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Blacktail Deer Plateau wake like pendulum swinging in circles - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Blacktail Deer Plateau wake like pendulum swinging in circles (/showthread.php?tid=3835)

wake like pendulum swinging in circles - Leon - August 07, 2014

OOC: Nearby Black Deer Plateau's southeast borders-- not threatening to encroach on them, but near enough to smell there's a pack there.

Continuing to follow the flow of Whitefish River, Leon found himself traveling northwest. Eventually, Leon had crossed the river to come out in the flatlands on the other side. Continuing to wander aimlessly to the northwest, he had a mountain to one side, the other to the other and a clearly marked pack border directly in front of him. He'd either have to climb the mountain or cross the river again to continue on this path and avoid trespassing.
The Hughes man was naturally a hardass rebel, but he has respect for the borders of packs. He wouldn't trespass because he wasn't a piece of shit. But he was very curious... this was the first pack he'd come across since coming to the Wilds. He wanted to inspect it and see what it was, what they had to offer... the temptation to go up to the borders and call for someone was strong, but he stood back; resisting. His interest was clearly on the plateau and he showed it in his curious posture. Large ears tilted forward, attention rapt upon the high-laid lands covered in green. Could he even get up there from where he was?
Not that he was daring enough to look. Not unless he was invited... but then he'd have a tour guide. That sounded nice. Was that how one scoped out potential homes? He wouldn't know, he'd never been in a pack before. Years had been spent alone or in the solitary company of his brother. But pack life called to him and he was beginning to listen.

RE: wake like pendulum swinging in circles - RIP Fox - August 07, 2014

Fox patrolled. It was one of the things that she kept herself busy with to give Peregrine time to spend with his children (and Lasher). Now that she was slowly settling into pack life, Fox was beginning to think that life here wouldn't be so terrible. Sure, she had fundamental differences with Blue, but she could get past those as long as they... didn't interact? That seemed silly, considering they were both leaders, but it was the way that Fox was planning on dealing with it—at least for a little while. Perhaps once things settled down, they could become friends. More than one of Fox's friendships had started out rough. Peregrine was a prime example, and now they were mates of all things.

The small yearling found herself wandering a little bit away from the pack's boundaries, but she didn't bother to retreat. She was close enough that she could sprint back to the safety of the pack, and she was certain that the other plateau wolves would be able to hear her cry if she needed to call them to assist her. Fox marched forward, and eventually, caught the sight of a stranger. Cautiously, she approached him. Although tense, she was non-aggressive (as was her common practice with strangers). She sized him up as she approached, noting that he was in good shape and did not show any immediate signs of illness. Not often one to speak first, she stood far enough away that she could bolt back to the plateau if needed, but close enough that he would most certainly notice her presence.

RE: wake like pendulum swinging in circles - Leon - August 07, 2014

He thought he might end up not catching sight of any of the members of the territory before him before he decided to wander off. Either that or he might be aggressively chased off even though he wasn't even close to trespassing... one of the reasons he had yet to join a pack in his four years of life was being in the wrong place at the wrong time; he'd end up finding a pack full of dicks who tried to attack him for getting close, so after a few of those run-ins he did his best to avoid coming close to anyone's borders.
As bright silvers scanned the area ahead of him, they caught sight of a rust-and-white colored form standing watching him. No, she wasn't standing... she was carefully walking toward him. He stayed still and his ears finally perked forward showing she had his attention. Though Leon did appear wary, but not skittish enough to turn around and run off. He was huge by comparison to her but he was wary of being attacked nontheless. Plus... she might be little, but she was also female, from the scent he finally caught. His pink nose lifted slightly as he sniffed the air, gathering more information about her from the breeze that carried her pack-heavy scent.
She didn't draw terribly close and there was still a comfortable distance between the two wolves that were now staring at each other, obvious aware of the other's presence. An ear twitched before his dark, narrow head tipped slightly to the side; his curly tail was held still above his rump where it normally was. Rather than speaking, he tested the air with a friendly whine at the nameless dual-toned woman. He even added a light tail-wag; his demeanor showed he was amicable and friendly. From there he would judge her reactions.

RE: wake like pendulum swinging in circles - RIP Fox - August 07, 2014

Dear Dog, Please stop farting. Love, Remedy.

Actions speak louder than words. Or so the saying goes. Fox bought into that mentality one hundred percent. So when her new acquaintance relaxed and showed that he was no threat, she allowed her guard to subside. His whine and tail wagging only lowered her guard further, and soon she was lowering her front half to the ground, her rump in the air and her tail wagging from side to side in rapid succession. The girl yipped once, twice, three times, throwing her head from side to side in order to entice him to come closer—to play.

