Wolf RPG
Duck Lake right, lets go - Printable Version

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right, lets go - Shadow - August 05, 2014

@Rory :D

Shadow waded into the lake, eyes intent on the ducks that swam. Obviously knowing that there was a predator stalking them but still stupidly retiring to the sides of the lake making it easier for him to kill two at once. The silver wolf licked his lips, remembering the first time he had tasted duck with Danica. He leaped, paws plunging one underwater while teeth finding the neck of another and killing both.

He got out of the lake, shaking his fur trying to get to droplets of water out of it. The hot afternoon sun shone down upon him, things were stressful with the Creek and he was going to take this time to relax. Deciding he was dry enough-decision prompted because of his hunger- he began tearing at one of the ducks.

His plan was after this meal, he would retire to the Creek for a nap before dealing with more important things related to his pack tomorrow. He deserved a day of rest at least.

RE: right, lets go - Rory - August 08, 2014

Really sorry about the wait on this, I started a new schedule at work and haven't adjusted yet!

He'd never seen the strange, feathered creatures that surrounded this lake before. Rory didn't know whether they were friend or foe, but they were certainly loud...and kind of obnoxious. Rory lay crouched in the tall grass for a long time, wide green eyes watching them as they chased each other.

That was when he noticed the smaller creatures. Ducklings, wandering around on the shore. Rory focused intently on them, creeping forward curiously. His ears were perked forward, stance straightening as his confidence grew. The ducklings noticed him pretty quickly, but there was no inherent threat so they mostly ignored him. Rory's long-buried instincts kicked in then, and he found himself trying to corral them toward the lake and the older ducks.

He was focused so intently on his task that he didn't notice the wolf hunting in the water. At least, not until the splashing started up and all his little charges scattered.

"Hey, come back!" He protested loudly, trying to chase them all at once. Rory couldn't keep track of all of them though, and finally he focused on just one, chasing it right toward the wolf currently enjoying his lunch.

RE: right, lets go - Shadow - August 09, 2014

That's alright. :)

"Hey, come back!" the silver wanderer was interrupted from his lovely lunch by a tiny dog. By tiny, he meant really tiny, like as tiny as a rabbit. In fact, he'd almost mistaken him for one, though his scent told a different story. He sat, half amused as the dog chased one of the ducklings straight towards him. Normally he would have caught it, but today, with a piece of duck hanging from his jaws, he let it run away.

Swallowing the piece of duck in his mouth, he turned his platinum gaze onto the dog puppy. "Well, hello little rabbit. What brings you here today?", a smirk appeared on his face. He grabbed another piece of duck, swallowed and repeated the action. Waiting to see how the dog puppy would react.

RE: right, lets go - Rory - August 12, 2014

Rory trotted after the duckling, only to be distracted a moment later as he finally took note of the wolf. He hesitated, remembering his last encounter with one of the larger canines. The duckling scuttled off as quickly as it could while Rory was distracted, ears coming straight up as his eyes widened in protest. "Why's everyone always callin' me a rabbit?" He complained, ears drooping.

Rory glanced down to where the ducks were laying at the wolf's feet, letting the 'rabbit' comment go mere moments later as he perked up. He didn't appear to have realized that the male asked a question, surprise and excitement showing on his face. "Oh, hey! Are they eatible?" He slurred the word, neck stretched out to sniff curiously at one of the dead birds. His voice lowered to a conspiratorial whisper. "I was just makin' them go places." Or trying to, anyway.

RE: right, lets go - Shadow - August 12, 2014

Because you look like a rabbit. he said, smirking. The dog seemed to have let the rabbit comment go moments later when he asked another question. "Oh, hey! Are they eatible?" he watched as it stretched his neck forward and sniffed at one of the birds. As long as he didn't ruin his lunch......

Yep, those are eatable. he said, moments later. And they're mine he heard the next sentence coming out of the dog. "I was just makin' them go places." Oh really? It didn't look like it. the silver wanderer smiled.

He took another bite out of one of the ducks that he had caught, ignoring the dog beside him for a second. He hadn't really ruined his lunch, maybe just added some weirdness and playfulness into it.

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