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Two Rivers Isle a painful truth. - Printable Version

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a painful truth. - Asa - January 23, 2020

He spent the day after the fated encounter on the road - how unremarkable of him, falling in to the usual pattern despite the disruption that was Niamh. A good disruption... But now he was set in his task. He could not dally, or so he told himself, because Asa was still invested in his hunt. The snow crunched underfoot as he marched along across the open expanse, nearing a slow-moving river. He spied thin sheets of ice in some spots and let out a sigh, his breath a dragon's plume. It would take some effort to locate a safe passageway across this river. Was it worth the energy? Any choice he made at this point was a gamble and that, deep down, was the real issue.

He thought of backtracking for a few hours to seek out the golden woman. Her warmth had been a welcome reprieve from winter's chill. Perhaps he could learn something from her - or her people, he mused. She had been a pack-born wolf, someone native. Who would know more about this land and its people than someone born upon its soil? There were faults in that logic; Asa could not know for sure if she was truly native to this region nor could he expect a random fling to be of use in tracking someone down. It was his own fault for not taking heed of his mother's stories as a boy.

Then, he thought of Humility. He had tried not to think about her for such a long time, so when the vision of her round face and cheerful laughter surfaced in his mind - corporeal enough to transform the whistling wind in to her soft voice - he was briefly gripped by his grief. His rage came next... and he had to stop his hiking to catch his breath, flustered as he was by the memory.

RE: a painful truth. - Miriam - January 26, 2020

Miriam heard the callings that the Goddess had sent, the signs of a fortunate path that could be laid, if she followed the magic. Thankfull to her Goddess, for laying these signs of the forseen, for she may hopefully have an enlightened path. Though it was a wonder what would she be given, for what the magic would be. Only a faint whisper of the wind, was she given the sign, but now she was dedicated to find what was sent. The lilac beauty however, been at the same place for a few weeks.

Though all what was lain, was peace itself. There was food and there was life, but there was none other then herself. When she smelled a possible wolf, she thought that was the sign itself. Her heart thumped, and while excited, she must remain patient. Slowly did the maiden follow to where the other was, a tail following behind the doll-like face, as she approached the other in hope to the signs of magic.

RE: a painful truth. - Asa - January 28, 2020

The sounds of someone moving through the wilderness did not cease when he ceased; this was enough of an oddity to rouse Asa from his deleterious thoughts. He need not think of his dead sister, his heartbroken mother, when there were more immediate concerns to address.

The pounding of his racing pulse did begin to ebb, which made the approaching wolf all that easier to detect — and when he turned to stare at the path behind himself, he hoped to see the golden woman. Instead he was met with the pale eyes - and pale everything else - of a young woman. She was soft in every sense: a blushing coat, starlit eyes, and distinct lack of aggression. She was, in a sense, the opposite of everything he'd seen in Niamh. All the same, Asa was pleased to have company.

Hail, he called to her as he turned around, nimbly avoiding a few roots as he closed the distance between them. There was a little over a wolf-length just to be safe. Serene as she appeared, this woman could have been putting on a show to get close to him. One day Asa would not be so suspicious of outsiders, but it wasn't going to happen anytime soon. A few cursory sniffs of the air told Asa everything else he needed to know: that she was a rogue, like himself. Unmoored by any allegiance. What use was she, then, in his hunt?

RE: a painful truth. - Miriam - January 28, 2020

Miriam blinked at him, not understanding the phrase 'hail,' but assumed he meant a sort of acknowledgement of her presence, but beyond that, she could not tell. Though he was alone as she was, she smelled none upon his pelt, and neither was there more around. Only him, seemed to be at the isle. A handsome man, of browns and creams, color unlike her own lilac-hued grays.

"I am Miriam, Miriam Iris Willows. A pleasure to meet you." Polite, she would introduce herself with a dip of the head to the man, now finding and facing the unfamiliar one.

RE: a painful truth. - Asa - January 30, 2020

She passes him a confused look, it is brief. When she introduces herself Asa cannot help but wonder at what prompted the introduction; how odd, to find a stranger in the world and immediately draw out such personal details. It was different from what he expected. Not nearly as intriguing as the coy, direct manner of the last woman he encountered. As an after-thought Asa took a breath - scouring the scents he drew in for signs the woman might be ill, or perhaps afflicted by the season's innate magic to pull opposites together. She did not smell like anything beyond the forest, though. Not sick nor in heat.

He could have introduced himself in turn, but chose not to. Better to get a lay of the land - and its people - before committing to such a thing. In his world, giving a name was only to be done if one wished to give up their power; he did not yet feel that sense, not as he had with Niamh, and so he withheld. Instead he regarded the pale woman with a raise of his brow and the only question that came to mind: Are you in need of something, miss? How may I help you.

RE: a painful truth. - Miriam - February 01, 2020

She did not know many led the life of secrecy, she knew it was simple politeness to introduce oneself, but said nothing when he did not. Perhaps it was different lifestyles, but Miriam would not pester, "The Goddess led me here," she spoke the truth, "I came to see what her magic had willed, but I do not know yet."

She felt the calling to the isle, but still the reason was unknown. The signs had stopped, neither telling her to stay or leave; but she did not miss the previous ones. Perhaps destiny had changed, for it wasn't set in stone, and had missed the chance.. She waited for another to be produced, perhaps later offer a prayer to what would be next. For now, she had the chance to meet this gentleman.

"Do you live here?" While she been in the area for a few days, she had no seen him before. There was faint scents of others lingering around, but she never saw them.. Perhaps he was of resident of this area, that the maiden has not met.

