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Blackfoot Forest libera me - Printable Version

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libera me - Lestat - August 07, 2014

The white wraith moved among the trees, silent as a ghost, keeping to the shadows as the sun shone its final rays into the world. Despite the color of his coat, darkness was home. It felt better to walk along the dark mists, flitting nimbly between trees, enjoying the cool cloak of night.

The creature stalked through the gathering dusk, slim figure moving quickly toward the scent that had saved him. Beloved of Ma'at, the Promised Child of Karnak. Lestat was not one for sentimentality. She had literally plucked him from the hot sands, fed and watered him, and allowed his weakness to follow her. When he had regained his strength, he vowed to repay her.

He was still doing so, to this day. He let out a short howl, calling for the Egyptian Regent, pausing only for a moment before continuing onward. He would not stop until he found her.

RE: libera me - Kaname - August 07, 2014

He hated having to leave so often from his pack. They were in dark times. Their queen was dead, her mate soon to follow. A usurper and her lackies threatened their borders, claiming the right to owning Ouroboros. But he needed to get away. He needed to see how their neighbors were doing, how it could help or harm them. After marking the borders heavily with his scent, he crossed the borders of his home, heading north.

The valley was close to two packs, the Sunspire and Swiftcurrent Creek. The assassin had met a few of their members, but did not know the exent of their relationship. He would have reveled in their fighting back when he was a roaming assassin. One side was bound to need his skills. But he was tied to the Spine now. His shadow-walking and swift, silent killing were only to be used by the regent of Ouroboros, who was now the young Cara.

Kaname melted into the shadows, his dark pelt a genetic trait that most of his kin had. It assisted them in stalking through the dark, though he could walk through the shadows without his near-black fur. Speaking of which, there was another shadow-walker in these woods. His ice-blue eyes flickered to the glimpse of a white pelt, though it quickly disappeared. He followed it, though the wolf's position was quickly compromised by his howl. Kaname walked faster after the wolf, curious to what the howl meant. It was a summoning howl, but for whom?

RE: libera me - Lestat - August 14, 2014

Lestat continued searching, though it seemed Hatshepsut had left this area. She did not return his call, nor come to him, so he assumed she had gone on to find a resting place. No matter. Their paths would cross again and there would be plenty of time to reconnect.

The wraith paused mid-stride, looking up between the boughs of the trees toward the stars. Flicking an ear back, he turned toward the sounds of another, though he slipped quietly in another direction and circled back only enough to hide among the shadows. Many had wondered at his ability to slip easily past their defenses, because it seemed at that very moment that his immaculate white coat vanished in the darkness, settled as he was between two trees and their darkest shadow.

Lestat wondered who could be following him. Friend or foe? Was it someone actually following him, or someone on a night stroll? Deciding to try his luck, he pushed himself forward and into sight, shaking out his coat to catch the moonlight upon its tendrils, wondering if his silent companion, be it wolf or fauna, would show themselves now that he had paused in his search.

RE: libera me - Kaname - August 15, 2014

He had been discovered. The assassin smirked. It was rare that he would stalk someone that was quickly alerted of his presence. This would be fun. The white wolf had turned, disapppearing further into the shadows. Kaname waited for a tell-tale sound of movement, which came with the full appearance of the wolf.

The silver male had stepped into the moonlight, fur reflecting the moon. He had waited, waiting for him to appear as well. Obliging his fellow night-hunter, the dark-furred wolf walked into the light, eyes fixed on the silver form.

RE: libera me - Lestat - August 20, 2014

His follower was a wolf, then. The dark form crept forward, eyes locked onto his bright form as he stood in the moonlight. Lestat watched the creature, flat grey eyes drinking in the sight of the other. He was strong, with a coat of darkest coloration, nearly black in this inky night. Could he also be a Shadowhunter? A smirk curled one of his lips as he entertained the thought.

"Greetings," he whispered, his voice low and smooth. Lestat remained still, however, as he spoke, watching the other carefully. Was he friend or foe? He showed himself, so he was not afraid of being seen or recognized. Lestat was likely seen as no threat, a slim wolf standing in the moonlight for all to see. Yet still, he wondered at this wolf's intentions, though he made no move here nor there to reveal his own.

RE: libera me - Kaname - August 21, 2014

The wolf did not look threatening. He was slim, so much so that he could possibly be mistaken for the fairer sex. Kaname laughed internally. What an awkward confrontation that would be! But, looks can be, and are, deceiving. He did not know who or what exactly he was facing, and until he could get a firm grasp on what that was, his stance was relaxed.

The silver male whispered a greetings, to which Kaname inclined his head. "Same to you." He murmured, eyes calmly placed on the other. "Pardon me for following you like that..." He said, explaining his purpose for trailing the nightwalker. He had no reason for hiding it; he was simply curious. "I heard you call for someone. I was merely intrigued as to who you were calling at this late hour..."

RE: libera me - Lestat - August 22, 2014

Lestat stood square in the center of the moonlight area, proud as a lion, watching the other as he spoke. Curiosity was a trait that all wolves had, some more heavily than others, and Lestat was not one to admonish another for their curious ways. He nodded his understanding, choosing not to speak for the moment. This wolf was following him to know whom he called for, and Lestat was not one to give Hatshepsut away.

"I was calling for my companion," he explained matter-of-factly, relaxing his stance only slightly, but enough to invite the other forward if he wished. "We were separated weeks ago, though I caught her scent and followed her here. I hoped to find her, but our reunion can wait another day." He paused, glancing around the woods, enjoying the flux and flow of light and shadow at play. Returning his gaze to the other, he continued. "I am sorry if I disturbed you. I am new here, so I don't quite know my way around."

RE: libera me - Kaname - August 23, 2014

He did not disclose who exactly this wolf was, but it was not likely Kaname was going know anyway. He rarely frequented the valley and interacted with people. Maybe one of the other packs around here would know. But he wasn't close to them either.

Like many travelers in Teekon, this silver wolf was new. But unlike the others, he had strode through the shadows much more confidently. It made him curious. What exactly was he? And who was this female he was searching for anyway? "I've been here a couple of times. There are two packs nearby, Swiftcurrent Creek and the Sunspire. Maybe they have knowledge on your companion." He offered.

RE: libera me - Lestat - August 31, 2014

Lestat's ears swiveled forward when the other spoke of nearby packs. The names were unfamiliar, but most things about this area were. "I appreciate the suggestion," he said with a nod, tucking the names away for safe-keeping. Perhaps he would make a visit to these places in search of signs of the Egyptian.

"Forgive my ill manners," he said with the ghost of a smile. "I am Lestat." He was not afraid of using his name freely; he had done so before in many territories he visited, and despite his tendency toward malevolence, he had never been harmed for his honesty.

RE: libera me - Kaname - September 01, 2014

Lestat. Sounded French. He pushed away the annoyance he felt. Ever since Erika turned pelt he had a distinct dislike for those who even had French names. Made him sick almost, though he tried not to be bias. Not everyone who was French was a traitor. "Kaname." He returned with his own name.

"Who exactly are you looking for? If I see her I could tell her where I last saw you..." He was curious as to who this Lestat was looking for. He wasn't really trying to pry, but only offered his assistance as a friendly gesture.