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Blacktail Deer Plateau in the shape of a heart - Printable Version

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in the shape of a heart - RIP Fox - August 08, 2014

This one's for @Blue Willow!

Although several of her past days had been spent outside the plateau's borders, Fox kept close to home today. Not for any reason in particular, but she did know that it was important to keep tabs on what was going on where she lived, slept, and led. She was still mildly suspicious that Atticus's "condition" was contagious, but the longer time went on, the more she trusted that Blue had been correct in thinking that it was merely a head injury of some kind. Fox could only hope that his head injury did not turn into what Haunter's invisible illness had: death.

Not because she had any personal connection to the male, but because so many wolves on the plateau did. Had he still been well, Atticus would have been an equal to her. Unfortunately, he had been all but unresponsive. It was a wonder they were even able to get him to eat. Most of his time seemed to be spent staring into space with the same blank stare. It made Fox uneasy, and she avoided him for that reason. Instead, the girl found herself meandering about the pack lands, sniffing at this and that as she did so.

RE: in the shape of a heart - Blue Willow - August 10, 2014

Blue strode from the den having spent a good chunk of time taking care of Atticus, trying to get him to respond in some way and he didn't. She took care of him though to the best of her abilities refusing to give up on him, she wouldn't, couldn't do that to him. He meant far to much to her and the plateau. However, she needed some time to refresh herself to cry maybe a little away from prying eyes. It hurt her to have him not respond, and though she knew he couldn't help it, it still hurt. And she worried for his head and his brain, a fall like that well there was nothing they could do, but care for him and wait and watch. he would either become responsive eventually again, after the whatever inside had time to heal or his body would shut down and he's slowly suffocate. It was scary, but she was doing her best to keep a stiff upper lip.

She found herself on the far side of the pack lands, and she sat leaning large body against a tree and there she let herself feel everything and feel the self pity and the longing and the pain and everything else swirl and swim until it was all there for the world to see in the form of tracks down the femmes face. She simply sat then, emotionally spent and heart broken.

RE: in the shape of a heart - RIP Fox - August 10, 2014

Without really meaning to, Fox had picked up on Blue Willow's scent. Before long, she was just a few yards away from the decidedly depressed looking Alpha. Fox paused, wondering if it was a good idea to approach. She let out a sigh, wondering what she would have done if something like that had happened to Peregrine. Something like that had happened to Haunter, and it had changed her life drastically. Granted, there were other factors, but Fox figured her life would have changed anyway. Haunter's... state of mind, even before he had passed on, was anything but stable. Fox wasn't sure she would have let him back into the creek if he had been like Atticus, though. What good was dead weight that needed to be fed? Needed to be watered? Did Atticus even get up to pee, or did he just piss and shit himself all day? Fox didn't want to know.

Eventually, the young leader called out. “You want… company?” she asked. Fox knew that she wasn't the best company to be had, especially when it came to Blue Willow, but they were pack-mates, fellow leaders, and Fox knew it was the right thing to ask. The yearling took a hesitant step forward.

RE: in the shape of a heart - Blue Willow - August 10, 2014

Blue lifted green eyes as she scented a new scent on the wind and she turned face towards Fox. She saw the girl debating with herself probably whether or not to approach, but deciding that she would indeed like company even if it was the red furred fire wolf, she hoped the girl would decide to speak to her.

Blue smiled a little blearily and dipped her muzzle. I'm sorry yes that would be fine. What you must think of me being here all dejected. I'm sorry for our spat the other day fox. then she fell silent remembered the girl did not like much dialogue and to be honest Blue for once in her life did not feel the urge to fill the air with words.

RE: in the shape of a heart - RIP Fox - August 10, 2014

Fox shrugged off the apology. “It’s not like it came out of nowhere,” she replied. “I was pretty surprised when Peregrine offered me what he did… I was ready to blaze my own path elsewhere. Or get myself killed.” Fox hadn't gotten her way; not really. A place at the leadership table was a compromise when he had been unwilling to move his family elsewhere. His reasoning still didn't make perfect sense to her, but Fox was, if anything, adaptable.

“You and Atticus… you guys were a thing?” she asked. Perhaps they had been a "thing" like she and Haunter had been. In the midst of a courtship that had lasted too long and ended miserably. Fox blinked the thought away, not wishing to see his corpse in her mind's eye.

RE: in the shape of a heart - Blue Willow - August 11, 2014

Blue smiled softly, in amusement foolish and rash, though Peregrine can be rash as well. Perhaps I am just too level headed sometimes. She fell silent again and shifted so the girl could approach and sit if she wished.

Blue's smile turned sad and she nodded yes we were courting taking things slow before we became completely husband and wife, mostly because I am far traditional in that sense and we both were trying to be respectful. I miss him. He was there, but he wasn't there. And it bothered her, she missed him. Even though he was there in body and she could curl up next to him at night, he didn't seem to be there in mind.

