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Phoenix Maplewood There are like magnets in his hair that attract planes - Printable Version

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There are like magnets in his hair that attract planes - Arbiter - January 26, 2020

And then she had wandered.  Arbiter was not the sort who typically wanted to stray too far from home, but she wouldn't be a proper guardian and protector of her pack if she hadn't personally gone to check out the potential interloper who for some odd reason had desired to settle right next to them. Brilliant idea that -- settle next to two packs that had just been through famines, totally was a great idea that wouldn't cause problems.

Right now it seemed as though whoever it was had left. No fight necessary. She'd done a little bit of exploring and left a few scent markers in a few places as a calling card -- a warning in case they had just headed off on a little holiday somewhere else. Perhaps in another hour or so she'd get bored of it all and head back, but not until she was sure. Though if Arbiter managed to find her own recruit or a nice little snack, she certainly wasn't going to complain.  Investigations first, though.

RE: There are like magnets in his hair that attract planes - Uriel - January 27, 2020


A passerby, is what she called herself, despite disliking the notion. She couldn't deny that a reason she took a long route to enter the valley was to re-see the place Uriel originally set her heart onto. A beauty in winter, and perhaps even greater in summer- but it seemed two claimed as a hunting ground, as an obvious scent was smelled. However, it wasn't their home, but their grounds to run about, they couldn't put guards everywhere. She felt at least that much, would be a safe stroll through while desiring to take peek over to the valley over yonder.

Though.. She seemed to be a bit too close to another, a familiar scent of what her mind first registered as enemy, and danger. 

RE: There are like magnets in his hair that attract planes - Arbiter - January 28, 2020

Thus far, nothing. That was good. She'd scoped out a few places she might try to hunt something before returning to the Bypass. Or at least, that was the plan until she saw a flicker of something more vibrant than bark and snow moving through the trees a ways distant.

Arbiter, like all wolves, was a predator at her core, yet she kept that far closer to the surface than many. Answers were hunted for, weakness was searched for in wolves like she would a deer, and she often split the world into the brutal give and take that life demanded. From that flicker, her path turned abruptly towards it, her walk a prowl. After all, she had come here ready for confrontation should it be needed. It was always better to be Machiavellian to strangers in Arbiter's eyes -- she'd see so few of them again that strength had a higher chance of warding off future trouble, while being nice invited those sorts who would happily take advantage of it. Arbiter was certainly not the generous sort.

She was quick to approach, but kept her distance, never one to trust the foolish to behave in a way she'd expect. Arbiter was fairly sure this was the wolf as the scent seemed to match what Kaertok brought home with him along with his report. Though she was not postured as she would have if it was at her own borders, a bit of that edge was there. I heard you went elsewhere. Was that a lie? If the other woman kept moving, Arbiter would follow at a distance.

RE: There are like magnets in his hair that attract planes - Uriel - January 30, 2020

The wolf emerged, the word Legion followed as Uriel watched her, and with a passive aggressive remark coming alongside. Though she kept a distance, as the two faced each other, "I am visiting." An edge, a guard, she didn't hold the position of someone defending their claim, but only one wary of the situation, as well to push forward if need to. The last defeat gave her a bitter feeling, and a pause if she would win.. But wouldn't back out.

However there wasn't a reason to, "I am only passing through as well," because this wasn't Uriel's claim anymore. It was but a simple visit to pass through to the next region, and an unfortunate meeting. However.. The one who smells familiar of the white dragon, "I am Uriel of Sunward, who are you?"

RE: There are like magnets in his hair that attract planes - Arbiter - February 01, 2020

Visiting? Did she think Arbiter a fool to believe that right off the bat? The fact she was even here was a point towards disbelieving what this Uriel woman was saying. Generally if someone had been run off from a territory, they weren't too keen on coming back. Better to not trust and be prepared than to be caught off-guard by believing a lie. The promise of her being here only temporarily did not cause the pale devil to relax a single iota.

Arbiter's words continued to be edged, but then again, weren't they always? Then I hope wherever you're trying to claim next isn't wedged against the territories of neighbors. She let a brief pause sit there then continued, You do realize there was a famine here recently? I don't think any of us will be too happy about some unknown upstart showing up suddenly between them, threatening their returning resources. The only acceptable answer to why this wolf had thought it was a good idea was ignorance. To choose to try to settle there with that knowledge was beyond foolish. I am Arbiter, of Legion.

RE: There are like magnets in his hair that attract planes - Uriel - February 01, 2020

"I did not know there were others nearby when I was." Uriel frowned, not too keen on how the attitude was given. She was a bit worried and perhaps frigthened at first, but an agitation grew up her body toward the attitude the other gave. There was already a negative view due to treatment from before, but was going further downhill, even with the somewhat understanding talk she had by the white dragon. 

"nor' about a famine." The lioness came late to that game, she was around once life was to become lush once more. she noticed how it seemed absent, but slowly was around so Uriel did not give much notice to it. Perhaps that explained how territorial they were, and aggression she had gotten by a few wolves. Though even Dawn, from the Whitebark Stream, was nicer upon realizing her claim had been moved.