She recalled with some clarity the last time she had been in a situation so similar. It had been her first encounter with Lasher, now Peregrine's lover and a friend of her own. Not a word had been spoken that day, and yet they'd created a bond between them almost instantly. Fox had felt free and alive that day, and she could only hope that this meeting would end just as well.

RE: wake like pendulum swinging in circles - Leon - August 12, 2014


Being quite wary, Leon was ready to turn and bolt if he needed to. But he made sure to not be skittish and run for no reason. Which was a good thing, because as he lingered, watching the red-and-white female, he noticed she lowered herself into a play-bow. His ears perked forward and his head visibly tipped to the side in minor confusion and curiosity.
Her first yip caused him to jump. But not a startled jump-- rather the beginning of bubbling excitement. The second he jumped again and briefly lifted his front paws off the ground before slapping them back down. Third he batted the ground with them before he bowed himself, giving her a toothy grin and a furious curly tail wag before he returned her yips with a much gruffer, more masculine yip of his own; it trailed off into an excited growly-whiny.
Without waiting for a more clear invitation, he jumped up from his bowed position, all four paws clearly coming off the ground before bolting over toward her and kicking up dirt and grass behind him as he ran. Leon ran full speed at her and at the very last second jerked away, continuing to go full speed as he made a u-turn to come back.
This time when he got close he slid gracefully to a halt several feet in front of her before he pranced over to her; he picked up his darked-socked front legs high before slapping his paws back to the ground with each step. Once he was about a foot away he lowered his head suddenly and let out another whiny-growl, rolling head head as he did so.

RE: wake like pendulum swinging in circles - RIP Fox - August 13, 2014

"Laughter," Lasher would have said, but Fox's eyes said enough. They glinted with delight as he sped toward her and she braced herself for impact. At the last moment, the stranger pulled away, and Fox realized she had closed her eyes. Popping them open, she watched as he pranced around her before moving into a play-bow and enticing her with a growl-whine. Fox responded accordingly, whipping herself around in a quick 360° spin to face him again.

Without warning, Fox darted away from him, only to come swerving back in an attempt to playfully nip at his shoulder. Again, the yearling moved herself away from the stranger. This time, she crashed to the ground, rolling around on her back and batting at the air with her paws. Fox twisted her head around so she could see her playmate and there, she paused, letting him make the next move.

RE: wake like pendulum swinging in circles - Leon - September 02, 2014

What a wonderfully magical place these lands were turning out to be. He couldn't say he'd ever been greeted so close to a pack's borders like this-- or like this at all, let alone with a stranger. Whoever this chicka was was sure alright in Leon's book, that's for sure.
Bright eyes watched the foxy female in all her adorable reactions that only pumped up the playfulness Leon was feeling. The excitedness growing and tail continuously a fluffy blur behind him, he grinned at her. Ears folded back momentarily before popping forward instantly at the sudden movement of the girl moved away quickly.
The moment she came running near again he jerked himself into a standing position with his head held high upon his neck and tongue lolling out of the side of his muzzle; an excited jump was given at the nip before another one at the stranger tumbling before rolling around on her back, kicking dainty paws in the air.
Suddenly he moved his tall form toward her and met her face-to-face, plopping his chest down onto the ground while his rump stayed up and curly tail wagging fiercely. His arms were to either side of her head and he nipped playfully at her face, play growling in a gravelly manner. Nothing but puppy joy filled those silver eyes, delighted in his impromptu playmate.

RE: wake like pendulum swinging in circles - RIP Fox - September 03, 2014

Assuming you don't mind the light powerplay. PM me if you'd like me to edit!

When the stranger made his approach, Fox licked her lips in anticipation. Whoever this was, she liked him. Not in the sense that she wanted to abandon Peregrine for him, but in the sense that she immediately felt a friendly connection she did not often feel. It delighted and amused her all at once. When he grappled playfully with her jaw, she did the same, using her paws to push against his face to free herself from his light grasp.

Rolling to her side, Fox sprang back upon her feet and shook her coat. Now that they had greeted one another in a purely physical fashion, she thought it was high time they introduced themselves. “Fox Redleaf-DiSarinno,” she said with a mock bow. “You?” In all reality, names probably didn't matter, but she felt it pertinent to know his. She would not force it out of him, of course, but she was curious.

But either he was frightened by her voice or simply bored, for he vanished almost immediately, leaving a rather sour taste in Fox's mouth. “Well, fuck you, too!” she shouted after him, watching until he disappeared from sight.