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Dark waters - Printable Version

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Dark waters - Kaname - August 07, 2014

The assasin lounged outside of his island den. Dawn was close to arriving, the soon-to-arrive sun turning the dark night sky a dark blue. Kaname had woken up earlier than usual that morning, eyes locked on a rock in the distance. He rose halfway, tail curling over his back as he stretched. His mouth opened, revealing long white fangs and a curled pink tongue. There were better things to do than sit around. He needed to hunt for the pack.

For the moment, Ouroboros did not have a communal area like back on Silvertip. But he certainly was thinking of the island as one. He would have to ask Lecter about it, now that Jinx was stark-raving mad, though he was certain he would agree.

The assassin trotted to the water's edge, sliding into the water gently. He couldn't see that well in this near-darkness. He needed to be careful as he made his way to the shore, or else Ouroboros would lose one of their high tier wolves as well as their queen. What a tragedy that would be.

RE: Dark waters - Bane - August 08, 2014

Hey, for what I read this is set after Jinx's death, right? But it's gonna be awkward because we don't know how that turned out yet.. So would it be possible to set it before the meeting? I can edit if not..
EDIT (1/22/2015): Removing tables.

It was early in the morning that the young silver prince woke up after a dreadful nightmare. He was standing at the shoreline, and it was peaceful at first, but then the water turned red and his body was covered in blood. the sound of the crashing waves turned into a desperate cry of pain. It was the moon's fault and it rejoiced in the dark sky, she laughed at Keith who laid in the bloodstained sand.

He woke up heavy breathing and sweating, this was unusual. He decided to come out of his den and hunt something to clear his mind. The silver boy crept towards the lake first to see if there was something it could offer, but unfortunately the only thing he found was the old creep that had interrupted his.. Chat with Cara. It was late to turn back and he probably had noticed Keith already so there wasn't another option than to come closer and greet the higher ranked male. "Kaname.." he barked with fake excitement and half a smirk.

RE: Dark waters - Kaname - August 08, 2014

True, yeah. > - > Maybe a bit before? I'll edit my post then.

He slipped out of the water, the liquid dripping from his dark fur. The assassin shook his dripping fur, water flying all over the shore. The sound of a voice laced with false happiness made his cold eyes look upwards towards the silver wolf in front of him.

Keith. This one again. His fur dried as best as it could be, he straightened himself. Part of him wanted to tear the smirk off of his face, but he kept his cool. He had to be the better man, right?

The better man? You are no better than him, flirting with a girl 3 years your junior. What's worse is that you're falling in love with the girl, she's practically a pup. A familiar voice hissed. Kaname's eyes narrowed visibly. The girl has a name, Itzal. It's Cara. He retaliated silently. Though he did have a point. Cara was young, she deserved someone young too, right?

No. She didn't need immature little brats like Keith. They only saw one part of her, her face and body. He knew more than that. That's why he fell in love with her liked her. "Hello, Keith." he murmured, walking further onto the dry ground. "Up early, are we?"

RE: Dark waters - Bane - August 09, 2014

Yeah that's better

The silver yearling wasn't close enough to get wet by the water shed from Kaname's pelt, but he ducked his head and covered his face with a paw just to make sure his perfectly groomed fur didn't get wet. From the moment he saw Kaname paddling to shore, the young prince had regretted going directly to the lake. It was as if the universe wanted this old creep to keep getting in his way!

He came a little closer trying to be as friendly as his hot head let him, but the next comment made by Kaname only angered the boy even more. He was talking to him like he was some kind of kid. Keith was no kid! He was a fully grown man and deserved respect.

"I'm going on a hunting trip, if you don't mind.." He said with his half smile that was as sharp and cutting as his words, and turned halfway around to continue walking and hoped that Kaname would do the same and leave him alone.

RE: Dark waters - Kaname - August 09, 2014

He paid no mind to Keith's scathing words. Keith was a child to him. The boy was not of mating age, and that was all that mattered in the natural world. The white male was still a boy, no, a brat, like Ira was. But isn't your Cara the same age as him? Itzal hissed mockingly. Kaname ignored the mocking voice. Cara was different. She was very different from other yearlings, that was certain.

