Wolf RPG
can pms remove their own trades? - Printable Version

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can pms remove their own trades? - Bhediya - January 09, 2020

i know we need to have someone else reward a trade, but can we remove them ourselves?

RE: can pms remove their own trades? - Arcturus - January 12, 2020

While I personally don't have a problem with this and trust everyone, I think for the sake of consistency, that no one should ever be updating the trades they have themselves. That way there's no confusion and no chance of something being missed.. but I'll defer to what the other CMs think on this, since it's kind of situational! <3

RE: can pms remove their own trades? - RIP Kaertok - January 12, 2020

I'm in agreement with Lauren on this one. Requesting in maintenance is the way to go. ^__^