RE: in the shape of a heart - RIP Fox - August 11, 2014

Fox took a seat beside Blue Willow when the dark wolf offered it. She wondered if taking things slow really was the "traditional" way of doing things. It seemed Peregrine and Hawkeye had gotten together relatively fast, and Fox's own parents hadn't given it a second thought. They had merely met, decided that they were compatible, and run off together to have children. Making babies was what it was all about back home... but Fox was beginning to wonder if she was the oddball out in that regard. Her time spent at the creek had been scouting out prospects, and while that side of it had been taking time, she had known at once with Haunter. Then again, Fox often made decisions based on instinct rather than logic.

“Did you ever meet his daughter, Bones?” asked Fox. It didn't occur to her that Blue might not even know about his bastard children (or that it might upset her). After meeting the bitch who had whelped Bones and her siblings (were any of them still alive?), Fox couldn't believe that Blue Willow was the woman he had been courting. The yearling had been something of a warden for the young Bones, although she'd always treated her more like an adult and less like a ward. So many had berated Fox for putting Bones and other juveniles in danger, and yet they hardly batted an eye when pups that age were doing something equally dangerous for the pack, such as fending off cougars. Perhaps they just had different views on what counted as an adult.

RE: in the shape of a heart - Blue Willow - August 11, 2014

Blue did not know what was traditional and what was not. Instinctual you went for the male or female that would give you the best children, the ones that would be hardy and survive and usually that was the alpha male or female. However, she was a different type of wolf, not sure where she fit in the group. She did not fit easily in any shaped box. So perhaps she was a breed all her own.

Blue's lips twitched and then she chuckled That I did one time, she was a fiery little girl. I didn't ever find out what happened to her. I suppose she went home. My understanding is that that was a liason induced heavily with mushrooms and lust and estrus...but i could be wrong. I think though that we can love more than once in this life if it is needed. Every wolf that comes our way leaves something behind. She shrugged then unsure what else to say about that.

RE: in the shape of a heart - RIP Fox - August 13, 2014

Lulz, I think this thread was supposed to be about leadership stuff, but it's totally not going that direction (and I can't see a reason why Fox would ask about it). Maybe Blue can bring it up somehow?

So Blue Willow didn't know. Fox wondered if Atticus even knew where his bastard child was right now. Soon after it had happened, Fox had informed Peregrine of the... incident, but perhaps other, more important things had taken precedence. “Bones was kidnapped a few months back,” Fox replied flatly, “I told Peregrine, but... I wonder if Atticus even knows...” Well, he probably didn't know anything right now, given his current mental state. But had he ever known the fate of his daughter? Surely Peregrine would have told him.

Fox shook her head to get rid of the plethora of questions that began forming there. “Wasn’t one of his other kids living here?” she asked. Fox vaguely remembered Peregrine saying something about the child, although she couldn't remember the specifics. It felt like a lifetime ago. Was he or she still around? Did Bones's sibling even know that she'd been taken, and were the Tortuga wolves on the lookout for him or her, too?

RE: in the shape of a heart - Blue Willow - August 13, 2014

Blue tilted her head and spoke softly I’m sure that Peregrine told him. Blue listened and then she wondered at it. Did this happen when Fox was leader then too, was this another show of irresponsibility and foolishness or did she do her best to get the girl back at the time. And what did you do as a leader to try and get her back? I am merely curious. Blue was curious, but she was also weighing the answer, having been thinking of stepping down since Atticus got hurt, to take care of him more. He required around the clock care, and she was becoming spread rather thinly, and she was loathe to put such responsibility on a girl that was clearly foolish and rash and was in need of work in the leadership department.

Blue nodded her head thinking Yes Kraken, but I never met him I just know he was here. She had seen him lurking, but never spoke with the youth, not once a thing she deeply regretted.

RE: in the shape of a heart - RIP Fox - August 13, 2014

Ooo, now I can use this toward my chronicler mastery!

Fox could tell at once that it was a test. Blue wanted to know how she acted under pressure. Thankfully, despite not getting Bones back to them, Fox really had done everything that she could have without risking the safety of her pack. The yearling began to tell the story of that fateful night as best as she could remember it. “I heard a struggle in the middle of the night. A few Tortuga wolves, including Bones’s mother, Cutlass, came to take her away.” Fox spat the woman's name with disgust. “I got there as quickly as I could, and there was a brief standoff. It was clear that Bones wanted to stay at the creek, her home. When Cutlass began to use force, we fought them, tooth and nail.” It had been anything but pretty.

“We killed two, maybe three of their own, and the other one became our captive, but he could give us no more information. I couldn’t leave the creek, and I couldn’t just send one or two wolves to go after her; Tortuga is a large, powerful, and ruthless pack. Fighting against the whole of them would mean defeat and death.” Cutthroat had proven himself useless as an informant (thought he had been good eye candy), though a worthy pack-mate. It was, perhaps, the only good thing to come out of the whole ordeal. Fox still couldn't see what Atticus had seen in the nasty, ugly wench. At least Fox had ripped off a good portion of her skin when she'd gotten away.

