Wolf RPG
Pledged rank problem - Printable Version

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Pledged rank problem - Dawn - January 22, 2020

there seems to be a problem when switch pledged ranks; when leaving their current pledge in order to join another, characters go inactive. ei. @Moony needs to be switched from empyrean to whitebark stream, but attempting to do so made her inactive. since this could potentially affect the activity counter/pack formation, I thought I'd bring it up here!

RE: Pledged rank problem - Arcturus - January 22, 2020

Hi! I mentioned this in chat but posting here for posterity too <3

The Pledged group is set up similar to how packs are, with ranks being whatever the current greenlit forming packs are. So, if your character had a change of heart and was in Empyrean but now wants to pledge to WBS, CMs would just swap your rank from Empyrean to WBS, without you needing to leave the usergroup. So if this happens again or anyone else needs to swap allegiances, go ahead and post a request to be added to a different pledged rank in the Maintenance thread and we can take care of it for you. <3