Wolf RPG
Stavanger Bay High expectations are the key to everything - Printable Version

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High expectations are the key to everything - Beric - August 10, 2014

For the past several days, Beric had been diligent in his patrols on the border. He had made them random, so that no one could predict when or where he would be. His protective streak had been on high, and his instinct told him to make sure all was secure, and that his family and pack members were safe. Deep down, he felt at home here. In the beginning, he had been a little worried that he wouldn't bring himself out of his outsider position, but with Julooke and Verrine's help, he had settled in quite nicely.

He had to admit, though, he wasn't spending as much time with his pack mates as he probably should been. In his defense, he was working hard to protect them, In the coming days, he would have to make more of an effort to be social so that they would at least know who was protecting them.

His heavy paws padded the ground as he trotted easily through the forest, along the the eastern part of the border. His gait slowed to a walk and then to a halt. His stuck his nose in the wind as his ears swiveled around. His instincts said something was there, but he couldn't see or smell anything unusual. He stood still, except for his shallow breathing and his eyes scanning the area on the other side of the border.

RE: High expectations are the key to everything - Shadow - August 11, 2014

The silver wanderer had kept his word to stay near home, at least for a while. Today, he promised, would be the last travels for at least a few days. Maybe it was time to enjoy the company of his packmates again, especially the newcomers and old. Some that he did not know yet and some that he knew very well. His gaze focused again and a brief smile appeared on his lips.

His paws had once again brought him to the forest that led to the sea, it seemed that his travels seem to go towards the sea more often now. Perhaps he should try exploring other places. Another day, he promised himself. One that would happen a few days later.

His ears swiveled forward and wary eyes scanned the area ahead of him, he smelled something. Border marker. Another pack. he was too close to the borders. He took a step back, then another, hoping not to aggravate any pack wolves nearby. A small part of his mind muttered Lucky for them to live near the sea.

RE: High expectations are the key to everything - Beric - August 11, 2014

He spotted movement just on the other side of the borders, his hackles raising as he held back a growl. His muscles tensed, ready for action, but the other wolf paused, and then began retreating. Finally, someone smart. His hackles smoothed as he came out into view, walking towards the retreating wolf. His tail and head were held high in dominance as he came to a stop. Lost? he asked, his voice conveying his curiosity. It seemed to Beric that the wolf hadn't been exactly looking for their borders, but rather ran into them by accident. I'm Beric, Delta here, he added in a sort of greeting. He was much less confrontational than he had been in the past several days. The other wolves he had gotten aggressive with hadn't respected their borders. This male had, even if he was close.

I edited his rank because I had a brain fart and put Beta instead of Delta XD

RE: High expectations are the key to everything - Shadow - August 11, 2014

He was greeted by a pack wolf who's head and tail were held up in dominance but by the look of him he was not hostile. "Lost?" he asked, "I'm Beric, Beta here," The silver wanderer tilted his head politely at Beric and shook his head. "Hey Beric, I was just on my way to the seaside." Well that was true.

"I seemed to have taken another route that bumped into your borders, cause the last route I took was clear." he said, wondering what the other pack wolf would say.

RE: High expectations are the key to everything - Beric - August 12, 2014

The other male seemed to respectful of the borders, and then to himself when Beric came out of the shadows. He admitted he was heading to the shores, and hadn't realized this pack was here. Beric silently wondered if maybe the male had passed through here before the Bay wolves had claimed and settled into the area. Beric nodded his understanding. We haven't been here for too long, so it's possible you came through before we were here, he said, letting him in on his thoughts.

Feeling a little more relaxed, the real Beric came out. What are you headed to the beach for? he asked, making a little conversation while trying to figure out just what the other wolf was up to. After all, it was a good idea to know the wolves passing through, and if they possibly posed a threat later.

RE: High expectations are the key to everything - Shadow - August 12, 2014

"What are you headed to the beach for?" The silver wanderer tilted his head, gaze thoughtful. "To relax and rest. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore and the beautiful view calms me down. I haven't relaxed for a few weeks now and I was hoping the sea might calm me down. he said truthfully.

Maybe a good conversation was what he needed too, his gaze turned to the other wolf but not directly meeting their gaze. He did not wish to be disrespectful or challenge the other. If he was in the mood for a fight, he would have walked straight into the pack borders and howled. But right now he did not wish to get killed.

