Wolf RPG
Noctisardor Bypass He really threw the staplegun - Printable Version

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He really threw the staplegun - Arbiter - December 31, 2019

Deer were like ghosts.  They felt like they were there just on the edge of consciousness, ethereal even though she knew they weren't.  Here, though, she'd finally found something a bit more real.  That part was good.  The bad part was this trail was about three days old and it was already looping back out to the north of the territory.  It was like the animal had ducked in minutes after Arbiter had last walked through and then fled when she'd looked over her shoulder once -- only thing was it would have needed to be invisible at the time.

She had paused and now stood looking off towards where the hoofprints disappeared towards the borders, nostrils flared.  Too late, but it was a good sign.  Perhaps if they didn't push too hard it would become bolder and then they'd be eating venison in not too long.  For now, she would have to wait.  She paused, then looked back over her shoulder.  This would have been a convenient time for one of her too-curious children to show up, but she didn't see them this time.

So close.

RE: He really threw the staplegun - Fern - January 12, 2020

it'd been so long since she'd last seen a deer, really, as if that explained it. it had been in front of her quite suddenly, really, baleful dark stare fixed on her as the pair set eyes on each other from across the glade. fern had quite suddenly frozen, an "oh!" escaping her before she could stop it. 

it was all the deer needed to step back toward the wood, seeking to make just as quickly an exit as it had appeared. instinct kicks in a moment or so later, delayed by her surprise. then she's tumbling down the easy incline, after the deer (which starts rather badly) and making for the things heels. then she's running it back the way it came, sharp barks and snaps towards the flying heels of the doe effective at driving its direction, at least. it could probably lose her fairly easily in a clearing, but in the woods neither has the distinct advantage.

RE: He really threw the staplegun - Arbiter - January 13, 2020

'Cause of timelines, either Arbiter needs to not be involved in the successful catching of a deer if set at the time of original posting, or it needs to be brought forward in time to nowish. Got an opinion on which? :D  Cut the post off a little awkwardly because of that, haha.

She wandered. How long would it be for full herds to return? Winter was bleak on a good day, so how would it be in a month? Would there be the earliest signs of new life or would it be just as empty as it was now? She didn't like the hints, she didn't like the guessing -- just make it obvious and she'd be much more content, no matter which was the answer.

With a sigh that she could see pluming out at the end of her muzzle, she was about to turn back towards the lake when a sound caught her ear. Barking? It was still a fair distance off, but not so far. Curious, Arbiter trotted forward, through the clearer area at the valley's mouth.  She was out in the open, plainly visible to all who came by.

Whatever was going on, it sounded quite raucous, barking, clattering, the whole nine yards. Still, she wasn't expecting anything to come of it -- just an ordinary curiosity or something that she best not get involved in, probably. Except what burst from the bushes was first a deer! They do exist! And then the loud creature behind was particularly odd looking for a wolf so let's be real, 80% of her attention was on the deer. That and a tiny bit of judgement wondering whether that was a hunt or whether that wolf was chasing off prey with all the commotion they were making.

There was that moment where she froze, that half second while her brain clicked through whether it would be worth it -- whether the deer would be herded towards her or away. One was worth the effort, the other was not.