Wolf RPG
Emberwood o f*ck - Printable Version

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o f*ck - RIP Grezig - December 19, 2019

Grezig was about to go inactive so she did stuff in UG to prevent doing so. ((I'm keeping that in this because it's too funny to remove but Ima edit this now that she's not about to go inactive.))

Grezig had avoided basically everyone since being accepted into Uaine Gorsedd--a name she still couldn't pronounce properly and didn't care enough about to try. She was extremely uncomfortable even being here, what with Kavik here and their last awkward encounter. Plus the names of the ranks in this pack had religious connotations or something, and religion did not mix well at all with someone like Grezig, who thought that people who were religious were literally insane. So yeah, this pack wasn't a great fit for her, but it was winter so oh well. It was either stay here or probably die alone of starvation/exposure.


She continued to sit in her corner doing nothing and watched the world go by, day and in and day out, wondering if anything would ever change.
Come meet her or something. I promise future posts will not be like this lmfao. EDIT: There I kind of fixed it. Still shit but whatever.

RE: o f*ck - Reiko - December 24, 2019

Hello lovely, I have arrived to keep Grazig company

She had been keeping to herself for the most part, from time to time she would try to talk to someone new, check up on Sativa - but return to her herbs and check on their status as quickly as possible. She felt like a fish out of water here. Even if everyone was so kind, she simply didn't feel like she belonged. 

But even if she didn't feel all too comfortable mingling with everyone, that didn't mean she would ignore the woman who seemed to be sitting alone. The older woman never seemed interested in spending any time with anyone, neither did anyone in Uaine seem to pay her any mind, which seemed a little strange.  

With a huff, swallowing her nerves, Reiko slowly approached. Allowing her tiny paws to silently pad their way over shyly. Hello. She called out first, not wanting to spook the woman by randomly appearing at her side (a meter or so between them of course, not too close). With ears flat against her skull, she offered a smile before peeking her head over to try and get a view of the woman.

Is everything alright?

RE: o f*ck - RIP Grezig - December 26, 2019

Grezig did not really notice the young wolf until she spoke to her. The earthen woman, once so sharp and aware of her surroundings, was often in her own head nowadays, and prone to being surprised by others approaching her.

’Hello,’ the white female called.

Grezig swiveled her head slowly in the girl’s direction, blinking confusedly as if drunk on fermented fruit. She grunted a response.

’Is everything alright?’

Grezig’s brown eyes showed a bit more life to them as she lifted half her mouth in a wry grin. Nothing was alright, but was she really going to spill her soul to this girl who seemed to be truly concerned for her? No. She was not so cruel as that, even now that the world had lost a bit of its luster. But who was she kidding? When had the world ever contained a shine to her? Probably never.

“I am fine,” she said, her voice hoarse from disuse. She cleared her throat. She dipped her head in acknowledgement and greeting. “I was simply… somewhere else,” she continued, by way of explanation.

RE: o f*ck - Reiko - December 30, 2019

The woman turned to her. She was tough looking. In a beautiful way. Sort of like what Reiko would imagine a warrior queen to look like, stern but made the best of mothers. Her colors were warm, while Reiko herself was cold. Where were you? All the while keeping her attention on the woman, the alabaster girl sat down in one smooth motion wondered... You seem to be here to me? What did she mean by somewhere else?

It wasn't a saying she had heard of before - no, instead her mind wandered to the possibility of this woman being able to be at two places at once. Her mind would wander the etherial, visiting one place to the next. The very top of a mountain was one, the other would be a dark forest where mythical beasts lay. 

Cerulean eyes lit up with wonder at the thought, certain that that was not what she meant by it - but what if? Did you see beautiful things where you were?

RE: o f*ck - RIP Grezig - December 30, 2019

Grezig started at the girl’s questions. “What—” she started to ask, and then realized how confused the girl was and couldn’t help but chuckle. “No,” she explained, her eyes twinkling in amusement. At some other time, perhaps, such a silly mistake would have annoyed her, but today she was too tired to be annoyed by the misunderstanding of a young girl. “No, I was here the whole time. It’s an expression. Somewhere else simply means I was lost in thought, thinking deeply on something.” She shook her head. Where had this girl been her entire life to have never heard such an expression? 

Had she seen beautiful things? Did Grezig really want to talk to a stranger about her past life? About children who were dead or gone? A man who had given her children before disappearing himself? A different man who was here, in this pack, one she was still desperately in love with? She sighed, wondering what she could possibly tell this girl without bearing her soul. “I was thinking of… the ocean,” she finally said, which wasn’t entirely untrue, for she had lived near it for some time before going away from the Teekon Wilds for the last four or so months.