RE: High expectations are the key to everything - Beric - August 14, 2014

The male admitted he was headed to the coastline for some relaxation. Beric thought he would have been heading west instead of more south, but, like the male said, he must have taken a different route this time. He seemed respectful enough, and he didn't didn't Beric the impression he was lying. The Bay wolf nodded, I could take you there, if you wish, he responded. He was no escort service, but if this male was going to be hanging out by the beach near the territory, Beric figured he could keep an eye on him for a while to confirm he wasn't up to no good.

Beric moved to go, but paused in case the other male rejected his offer. If so, Beric would follow quietly to make sure he was going where he said he was and not just looking for another way in. Beric was naturally cautious of strangers and generally didn't trust them when they were so close to his home.

RE: High expectations are the key to everything - Shadow - August 14, 2014

"I could take you there, if you wish," said the other wolf, was he trying to see if he crossed any borders? If he was lying? Or just didn't trust him. The sterling outrider did not blame him, he would have done the same himself, and followed whoever was too close to the borders to see they cause no trouble. Was Beric going to do the same too? He had no need to.

"That'll be great, thank you Beric." he said quietly, silver gaze scanning this area to make sure he would not venture here again. Next time, he really needed to mark down the route he took. This was too damn unnecessary and he would have been by the beach if he had taken the route before. He made to follow the other wolf.

RE: High expectations are the key to everything - Beric - August 18, 2014

Beric nodded when the male agreed, his direction heading straight for the shore. He wasn't far away from the border and would still be able to patrol it to make sure no one else was near it if they weren't supposed to be. He glanced towards the stranger, What's your name? he asked, not having got it before. Since he wasn't being aggressive, Beric figured some conversation wouldn't hurt. He wasn't the best at conversing, but he did always try.

Where are you from? he asked, falling on a stock question. It was interesting the male said he had been through here before, so maybe he was part of a nearby pack. Since Beric hadn't met any one from Swiftcurrent Creek before, he didn't recognize the scent on the male.

RE: High expectations are the key to everything - Shadow - August 18, 2014

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"What's your name?" asked Beric, obviously trying to start a conversation. "Where are you from?"

"I'm Shadow, from Swiftcurrent Creek. Quite faraway from here, about a week's travel from here. he answered, figuring it wouldn't hurt to tell Beric his name and wherabouts after all he had told him his. "What about you Beric, whats your pack's name?" After a moments pause, he added "Do you like living near the sea?"

He himself loved the sea and would have chose to find a pack near it if things had been different but he needed to stay at the Creek. They needed him, senior pack members, loyal pack members once Njal and Tuwawi left with their pups. And he had met someone, someone he hoped to start another beginning with, someone he couldn't let go just yet.

RE: High expectations are the key to everything - Beric - August 21, 2014

The male seemed calm and engaged in the conversation seemingly easily. Beric hadn't heard of Swiftcurrent Creek before, but it didn't surprise him since it was a week's travel away. Since Beric had joined the Bay, he hadn't left. Even before then, his life consisted mostly of the beach and it's immediate surroundings. It's nice to meet you, Shadow, he responded. It was nice because it appeared he wouldn't have to chase him off. This is Stavanger Bay, he said, answering Shadow's question, and gesturing towards his home. I like it a lot. The sea gives an interesting view if you get tired of looking at land all the time, and it has... an interesting choice of food. He didn't much care for the creatures that came out of the sea, but other wolves seemed to enjoy it.

As they walked, Beric may have been making conversation, but he was acutely aware of his surroundings, as well. Shadow seemed calm and not like he was up to anything, but as an aspiring Warden, Beric was on guard pretty much all the time. What is Swiftcurrent Creek like? he asked, since he didn't know anything about it.

RE: High expectations are the key to everything - Shadow - August 21, 2014

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"What is Swiftcurrent Creek like?"

The silver male thought for a moment before replying, "It's full of meadows and streams, the creek is full of fish and provides us fresh water. Most of us Creek wolves stay near the Creek because you know, it feeds us and waters us. Its a beautiful place, especially at sunset. Just like the sea."

He wasn't joking, the Creek really was beautiful and the places beside it. Pretty meadows filled with flowers, the creek shimmering when the sun sets. Most wolves do not want to leave it once they had arrived but some do, like the wolves that journey to the Sunspire.

They arrived at the shore and the silver male turned, dipped his head briefly to Beric and turned to leave, hoping to enjoy the sea.