RE: a painful truth. - Asa - February 04, 2020

Commentary about some goddess piqued his interest a little, but he did not ask for details. Faith was a big part of Asa's life before he got here and he knew how personal it could be, and as he did not wish to alienate the woman, he remained silent. But his gaze did flicker with understanding; they spoke of magic, and he had to wonder just what kind of deity the woman chose to worship. Maybe if he had probed a little bit with questions he could discover more.

But the woman asked him a question and that brought a small smile to Asa's face, banishing whatever thoughts had begun to fester in his mind. Sort of. I wasn't born here but its become a home, more or less. That was a great answer, idiot. Very grey. Very non-specific. The man sniffed at the air - trying to detect if this woman was a local or not, rather than ask her the question directly, and then added: I'm on a quest actually. But he didn't elucidate on that topic yet, not wanting to bog her down with the grim details of his life since she was a stranger.

RE: a painful truth. - Miriam - February 05, 2020

"A home is where you heart yearns to be." She nodded and understood how the place was charming to become a den of others. She too had come, and entranced by it's beauty in the middle of the creek. A small island seperated from the island, a quiet place for prayers to be, and the silence of Miriam's own magic to appear. The maiden's eyes closed for a moment of peace, as she gave a gentle thank to the Goddess for bringing her to the land.

Though while he wished to not ponder further, she insisted and opened her ghostly gaze to match his, "a quest? What is your quest that is sought for?" Miriam had her own quest as well, and the devils had tried to tempt her so to lure away from what her own heart yearned for. The exploration of the place, but the wolves brought questioned if she should settle, especially toward Firebirds seemed to appear constantly within her small life. Though, she wasn't ready, the maiden still had a few years before then.. However, the Goddess can always pull some strings to give even more choices to what could happen- fate it set, to how you determine it to be.

RE: a painful truth. - Asa - February 07, 2020

He smiles, but the warmth of it does not penetrate far. This woman is appealing for her coat and her soft voice but he does not know if he can trust her with all the details, nor does he want to explain himself too deeply. It is hard enough to be under constant watch for this obscure target (with his mind filled with thoughts of his dead sister, no less) versus trying to explain why he was here, what he was feeling, or his family history with the region.

Her question sounds simple; to him it is the opposite. But he regards her with that hesitant smile and with a deep breath, launches in to a simplified version of an answer: I'm tracking someone down who wronged my family. I guess that makes me some kind of knight, or somethin'. A roll of his burly shoulders accompanies this. And what of you? The road is dangerous, more-so for fine women like yourself.

RE: a painful truth. - Miriam - February 09, 2020

Revenge. Someone who has harmed him so, and ventured forth. Miriam refrained from commenting, as she had no right so, for that was his right to do, and become the 'knight' he so-claimed to be. However she couldn't deny a slight frown of discontent on such, despite feeling she had hidden it so well. She couldn't help but muster a, "Why?"

When directed to herself, the answer was repeated, as many had asked, "I wish to see what all the world has to show."

RE: a painful truth. - Asa - February 21, 2020

How odd she was. To question why someone would feel compelled to seek revenge - Asa had felt this deep desire to make things right for so long, it was aggravating to have someone ask such a simple (but not so simple) question. His own was answered obliquely; he did not pay much attention to the answer, caught up as he was by a sudden wave of emotion. Although it did not betray across his face.

Someone died. They were killed. He explains with a cold edge to his tone. And someone else must atone for that. I intend to seek them out and I am justified in doing so. Or so he believed. Finally a small frown crept across his face, knitting his brow, and he looked upon the woman carefully. Would you not do the same if your family was threatened?

RE: a painful truth. - Miriam - February 22, 2020

"A cycle," Miriam took a deep breathe as she stared at the fellow. She couldn't help but hold pity toward him, as he decided to continue the endless loop, "you seek for revenge, but would not another do the same?" There was no answer she could give, if the maiden would do the same. However she knew, exactly what would happen to any who would pursue. It was one of the teachings she was taught, and while they never gave an answer, her Amma said it was up to her what to do with the knowledge given.

"You have sought revenge, but does that stop for someone doing the same, to you?" The word 'justified,' can be used to easily, but she felt no one could be in the situation, "they too, feel their family threatened, and will come for you."

RE: a painful truth. - Asa - February 24, 2020

The woman's response was met with a sneer; a lift of his lip, a flash of teeth. He did not bare his fangs at her outright - that would have been rude, and wrong - but to the sentiment carried in her words. Lenience was not something Asa could afford in his quest. He did not care what backlash there might be in its completion either. If his revenge was sated by harm done to this perpetrator, or if he should be fortunate enough to take the man's life, he would be content. Anyone willing to defend the man he was hunting would be considered an enemy - and if they rose against him too, then Asa would let them take his life. He wanted his sister back.

You don't know my situation. He snaps back at her before he can help himself. With more composure thereafter, he draws in a slow breath and says, farewell, miss.

He then pulled away from her company, his pace hastening with each stride. Powered by a spark of anger and zeal, Asa sought to leave the woman behind so that he could continue his hunt - refusing to see her side.

RE: a painful truth. - Miriam - February 24, 2020

She knew simple words would not change his mind, but only spoke with the thought a seed could be planted. A warrior in revenge would never be swayed by a simple maiden, and it was only a fools dream. Miriam held that fool's dream, and could only bid goodbye.

"Farewell." She never did catch his name, but she felt even if she called for the stranger, he would only continue in a haste. So she turned, and walked.