Keith said he was hunting and promptly turned away, heading in an opposite direction. Concidently, so was the assassin. He smirked, a mocking tone entering his voice since he knew how much this would aggrivate the yearling. "I was planning on hunting as well. Why don't we go together and take down something big for more to share?" It had a dual purpose. One, more prey for the pack. Two, he could see how Keith worked. The best time to see a person in their truest form was under stress and hunting was stressful to most wolves.

RE: Dark waters - Bane - August 10, 2014

What! Kaname has Multiple personalities too?? :o

But the young prince had claimed victory too early, Kaname couldn't resist the temptation of bugging the boy even more, was that his job? Being a pain in the ass to the newcomers? Are you fucking kidding me!- he thought when the older male offered to tag along. He slowly turned around to face him with a straight face "Sure, you're the boss.." he said half growling.

The boy didn't stop to see if the dark male followed -though he obviously was- but turned around and started walking away from the lake. Despite the fact that he loved hunting and enjoyed following big prey with packmates, doing it with Kaname was for sure gonna be torturous, but he would do his best, he still had to prove his worth to the queen and the pack, and what better way to do it than showing it to the highest ranked male in the pack?

Game on.

RE: Dark waters - Kaname - August 10, 2014

Yes. http://wolf-rpg.com/showthread.php?tid=2110 http://wolf-rpg.com/showthread.php?tid=2394 They calmed down a bit, but they come back when he's stressful or angry. :P Oh! How's about Keith messes up when they hunt and the prey gets away!

The assassin hid a smug smile as the youth begrudgingly accepted his offer. Like he had any choice otherwise. Kaname was a high-ranking member of Ouroboros and Keith wasstill at the bottom of the totem pole. The dark male chuffed softly and walked up to Keith's side.

"I spotted a herd of deer not too far from the lake." He began, pointing in the direction of where he last saw the herd. "A large herd, at about 15 does and fawns. Should be easy prey."

RE: Dark waters - Bane - August 10, 2014

Oh no don't make me do that :(
It's unlikely actually, he's a really good hunter..

The older male was following, and he made it clear by completely taking over the boy's hunt. I spotted a herd of deer.. Should be easy prey.. He mocked in his thoughts. He was so pissed off by Kaname's prescence, and he didn't even had a good reason to feel that way about him.. Yes, he interrupted him and Cara, but was that the only reason he hated him that much? Or was there something else?... Was that envy?

"Any stags?" He asked playing along. If he was gonna do this with Kaname he was gonna do it right. He needed to take his problems away and focus on the hunt. Focus. He slowed down to let Kaname take lead, he was on a higher rank after all, Keith couldn't pretend to boss him around. Whatever. He sniffed the air to see if he could catch the scent of the herd Kaname was talking about.

RE: Dark waters - Kaname - August 11, 2014

Ok. Hm... *brain fart* How should Kaname and Keith start fighting then? If they fight at all.

"Yes, but they're young. It's probably their first or second year with antlers." There seemed to be no old bucks in sight. Whether it was because none had claimed the herd yet, or they were chased off by one of the younger ones could not be discerned. Either way, they had no experienced males to deal with, giving them an advantage.

He could smell their scent in the gentle morning breeze. His ears perked, listening for any sign of them moving. Deer liked to wake early to move before the wolves do, but this time they could have an advantage if they attacked swiftly. There was no sign of deer moving, so Kaname turned back to Keith. "It sounds like they're still asleep, but we should go ahead and make sure." He started walking to the left, stopping and gesturing for Keith to go the opposite way.

RE: Dark waters - Bane - August 13, 2014

No stags? Too easy. The silver prince was eager to prove his talents so he didn't think twice before doing what Kaname told him, he walked to his right with his head low and slowly stepping making sure he didn't make the slightest sound. he could already smell their scent in the air but there were still no sign of movement.a couple pawsteps more and he spotted them between the big trees. He started counting them, many does, some bucks, nothing to worry about, and then there were the small fawns. All together there were 17, most of them spotted.

The boy gave a few more steps ahead but he forgot about his paws and where he was putting them. Some leaves crashed under him but it seemed like the deer didn't notice, "Fuck.." he silently cursed and eyed Kaname to see if he had noticed, he was already slightly far from the boy but the chances were he did hear. He turned to the deer again and now with cautious steps he approached even more, but suddenly, a branch cracked behind him and crashed to the ground making the deer startle and quickly jump away, "SHIT!" he yelled and took off behind them as fast as his swift limbs let him, there was no way they escaped him, not today.

