Wolf RPG
Altar of Twilight the deed of honor - Printable Version

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the deed of honor - RIP Desdemona - December 29, 2019

set to 12/30/2019

She thought, it would be best to explore outside the region just a tad. If one had a better scope upon their surroundings, it'd be better within their advantage. Though of course, Desdemona did not stray too far- she would rarely. Going 'far' counted simply near the Moonspear, just near the bottom of the area. However it was quaint, and while one should be thankful to come during the night, the scenary mattered little.

A great wall stood before the dame, her jaden eyes narrowed at such stone. Before her the moonlight seemed to dance before her paws, as the snow fell down to powder her dark body. While beautiful, she was more concerned on the thought of war. It would seem so easily to be cornered against this wall, far too easy to lose within a fight. There would be no escape, but it could also prove to be use to the Moonspearian wolves, who crawl down to the mountains for their prey.. Such thoughts scattered about as Desdemona stood within the lights, lost in her contemplation.