Wolf RPG
Moonsong Glacier just wanna be - Printable Version

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just wanna be - Ying - December 25, 2019

12/23, after this but before this
maybe a spar? could be fun on the ice!

the sisters had been travelling for a few days, most of their time spent in silence. ying feltĀ trapped beneath the guilt of having made them leave the coast, though she knew it was for the better. it was for the better, right?

the huntress worried that she might not be welcome among her kin. once they were settled, she was sure that this would change, but she wasn't keen on testing her luck. not around mei, at least; ying was reluctant to even look in her direction.

so, she'd left them behind for the evening to do some exploring of her own. there was a field of ice not far from where they'd stopped, covered in a fresh blanket of snow. she took a few daring steps forward, finding herself constantly slipping and laughing each time.

RE: just wanna be - Ripper - December 25, 2019

Ripper explored the field of ice wanting to make a mental map of the area. Then he heard laughter. He lowered his body and moved closer to the sound. He saw a wolf and immediately went on gaurd. He moved as quietly as he could towards the wolf. When he was within 50 feet of it he let out a growl.

RE: just wanna be - Ying - December 25, 2019

ying was unaware of the stranger's approach until he released his growl. she spun around to face him, her own guard hairs standing on end. it was hard to tell if he planned to pounce or if this were mearly a display of dominance. if the latter, she wondered if she'd accidentally wondered onto his claim.

but why would anyone want to liveĀ here? it didn't make any sense. what do you want? she called out, hoping for a succinct reply.

RE: just wanna be - Ripper - December 25, 2019

He walked forward slowly. "I want you gone. I am in no mood to deal with another wolf in my exploration of this new place" he said forcefully. He scratched the ice with his claws. His black eyes shown with anger. "If you don't want to leave then...." He continued to move towards her.

RE: just wanna be - Ying - December 26, 2019

ying frowned. i was here first, she retorted. the huntress huffed and braced herself for his incoming attack, knowing that it could occur at any time. you are alone like me. i won't listen. there was no pack here! he'd admitted that he was only upset because he wanted to explore alone. she thought that it was a stupid reason, considering how big this place was; couldn't he find his own corner? ying saw that he was continuing his approach so she released her own growl as invitation, then charging forward in hopes of landing an attack.

RE: just wanna be - Ripper - December 26, 2019

Expecting the attack he moved but was grazed by her. He turned back to face her. He sized her up. He thought he could win but he knew he would be greatly injured and he didn't know if she was with a pack in the area. Then he glance at the ice underneath them. He knew it could just barely hold their weight. He shoved his claw in the ice as deep as he could into the ice. Then he started racing in a circle around the enemy wolf. Keeping his claw in the ice.

RE: just wanna be - Ying - December 26, 2019

the implications of his actions didn't register until they were almost close enough to touch. ying looked down and saw what he was doing, leaping out of the circle before the ice lost its integrity. what lay below was a mystery, but ying was certainly not interested in finding out. the huntress watched and waited for him to come back around, hoping that she'd have another chance to strike.

RE: just wanna be - Ripper - December 26, 2019

He weighed his options. He could run, attack, or stand his ground. he decided with attack. He charged around the circle to meet the other wolf. When he was close he leaped towards the other wolf with claws outstretched hoping to hit her.

RE: just wanna be - Ying - December 30, 2019

her opponent leapt forward, claws outstretched and aiming for flesh. ying dodged, shifting herself to the right. the worst of his attack ran down her hip, leaving a deep gash against alabaster fur. she didn't cry out, rather opening her mouth and lunging for the stranger's throat.

it was a tactical move, meant only to have him shift out of her way so that she could run. with a small window of opportunity now open, ying dashed back toward her sisters, but not without receiving one last bite to her tail.