Wolf RPG
Haunted Wood Poison Kiss - Printable Version

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Poison Kiss - RIP Tzila - December 29, 2019

For @Alison. Set during the night and overcast.

Tzila knew of but one other wolf in the Nightwalkers with a nature so similar to her own. One who preferred the dark to the light, when they were more active. More comfortable. Like one of the very tendrils of the shadows themselves, the self-appointed mistress glided effortlessly through the night. Only the occasional glimmer of silver eyes and the brief flash of crimson hackles would distinguish her from the inky blackness.

With purpose, she pursued the trail of the General. Alison. She knew Vengeance and Serem well enough, but not the second in command. Her reason for seeking the red woman out was less about forming a relationship, but more about furthering a new curiosity. Had she desired to do so, Tzila would even have challenged for her position, frowning upon her scarcity in recent months, especially at the hunt. But she knew better than to act so rashly, so soon. Form relationships first (however minute), know your competition. Size them up...gain their trust. Then make your move. Only time and the transpiring’s of this meeting would tell what that move would be.

Still brandishing multiple sets of superficial cuts and scrapes along her muzzle and one foreleg. They would heal, but for now she wore them like badges, proudly. She was making great strides in her path as a brawler. The wintry season and the surge of hormones it brought with it only heightened her confidence. Spiked her aggression to hair trigger levels. Catching the telltale flash of russet fur up ahead, Tzila quickened her pace, offering a low huff in greeting.