Wolf RPG
Whitewater Gorge This fish filet is heaven - Printable Version

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This fish filet is heaven - Zarya - February 03, 2020

Zarya had collapsed. She didn't know when or necessarily where, but it was obvious she had simply fallen. Unlike some, she was stubborn and refused to die, she could get back up. It was daylight when she awoke, she had to have made it extremely far or slept for at least ten hours. But from the way she still felt, it had to be the first. Throwing herself up the woman found a sharp pain in her leg, "I forgot about that" she mumbled to herself quietly as she sat back down. 

Perhaps it was because of her strong will to survive, possibly because she found no reason that one wolf should be able to take her down. Either way, Zarya got up again, groaning her way through the pain until she stood upright. Hobbling over to the newfound river she winced at every stab of pain, each new wave. The river was cold but so delicious, and she was so thirsty. Zarya drank and drank, flooding her mind with a new kind of feeling; relief.

Out of the corner of her eye, Zarya spotted a mediocre silver fish. But Zarya had always hunted on land, and barely had any experience in the water. So every time her jaw clamped shut in the water, it came up empty. Even when she had missed only by a hair (or scale haha), she clenched nothing more than oxygen. And this went on for a long time.

RE: This fish filet is heaven - RIP Kaertok - February 04, 2020

He really hadn't meant to stray this far from Legion, but here he was, eight days out. Kaertok hadn't seen another wolf since he had left the bypass, but he hadn't exactly been looking, either. Long, winding ranger trips like this one had always been his favorite, and he hoped that it might prove useful in one way or another. He had passed by a pack, which he intended to visit on his way back home, and now he was following a river north along its eastern bank. Despite the freezing temperatures, it seemed to be flowing in parts, and it provided a good landmark for him to use as a reference point.

When he spotted a wolf up ahead biting wildly at the water, Kaertok paused, curious as to what she was doing. Cautious, as always, the white bear moved forward in clear view, stopping again when he was within a few paces of her. Now that he was closer, he realized she was probably trying to grab some fish from the water. Hello, he greeted, already reciting the questions that he wanted to ask her.

RE: This fish filet is heaven - Zarya - February 07, 2020

Hello. The words drifted over Zarya and it took her a moment to stop her quite aggressive fishing and look over. Zarya wasn't necessarily a rude person and had never been, so she tossed a tired "Hi" back to the approaching wolf, her bland expression remaining unscathed. Even if she had questions or more to say, she didn't, she didn't have the energy. All it seemed she had energy for lately was running, but that wouldn't help much now. 

Zarya sat, in no way was she hostile towards the other. Nor did she need somebody hostile in her life at the moment; silence clung to the air. Wrapping her tail around her flank she hid her scars that she strutted around with for days or maybe weeks. No weaknesses. Not yet. Trust comes first. She recited in her mind. The woman even turned her neck so that the scar tracing down her neck was covered by fur, hidden. Her sitting position looked normal, but inside Zarya was ready to bolt. First sign of danger and it'll seem as if she was never here; a whisper in the wind, a fragment of one's imagination.

RE: This fish filet is heaven - RIP Kaertok - February 07, 2020

She didn't seem aggressive, but it also looked like she really, really didn't want to be bothered. Kaertok, knowing that feeling all-too-well, suddenly felt a little bit bad for disturbing her. Not terribly bad, considering they didn't have any sort of anything, but a sort of secondhand annoyance filtered through him. Deciding he would rather not bother somebody who didn't want to be bothered, he paused.

Don't mind me, just passing through, he said, then began to walk around her, putting plenty of space between them in the process. If she changed her demeanor and decided she wanted to talk, he'd be all ears (or at least as much as he usually was), but Sungiwok didn't want to pester somebody who didn't want to socialize.

RE: This fish filet is heaven - Zarya - February 07, 2020

It seemed as if the wolf had decided against striking up a conversation, and while Zarya was quite relieved at the thought of the solitude of silence, she was also worried of what would become of her if she was left alone again. "W-wait!" the woman said, scanning the ground as if it contained the words she needed. Zarya had stood when she spoke, one quick fluid motion and she was up and staring at the wolf ahead of her. Her scars had been revealed, visible to whoever cared to look. 

"I-I" she stuttered, still not able to place why she had stopped the man. Her brow was knit with emotions of all sorts; worry, fright, confusion, and others which she couldn't describe. Zarya didn't know why she felt so strongly to stop the stranger before her. Was it fear, loneliness, to ask for help? Maybe it was all three, either way, the silence that followed was almost unbearable.

