Wolf RPG
Wapun Meadow God is the Friend of Silence - Printable Version

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God is the Friend of Silence - Ellie - August 08, 2014

@Fox I'm dumb and forgot Fox moved to BDP so this has become open to anyone. >.<

Ellie had no idea how long she had been traveling east away from the ocean, but it had been at least a few weeks. She was slow and didn't care to move quickly because what was the point in that? All it did was tire her out, and she was a grumpy bitch when she was tired. She had just enough skill in hunting and running away to survive as a wolf, but her instinct to fight was mellow, and this included her instinct to travel quickly and with a purpose.

Now here she was in this meadow on this partly cloudy, cool morning and the flowers looked grey to her. The pasture was silent. Even the birdsong was muted and sounded far away. There was a slight breeze that didn't even ruffle her tawny coat, but she wasn't, in truth, paying any attention to the weather. She was too bored and tired for that. Bored and tired... those were words that seemed to fit her all the time. Not that she cared. With a huff, she slumped down into the grass and flowers, sneezed, and then got comfortable and closed her eyes for a nap...

RE: God is the Friend of Silence - Syver - August 15, 2014

Takes place before he arrives at Stavanger Bay so it makes sense. So he's kind of like a lone wolf now, if thats okay. :) Hover for translations!

The white prince had been traveling for a few months by now, after his father had kicked him out of the pack. It had been a few weeks since he arrived at this place, he had walked by many packs, most that did not suit him well. One, because they weren't near the sea, two because they weren't near the sea and three because none of them spoke ancient Norse. He spoke English too, of course but a pack with at least one wolf that spoke it would be better than none.

His current plan was to travel and find all or most of the packs in this area, find which one has a wolf that speaks Norse if none then travel the packs again and find which one suits him best. If none, then continue traveling. For a moment, his cold expression transformed into a scowl but as quick as it came, it was gone.

It was morning by the time he arrived in a meadow, there was a slight breeze and the air was cool. It was cloudy, a perfect day for a long distance travel. White paws crunch through the grass and flowers, cold sapphire gaze scanning the area in front of him and stopped.

The ivory Scandinavian stared in disbelief, there waas a wolf, a female lying on the grass and flowers. She was alive not dead, probably sleeping. Didn't she know how dangerous it was? He could have killed her right now but it might ruin his chance to go Valhalla. To kill for no apparent reason. His expression was cold but still regal as he growled in Norse hvat eru þú gera hér stelpa?" If she was asleep, she was sure to wake up now.

RE: God is the Friend of Silence - Ellie - August 15, 2014

Thanks for joining! I was afraid I'd have to dead thread this! Also, I have NO IDEA where this weird post came from. Lol.

Ellie did not, in fact, awaken at the white wolf's growling words. They were not loud enough to wake her up, so all she did was end up incorporating them into the weird dream she was having about a fluffy white cloud talking to her in some sort of gibberish language. She fidgeted in her sleep, even going so far as to sit up, gaze with unseeing eyes at the wolf who had spoken, mumble a few incoherencies, and then tumble back to the meadow floor, half-disappearing in the long grass.

Back in her dream, the cloud continued to speak as she stared up at it in the sky. She asked it what it was saying, since she didn't understand its odd speech, and it responded by sounding remarkably like one of her own growly sounds (which she was making without knowing it, since she was -- y'know -- asleep). Then the cloud started moving away from her, so she got up to follow. Back in the real world, her body rose on sleeping paws and walked a few feet to the right, before mumbling again and falling to the ground with a loud snore.

RE: God is the Friend of Silence - Syver - August 15, 2014

LOL xD Also apologies for Syver being extremely mean.

The ivory prince stared, his expression remained the same. Cold and regal, although amusement flickered beneath the facade. He watched as she fidgeted and sat up, staring at him with unseeing eyes and muttered some words before slumping down on the floor of the meadow again. He did not speak as she began making some weird growly sounds, he followed her as she rose up onto her paws, walked a few feet to the right. Began mumbling nonsense and falling to the ground again with a snore.

Deciding it was time to wake her up, he kicked her sleeping once with his front paw and growled, louder than before Viltu að deyja? Hvað í nafni Óðinn ert þú að gera hér!ek skilja. ek vita ek munu eiga við sanna sjálfur." his expression was cold and regal, sapphire blue gaze icy as he waited for her response. She was extremely lucky that he did not immediately kill her, but it would displease Odin and he might not be able to reach Valhalla.

Þú ert heimskur, stelpa." He did not think of himself as rude, he was a viking and such was the way of his people. She would do well to remember that not everyone would just leave her sleeping peacefully.