Great, now you made me do it... xD

RE: Dark waters - Kaname - August 13, 2014

The assassin melded into the shadows, barely making a sound as he snuck closer to the herd. Like he said before, the majority of this herd's members were young, most barely out of their spots. His gaze swiped over the still resting deer, trying to make out a weak link in their chain. Unfortunately, it was hard to tell with them sitting down. He tried to get closer, but froze in his tracks when he heard leaves crashing nearby.

His head lifted slightly, glaring at Keith with narrowed angry eyes before sinking back into the undergrowth, prepared to make a sweep around the perimeter. But that was canceled when a branch cracked near Keith, alerting the older members who in turn scared the younger deer to run. Soon the whole herd was running. The young boy cursed before chasing after them. Kaname growled low in his throat, running through the sidelines before he burst out from the shadows, turning the herd.

RE: Dark waters - Bane - August 16, 2014

Sorry, crappy post.. :s

Keith ran as fast as he could, trying to spot a weak target to catch easily. the does were all too healthy to go for them alone, but he saw a couple fawns that ran behind them. He scented their fear, their anxiety. Those were the ones he'd go after, but he was too far behind them to keep the pace for too long.

The young prince started to slow down, he was exhausted, but the dark male burst out of the dark turning the herd, and the yearling took advantage of it and quickened his pace again to lunge for the small fawn he had chosen, pulling it to the ground. The herd kept running, forgetting about the little one left behind. Keith held to the fawn's throat, killing it in a few seconds, and when it stopped moving he let go and turned to Kaname with a successful grin.

"That was easy.." he said between heavy breaths. He chuckled softly and awaited for the other male to come.

RE: Dark waters - Kaname - August 16, 2014

Sorry I double posted. > - > not sure how.

The herd was quick and wellfed. With the advantage that Keith had stupidly given them, they easily evaded the hunter. Kaname snarled, pressing speed. If he couldn't catch one, he could at least mark one for later. The dark wolf lashed out at one of the young bucks, fangs tearing into his haunch. The buck screamed, kicking out. Jumping back to avoid injury, he let the deer go, licking the blood off of his mouth. He would track them later.

He turned to his packmate, who panted over a small fawn. The assassin snarled, striding over to the young male. "You idiot!" he hissed. "What were you doing?! We could have brought something bigger down instead of that scrawny thing." He kicked at the carcass with disdain. "Don't look so smug. Like that is going to feed anyone."

RE: Dark waters - Bane - August 24, 2014

OMG I keep leaving! Someone stop me now please! We need this thread done asap, would you mind if we wrap it up in the next couple posts? I can't keep dragging my threads forever, sorry :s

Hold it in, he's bigger than you, and higher ranked than you, you can't...

But it was useless, A growl escaped the silver boy's snout which shrank to reveal white fangs. The boy couldn't resist it, Kaname got there with an air of arrogance hissing at him, who the hell did he think he was? he lowered his head and drew his ears back, and lashed his tail in an offensive manner, he wasn't gonna put up with this brute's criticism.

"It'll feed ME!" he snarled when the dark male kicked his catch. "I wasn't gonna hunt for anyone but me, and I will eat this, alone, because I caught it, by myself!" he growled again rising his tone with every word he said. This jerk was getting under his skin and the silver prince was starting to get real tired of his shit.

The boy stepped forward to grab his catch's neck and turned around dragging it away from the scene without giving importance to Kaname's reaction, and still proud of his successful catch.

Sorry if that first line is confusing, that's Keith's thoughts there.
And he didn't actually leave yet, he's just walking away..
Fuck I don't really know how to write, I'm terrible...

RE: Dark waters - Kaname - August 24, 2014

No it's ok I understand. O: Yeah we should finish this soon. I'm close to getting the pack done now but the territory still isn't official yet. > _ >

If he was a cat he probably would have hissed angrily as Keith snapped back at him. Him retaliating alone was enough to get him demoted. But now that he was walking away, it infuriated him more. Kaname snarled, tail raising high above his back, his ears shoved forward and fangs bared. He was truly pissed. If anyone had known him for a very long time, they would have been scared, since Kaname is not one to show his inner emotions much, especially not the strong ones.