RE: This fish filet is heaven - RIP Kaertok - February 13, 2020

She hopped up, telling him to wait, and Kaertok gave her another look. Yes? he asked, lifting a single brow at her. He had never understood those who couldn't speak for themselves, and it irked him to no end. Still, he wasn't entirely cruel, so he let her say her peace, whatever that might be.

RE: This fish filet is heaven - Zarya - February 13, 2020

The wolf stopped and asked her what it was she wanted. But Zarya still was positive on what she desired herself, but she knew she wanted him to stay. She had to think of something to do so. The only reasonable explanation would be help, even though she hated to ask for it. "I... umm. Would you help me?" 

Cringing at her own words she shot a glance at the river as if it explained everything she was trying to say. Zarya was independent, liked to do things on her own and most of the time alone too. This was a special case, she was confronted with many problems, all with so many angles. She had chosen life, as she always did.

RE: This fish filet is heaven - RIP Kaertok - February 19, 2020

She asked for help, and Kaertok sighed. He wondered what it was about him that made her think he was the helpful type. As a wolf of Tartok, he had been raised to help his pack, sure; but a stranger? Not only that, but a stranger who seemed uncertain of herself? Something about it didn't sit well with him.

Help with what? he asked. Kaertok had to assume she meant help with fishing, which wasn't really his specialty. He worked better with a larger team, taking down larger prey. When he had to, he could hunt smaller game for himself, but fish would never be his strong suit.

RE: This fish filet is heaven - Zarya - February 22, 2020

The man sighed in return before asking what she needed help with. Zarya figured the man hated her but she couldn't blame him, she hated herself too. Realizing she didn't know anything about this wolf the coffee-stained woman thought that maybe he wasn't the best at fishing, much like her. Zarya's mind now set in stone she spoke, confident but not forceful. 

"Either that" She nodded towards the creek; fishing. "This" The lady turned slightly and nodded to her injuries, the disappointment still burned throughout her. Finally, she glanced at the ground before gazing back to the man's eyes: "Or point me in the direction of somebody who can." Zarya said with a shrug. If this man wouldn't help at least she could get directions on where certain people are, one being herself.

RE: This fish filet is heaven - RIP Kaertok - March 03, 2020

He was no fisherman, but when she presented her injuries, Kaertok sighed. Despite his colder nature, the Tartok wolf knew that she could be useful. With a few weeks of healing, she might turn out to be a good addition to Legion, even if he didn't think his own personality meshed well with hers based on their brief interaction. Still, he'd been proven wrong before, and it wasn't a huge risk.

If you want, I can take you back to Legion, the pack I've aligned myself with. Provided you pledge yourself to us, we can help you back to full health. It was an offer, but it wasn't a free one. Kaertok didn't think that Arbiter would appreciate freeloaders.

RE: This fish filet is heaven - Zarya - March 03, 2020

The male didn't seem too excited about the turn of events and Zarya didn't blame him. The two seemed rather similar in their ways of distrust and silence, both independent natured. Trust had never come easy to the woman, nor had expressing gratitude. Every pack she had been in had been a disaster, why wouldn't this one be? Alas, Legion may be her best chance of survival, and like most, she would do what it took to survive.

Zarya looked at the male, her emerald eyes careful and laced with caution. "If your pack can help me as you say, I shall owe it my life." A nod. She went ahead and expressed her gratitude, a mistake she made when with Diaspora. Her promise was voiced and set in stone; if this pack healed her she would devote all time, effort, and energy into its lasting.

RE: This fish filet is heaven - RIP Kaertok - March 18, 2020

So it was settled. She seemed willing to join them in exchange for help, which was really a two-way street. If she didn't hold up her end of the deal, Arbiter would likely find some fitting punishment for her (or Kaertok would be asked to). In any case, it was worth adding the extra body to their ranks. What was life except a series of risks and chances?

Come on then, he said, gesturing for her to follow with a forward roll of his shoulder. Legion is this way, in a place called Noctisardor Bypass. Once there, he would introduce her to @Arbiter. My name's Kaertok Tartok. What is yours?

I figure they can have a brief introduction behind the scenes, or you can ask Arbiter's player (Jennifer) for a backdated thread since this one is a lil' old.

Jennifer -- lemme know if you have any issues with that!