"I am Uriel of Sunward, who has moved to The Bracken Woods."

RE: There are like magnets in his hair that attract planes - Arbiter - February 01, 2020

How the hell did she not notice? Did she blindly amble in from the open side and just... Not investigate anything? She could see what had been Blacktail Dear Plateau happening all over again. Yes, it was very good if this woman moved on and tried her futile attempt elsewhere. From Corvus' reports, that pack had never been stable, and a stable pack started with leadership that put the effort in to make sure that their pack would be sound. 

Arbiter was unimpressed, but she was hardly ever impressed, so that was nothing new. She was here to ensure her pack and family remained safe, not for a social hour. It didn't matter whether or not Uriel liked the fact that she didn't pull any punches. Still, she kept her outward thoughts tempered from what they could have been, The last time we had wolves try to settle near us without knowing we were there, they also hadn't investigate enough to find that the territory they wanted was infested by a family of bears. I can't say that's the case here, so trust you've investigated your new territory more thoroughly than they did their original choice. Just not this one. She wasn't certain where Bracken Woods was either, but that was a good sign as it meant she likely wouldn't ever see this wolf again if she stayed gone. So that was probably far enough away. Maybe.

RE: There are like magnets in his hair that attract planes - Uriel - February 02, 2020

They had a reasoning to be so territorial; she wasn't the first to claim so near, and most likely wouldn't be the last. Uriel knew very little packs, and while surely there was many scattered around the land, she only knew of two, Legion and Whitebark Stream. Those two were in the same area she wished to set roots on, and both did not appreciate too well when she first came to. Though now moved, perhaps less stressed. She gave a short nod to Arbiter, "I do not want to repeat their bearings."

"I am doing that at the moment, learning what is more around." Her own territory was a bit cleared, no crucial signs of unwanted visitors such as bears, or foxes.. Though one can never tell when they showed up, making the lioness a bit wary and concerned over her claim. Perhaps she should go back and see to that instead of venturing more outwards.

RE: There are like magnets in his hair that attract planes - Arbiter - February 04, 2020

And she seemed to take that warning. But better to learn from the mistakes of others, wasn't it? Good. Then may you have better luck than them, you're already on the right track. Was it really a compliment? Ehh. With Arbiter, it was hard to tell. And when you think about it, it wasn't really that much -- Uriel had messed up on her first choice, but was smart enough to not live with bears, that was not a high bar. But it did mean that she at least would not be speaking of her as disparagingly as she did Corvus' old pack -- so better than nothing.

But she did have a point to make, I don't know where it is you're settling. And that is good -- don't bring your people to hunt close to my land and you'll find no trouble with mine. That was the important thing to Arbiter. Those that endangered her family would find she'd do so to theirs in turn. That was the way things worked. Those that were willing to fight back would be the ones who would survive. Survival was her business, and Arbiter was a very business-oriented wolf.

RE: There are like magnets in his hair that attract planes - Uriel - February 04, 2020

It felt like a threat, and bristled her emotions; but even she knew it was not wise to start another fight within the lands. It was not her's, and the wolf before her had backup, especially the white dragon whom she already lost to. Irritating, and powerless, "I will be on my way," she wanted to stay no longer to hear of these words from Arbiter. What could be said, when they were words of truth. If the two kept away from each other, no problems would be occured, Uriel didn't like how the other presented this fact. Not like the other would care, however.

RE: There are like magnets in his hair that attract planes - Arbiter - February 05, 2020

Arbiter's attitude was perhaps an acquired taste, but she wasn't going to any different than usual just to smooth someone else's feathers. Quite frankly, she just didn't care. If they didn't like her brutal honesty or pointed comments, too bad, the world wasn't always going to play nice. At least this time she was definitely out of things to say to this woman. She had made her points. The end. A slight nod of her head, Very well. Good luck. The Legion leader wasn't going to walk off, though. She would wait for the other to leave before continuing her explorations -- and later confirm they'd actually vacated.

But specifically Uriel? She didn't seem like the normal wolf Arbiter had met along the Teekons, and it was almost never a good thing for someone to not fit into the various ways she classified people. Arbiter gave her a 50/50 shot -- long term? Unclear.

RE: There are like magnets in his hair that attract planes - Uriel - February 05, 2020

Uriel originally desired to venture further away from where she claimed, to see what was around, however the conversation made her a bit wary and worried over The Bracken Woods, so she started to head back. She gave a polite nod and a dip of the head before retreating.

She was curious on how Arbiter had gained members despite the rather unfriendly manner, but perhaps people were drawn by her strong personality. It equaled to a leader who would fight for their claim, compared to a sweet one. It did give her a thought, that maybe she hadn't shown any strength to tempt warriors.

The lioness was very reluctant to ask her, and gave a final glance to the leader before disappearing out of the forest.