RE: in the shape of a heart - Blue Willow - August 13, 2014

Blue listened to the whole tale without a word, her quiet contemplation enough to show that she was thinking. it sounds as if you did everything you could have. Fox I have found myself in a quandary and I do this with a heavy heart as well as a ultimatum? Perhaps is the word. Blue stopped speaking brushing her tail across the ground. I am willing to step down from the alpha position on one condition. She took a deep breath, feeling sick to her stomach, she did not want to hand the reins over to the girl, but she also needed too for the sake of her own sanity and the health of her love. that one conditions is that I can take it back if I find you unfit or at the very least I have a free pass to call you on your crap. I apologize I do not like crass language. I am merely doing this because I am needed elsewhere and I need to be healthy too.

Blue Grew quiet and wondered what else she could say that Fox would actually listen too, she had found that the girl did not have time for conversation to much and she preferred others to be as blunt as possible, whether it was because she was really that thick or she just didn’t like it Blue did not know. I normally would have given you some time for me to get used to you especially given our first unofficial meeting, but I find that I am needed elsewhere and I do not have the time to do that. I have always planned on stepping down, now i just have to do it sooner rather than later.

RE: in the shape of a heart - RIP Fox - August 13, 2014

For once in her life, Fox listened. Perhaps it was because she truly cared about what she was hearing from Blue. It seemed that her problem was not exactly listening... it was listening to things she did not wish to hear. The yearling couldn't help but be amused that Blue thought the word "crap" was crass language. Fox had said and heard far, far worse things in her short span of life. She had expected Blue's question to be a test, for sure, but she had not expected it to be an offer to switch places. The yearling did not allow her surprise to show, keeping a steady, even expression throughout Blue's speech.

“I’ll accept,” Fox replied, “on the condition that you let me know what your expectations are.” It was hard to live up to any expectations if she did not know what they were. Fox was taking a page right out of her own book and practicing what she had only just preached to Kaihra a day or two ago. “You don’t have to answer right now; it’s a loaded question, and as I’m sure you’ve noticed, I’m not that great at retaining information given in large chunks. Just promise me that you won't expect something out of me that isn't obvious or you haven't already told me about.”

RE: in the shape of a heart - Blue Willow - August 13, 2014

Fox actually listened to Blue and she was pleased that she was. She had been afraid that she wouldn’t listen, when it was truly important what she had to say. Perhaps some of her thoughts about the girl were misguided. Blue smiled crap was not exactly crass language, but it was coarser than the femme usually used.

Blue thought about it and spoke softly My expectations for now are that you treat everyone fairly, you do not act before you think at least work on that anyway. That maybe hard at first. her maw twitched into a small smile. She was merely teasing in that way, though she did expect at least some thinking before she was acting. Anything else I will approach you first to talk about it, before I make any judgements deal? Blue twitched her nose for a moment. That is all for now. Well then welcome to our home Fox as Alpha. Blue smiled softly then wondering if they needed to call Peregrine or if it was fine not too. After all it was her position she could give it up if she wished oculdn’t she?

RE: in the shape of a heart - RIP Fox - August 13, 2014

We can fade out here? And Fox/Blue can tell @Peregrine behind the scenes?

It was fair enough, and although Fox felt she would be watched at every turn, she was thankful to have more support here than she'd ever had in the creek. Back there, she was supposed to be the role model, but she'd been far too young. With Peregrine and Blue Willow here to keep her in check, she just might not screw this one up. Perhaps she had learned from her "mistakes" in some way or another. What a novel idea. In a gesture of kindness and thankfulness, Fox moved forward and rubbed her head against Blue's shoulder. While not the most verbally affectionate wolf, Fox did care for her pack-mates. Especially those who were willing to give her a chance when, quite frankly, she didn't deserve one.

“Let’s go tell Perry,” Fox said, swishing her tail from side-to-side. “Unless you’d rather look after Atticus… then I can tell him.” Fox felt that it would sound better coming from Blue, but she was eager to get the news to him anyway. The twice-again Alpha stood then, readying herself to leave with or without the twice-again Beta.

RE: in the shape of a heart - Blue Willow - August 14, 2014

Blue was surprised at the gesture, but she enjoyed it none the less. It was nice to be on even footing now with the fiery red furred femme that had Peregrine wrapped around her paw. Now perhaps it wouldn't be so difficult for her to allow leadership as long as the girl did as she promised.

Blue chuckled as she got to her feet and gave a small smile lead the way then Fox, I will take care of Atticus on my return. She fell into step behind the clearly excited femme. She was excited for her excitement, even if it came at the loss of her own position, she was still a leader though in a sense.