The assassin intercepted Keith, standing in front of him, his head raised above him. "You selfish brat." He snarled. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. You hunt for the pack first and then yourself." The assassin rarely gave his loyalty to others, but he had grown fond of the pack. That Keith was being this selfish was pissing him off, fueling the anger and frustration that had been growing in him ever since Jinx had gone mad.

RE: Dark waters - Bane - August 24, 2014

I think this guy was already in the upper tier when this thread started so I'm gonna let him enjoy his ephemeral five seconds of undeserved high social status

The dark male stepped in front of him blocking his way. Keith dropped the body and slowly lifted his head to meet Kaname's eyes with his. He curled his lips enough to let him see the white tips of his sharp fangs and softly growled trying to contain himself from attacking the older male. "Move" he demanded with slow movements of his lips.

Maybe Kaname was on a higher rank, yeah; but the silver boy had climbed the ranks at a incredibly fast rate since he joined, hadn't he proved yet that he wasn't a selfish brat, wasn't it enough proof that the boy wasn't that any more but a grownup man?

"I am no gamekeeper." he snarled locking his gaze with Kaname's. "Move" He lashed his tail rising it just below Kaname's in an irreverent manner. He owed no explanations to Kaname, he wasn't no one to be bossing the silver prince around.

RE: Dark waters - Kaname - August 24, 2014

Using PP here with Anthony's consent for anyone reading

The fact that Keith thought he had authority over him made him both angry and amused. Not only was he three years younger than him, Kaname was still a higher rank than the silver brat. The yearling snarled at him to move, and Kaname did, though not in the way Keith intended.

The assassin swiftly darted forward his jaws digging into Keith's neck, right above his vitals. Snarling, he used the momentum of the attack to push Keith down onto the ground. Digging his fangs into the silver male's flesh he tasted blood for a brief moment. Kaname loosened his grip, only to speak scathingly to the challenger. "Don't you dare think that you supersede me, Keith." He hissed, muffled.

RE: Dark waters - Bane - August 25, 2014

Yup, seems like a good place to end it, if you'd like :)

The dark brute lunged over the silver boy with the strength of a bison. With a hurtful screech the boy hit the ground and fiercely pushed Kaname with his front and hind paws to try and loosen his grip. Eventually the older male let go off him only to hiss at the yearling who lay on the ground with his neck covered in blood. He didn't speak, there was nothing to say, the man was older that him and was on a higher rank after all, he had no choice but submit pulling his ears back and looking away.

From their first encounter Keith refused to accept Kaname as a superior, he wouldn't submit to the male unless he earned the yearling's respect, and now he had. Keith would never again look at him in the eye, no matter how big their differences were, the boy was no longer the silver prince of the north, he was merely the Eta of the Ouroboros pack, there was no place for his arrogance there and he'd have to learn it the hard way.

The boy eventually stood up, never addressing the older male but looking down and keeping his tail and ears low. He didn't say a word, he just stood there waiting for his superior to make a move.

RE: Dark waters - Kaname - August 25, 2014

Yep! Thanks for the thread!

With the insubordination of the younger male quelled, Kaname stood tall. His head and tail were high, though there was no reason for further displays of dominance. The silver male kept his ears and tail low, his white gaze turned away from the dark male.

He licked the drops of blood from his maw before snatching up the fawn's carcass. Without saying another word, he walked away to find one of the pack's caches and deposit the body, satisfied that his authority was no longer questioned.


RE: Dark waters - Bane - August 26, 2014

Alright ;) PM me when you're ready for the next one. Oh, and thanks to you too :)

The silver boy kept his gaze low as the Dark male took away his catch, but as much as he wanted to come back at him and get a good piece himself he stayed still until Kaname was far enough to make a safe move. He grunted and gave a few steps forward only to realize that his left hind paw was ache too.. Great, a shredded throat and a broken ankle... "Thanks, jerk..." he hissed at the now indistinguishable shape in the distant.

He walked away with his ego shattered and blood dropping from his neck. Maybe one day he'd get a chance to show the brute what he was capable of, he would be too old one day and the silver yearling would be waiting for the right moment to put him where he belonged, beneath him, like everyone else.