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Suggestion: Mercenary Specialty Addition - Printable Version

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Suggestion: Mercenary Specialty Addition - Lavender1 - January 21, 2020

"Major focus is on offensive fighting and training, and escorting important pack members outside the pack territory on official business."

Personally, I feel as though the bolded porition of the description could be made a specialty of it's own—a Escort or Chaperone?? When I think of Warrior, I tend to think of a figther. Guardians—per the description given in the official Trades & Specialties thread—are " defensive fighting and controlling and refreshing the borders" or more-so bound to the pack boundaries. I think that it'd be great to have an option for Mercenaries who travel around, protect, and aren't as bound to the territory as others. 

With Mercenaries being one of the more popular trades on the board, adding more variety might be something fun and inspiring! Just thinking out loud here—feel free to let me know of your thoughts and I hope this all makes sense!!

RE: Suggestion: Mercenary Specialty Addition - Bhediya - January 21, 2020

i like this! but for the title, maybe...not escort

RE: Suggestion: Mercenary Specialty Addition - Lavender1 - January 21, 2020

(January 21, 2020, 02:49 PM)Bhediya Wrote: i like this! but for the title, maybe...not escort

Fair enough! Any suggestions for another word? Attendant, maybe? Aide?

RE: Suggestion: Mercenary Specialty Addition - Bhediya - January 21, 2020

Lavender dateline='[url=tel:1579636222' Wrote: 1579636222[/url]']
Bhediya dateline='[url=tel:1579636151' Wrote: 1579636151[/url]']
i like this! but for the title, maybe...not escort

bodyguard? it's similar to guardian though
i also like chaperone :)

Fair enough! Any suggestions for another word? Attendant, maybe? Aide?

RE: Suggestion: Mercenary Specialty Addition - Lavender1 - January 21, 2020

Oh, I love Chaperone!

RE: Suggestion: Mercenary Specialty Addition - Towhee - January 21, 2020

Disclaimer: I'm weighing in as a fellow player vs a staff member...

I feel as though the part of the description you highlighted could simply be moved to Guardian vs Warrior, especially since it is a "bodyguard" sort of duty.

RE: Suggestion: Mercenary Specialty Addition - Lavender1 - January 21, 2020

(January 21, 2020, 02:55 PM)Towhee Wrote: Disclaimer: I'm weighing in as a fellow player vs a staff member...

I feel as though the part of the description you highlighted could simply be moved to Guardian vs Warrior, especially since it is a "bodyguard" sort of duty.

Another good point!

RE: Suggestion: Mercenary Specialty Addition - Nieve - January 21, 2020

I think those tasks were originally lumped in with Warrior to give it a little more distinction from Guardian and a little more substance than just pure fighting, in the way that Guardian also has border maintenance as a duty. I like it being part of the Warrior duties, personally, for that variety. It could stand on its own, too, but I don't think Warrior stands on its own as a distinct specialty if it's nothing but just picking fights.

I think it would make more sense to combine the current Warrior and Guardian specialties under just the title of Warrior and make the Guardian specialty into this bodyguard/escort/merc for hire type distinction (or vice versa) than it would to make a fourth specialty that further dilutes the other three, but that's just my less-is-more opinion.

RE: Suggestion: Mercenary Specialty Addition - Andraste - January 21, 2020

Cavalier? 0:

Lavender dateline='[url=tel:1579636222' Wrote: 1579636222[/url]']
Bhediya dateline='[url=tel:1579636151' Wrote: 1579636151[/url]']
i like this! but for the title, maybe...not escort

Fair enough! Any suggestions for another word? Attendant, maybe? Aide?

RE: Suggestion: Mercenary Specialty Addition - Maegi - January 21, 2020

(January 21, 2020, 02:58 PM)Nieve Wrote: I think those tasks were originally lumped in with Warrior to give it a little more distinction from Guardian and a little more substance than just pure fighting, in the way that Guardian also has border maintenance as a duty. I like it being part of the Warrior duties, personally, for that variety. It could stand on its own, too, but I don't think Warrior stands on its own as a distinct specialty if it's nothing but just picking fights.

I think it would make more sense to combine the current Warrior and Guardian specialties under just the title of Warrior and make the Guardian specialty into this bodyguard/escort/merc for hire type distinction (or vice versa) than it would to make a fourth specialty that further dilutes the other three, but that's just my less-is-more opinion.

Seconding this.

RE: Suggestion: Mercenary Specialty Addition - Lavender1 - January 21, 2020

Oh, that makes sense why the escorting porition was added to the warrior specialty! Thanks for the context.

I really like your suggestion for what we could do—combinging warrior and guardian to make room for the new "bodyguard" trade. I think that would be a great compromise. :D 

(January 21, 2020, 02:58 PM)Nieve Wrote: I think those tasks were originally lumped in with Warrior to give it a little more distinction from Guardian and a little more substance than just pure fighting, in the way that Guardian also has border maintenance as a duty. I like it being part of the Warrior duties, personally, for that variety. It could stand on its own, too, but I don't think Warrior stands on its own as a distinct specialty if it's nothing but just picking fights.

I think it would make more sense to combine the current Warrior and Guardian specialties under just the title of Warrior and make the Guardian specialty into this bodyguard/escort/merc for hire type distinction (or vice versa) than it would to make a fourth specialty that further dilutes the other three, but that's just my less-is-more opinion.

RE: Suggestion: Mercenary Specialty Addition - Lavender1 - January 21, 2020

Another good option! 0:

(January 21, 2020, 03:15 PM)Andraste Wrote: Cavalier? 0:

Lavender dateline='[url=tel:1579636222' Wrote: 1579636222']
Bhediya dateline='[url=tel:1579636151' Wrote: 1579636151']
i like this! but for the title, maybe...not escort

Fair enough! Any suggestions for another word? Attendant, maybe? Aide?