Wolf RPG
Haunted Wood Subiendo - Printable Version

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Subiendo - Nakara - December 28, 2019

Merc thread opportunity!

It was the dead of night and she assumed everyone was asleep. The effect of the seeds that her sister was feeding her had began to wear off and she felt she was ready to try and get the hell out of there.

She was quiet as she tried to dig the side of the pit to make it easier to escape it and with success she was finally out of there.

RE: Subiendo - Hela - December 29, 2019

discontent. it is a fickle thing, that comes and goes and reaches cold fingers of doubt into her pelt. for now, she does her best to ignore it, but it is what wakes her early that morning. the sky is draped in that atramentous hue that precedes dawn, and her path is a largely aimless one that takes her nearer the pit.

activity near the edge has her auds cant forward, gate stiffening as she moves directly towards the commotion. a woman stands at the edge of the pit, pale and dirt-covered. dim recognition takes hold, and the girl stalks forward, confidence oozing out of her curled lips, raised tail, and gimlet stare. it is intentional, and exaggerated. she pauses a stone's throw away, waiting for the woman's reaction - will she run, fight, or slide back down the way she'd come?

RE: Subiendo - Black Hat - December 29, 2019

Black Hat was oft on the prowl at this time while the others dreamt. Though not awake by choice, he enjoyed the silence and solitude night brought, so he didn't whinge about it. On his search for some unfortunate creature to torture, he caught onto Hela's trail and followed it, wanting to ask what she was up to at this hour. But when he found her, she was bristling at the ghastly figure of a woman he scarcely recognized as a captive.

He wouldn't give her the opportunity to act. It was clear she was trying to escape, and that was reason enough for him to spring forth for her throat.

RE: Subiendo - Nakara - December 29, 2019

Two wolves were quick to respond to her escape and it seemed to be a male and female. Nakara knew she had to think fast especially as she saw the man lunge for her throat she attempted to dodge it and in turn attack his

RE: Subiendo - Hela - December 29, 2019

the woman is not afforded a moment to make a decision before Black Hat leaps for her throat. Hela is somewhat disappointed, her own curiosity unsated, but does not hesitate for long. she leaps a moment after her mentor, lunging for one of the woman's limb as she seeks to wrap her jaws around a delicate ankle of hock, before jerking her muzzle sharply up and to the left in an attempt to break bone or cause enough damage to ensure she would not run far. this is exactly why she does not see the benefit of captives; the pack expends energy trying to keep them in the pit, until their eventual escape or disappearance, as with all those before the woman.

RE: Subiendo - Black Hat - December 29, 2019

She was swift on her feet and leapt in an attempt to dodge his fangs. While she avoided a bite to the throat, his teeth tantalizingly grazed her flank. Frustration bubbled in his chest. He spat out a tuft of snowy fur and whirled around. His ire erupted as she clamped onto his shoulder, sending a shockwave of pain up his spine. Why the hell was she even here?! Black Hat couldn't stand being out of the loop for anything, yet he never seemed to know what was going on in this bloody pack. They were taking in more and more captives, and for what? Why waste his precious energy on this bitch, or any of them?

A snarl cracked past his lips like thunder. While Hela took up the woman's rear, he lunged for her neck and tugged to cruelly tear her flesh asunder if able to snag it, fueled by his fury.

RE: Subiendo - Nakara - December 29, 2019

She felt the youngest it seemed of the two grab hold of her leg and she yipe loudly and then the male grabbed her neck and they both pulled her down. She gripped the dirt with her paws hoping to use most of her strength to turn her teeth to the male.

RE: Subiendo - Hela - December 30, 2019

her grip remains tight, even as the woman turns all her attention to black hat. realizing the opportunity, the girl once again jerks her muzzle sharply, hoping to cause whatever damage she can, before attempting to drag the woman backward and to the pit's edge. she'll need black hat to do most of the shoving, but she's confident he'll realize her intent quickly enough.

RE: Subiendo - Black Hat - January 02, 2020

Forgot it was my turn, aaAAA.

The captive fell to the ground, and he followed her down, teeth resolute in their hold on her neck. He bore all of his weight down to restrain her. The poltergeist's muscles rumbled with building tension as she fought to resist him. Black Hat swiftly released her as she sprung like a triggered bear trap, feeling the wind from her clacking teeth near his throat. He was back upon her in a flash, this time with his jaws at her scruff, body parellel to hers to remain out of reach.

He took this opportunity to glance at Hela, who still tugged adamantly at her leg. Her paws skidded against the hard earth, struggling to gain traction. His eyes swept behind her to the pit, and it clicked. He lifted with his back to drag her as if she were an over-sized pup. Being a sizable woman, Black Hat wouldn't have been able to accomplish this task alone, but he fortunately had his apprentice by his side. Together, he was fully confident they would succeed in returning the prisoner to her cell.

RE: Subiendo - Nakara - January 10, 2020

She violently snapped at both of them and she felt the female of the two tighing down at her leg and the male at her scruff and it was painful but she knew she couldn't match them all and she fell from exhaustion and pain

RE: Subiendo - Hela - January 13, 2020

the woman falls, finally, and with a final stretch of maneuvering the pair manage to get her into the pit. hela blinks, thoroughly fed up with the amount of energy spent on keeping captives here, only to have them remain a weight on their ranks, a maw that did nothing and still required feeding. panting, brow furrowed, she glances at Black Hat as if to ask, what now?.

RE: Subiendo - Black Hat - January 18, 2020

closing this out!

With their combined effort, the captive was detained. Hela looked at him inquisitively, but Black Hat simply shook his head, expression making his distaste for all the captives clear. Without a word, he disappeared into the mist.