved respect and care that apparently, no one else was willing to give. against instinct, aphiwe ventured closer, gently nudging at the stranger's side. 

i cannot do much for you, she admitted, so i will protect you, for now.

RE: god, oh my god, where have you been? - Caiaphas - December 23, 2019

in a round about way, it was funny Caiaphas was more fortunate in her time on the road, than when she had ventured for home. here was a stranger willing to help her — at likely significant cost.

her head wobbled as she lifted her chin, attempting to get a good view of her protector; the strength required was exhausting, and she quickly gave up in defeat. stroking her teeth with a too heavy tongue, caiaphas mustered a single word: south.

she said nothing else - sleep overcame her. when she awoke, the woman was gone, and she continued her journey south.