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Blacktail Deer Plateau For a minute - Printable Version

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For a minute - Rina - August 11, 2014


Rina trotted through the forest. Her paws brushed the soil softly, barely making a noise as she made her way down to a small stream not far from her den. The small clearing just outside it was well sheltered but dry, meaning Rina had to travel for her water.

Dropping her head, Rina lapped thirstily at the water, feeling the cool liquid run down the back of her throat. It was nice in the heat of this summer. It was easy to get dehydrated. The last thing she needed was to get sick again. If she knew more she could prevent it, and help others aswell. As Rina finished, her head rose, eyes looking around her. It was a peaceful day, at least, despite the heat.

RE: For a minute - Peregrine Redhawk - August 11, 2014

Sometimes, Peregrine felt he was coping well with his brother's condition. Other days, like today, he felt immense agony and frustration over the situation. The whole thing was so fucking unfair. Not only had Atticus's life been stolen from him, he was now a burden on the pack as well. A very well-loved burden, yet a burden nonetheless. It took an hour just to feed him.

Leaving the Healer's den after one such painstaking session, Peregrine walked briskly through the forest, trying to sort through his thoughts and feelings. He yearned for Fox or Lasher; they alone were capable of dragging him out of the terrible funk these circumstances occasionally engendered. Instead, he came across a nearly perfect stranger, one of the relative newcomers who occupied one of the pack's lowest ranks.

"Hi," he said moodily, feeling guilty even as he picked up on his own gruff tone. Clearing his throat, he said, "I'm Peregrine."

RE: For a minute - Rina - August 11, 2014

Soon after her drink, footsteps sounded a little aways. Turning to the sound, Rina saw Peregrine walking towards her. He looked rough. Rina hadn't spoken to him, only seeing him on occasion. Hi The man's tone only confirmed Rina's thought. I'm Peregrine. Rina nodded. She noticed the change in his tone. My name is Rina, Peregrine. Pleased to finally meet you. It was odd that Rina been a part of the Plateau yet had never spoken properly to either of her Alpha's.

Rina shuffled over, inviting the man to sit if he wanted. You look like you need a rest. If anything, a drink would at least replenish him a bit. Something was troubling him, but Rina wouldn't poke. People's businesses are their own. Although, emotional burdens can be the hardest to carry, Rina knew herself.

RE: For a minute - Peregrine Redhawk - August 11, 2014

"Rina," he said, nodding his head to acknowledge the female's introduction. At her comment, he blinked and shook his head slightly. "It's not that. Do you know about my brother, Atticus? We have good days and bad days. Today is a bad day," he explained simply.

Despite insisting he wasn't tired, he dropped to his haunches like a sack of potatoes, sighing softly and wincing. He did not drink, nor speak. He simply stared off into space a moment, his thoughts swirling in his head.

RE: For a minute - Rina - August 11, 2014

"It's not that. Do you know about my brother, Atticus? We have good days and bad days. Today is a bad day," Ah. Rina hadn't meet Atticus personally but had heard off him. Rina smiled as Peregrine dropped down.

You may not be weary of the bones, but of the soul. I too have a sister. I'm sure you care for your brother much more than I do for my sister. A tiny shudder raced down her spine as her own family came to mind.

RE: For a minute - Peregrine Redhawk - August 11, 2014

Peregrine gathered from Rina's comment that she might be unaware of his brother's condition. "My brother had an accident," he replied. "He's alive but he's not... he's not himself anymore. It's like nobody's home. He doesn't speak. He doesn't even seem to be aware of his surroundings. He has to be looked after like a newborn pup." It was obvious from his tone that it was a labor of love... and it was also probably evident that it had happened recently enough that he was still raw.

RE: For a minute - Rina - August 12, 2014

Ah. Something mental then. It was not surprising that those closest to him suffer. She looked at Peregrine. The pain was obvious in his eyes. It just takes one strike to hurt so many. It shows how vulnerable everyone can be.

I would tell you not to worry, but you should. Not in the way you obviously are, though. I'm sure you love him. It's testing just now. Hopefully this'll even out in time. Let's just say your a better ruler than that of my birthplace in these matters. Those found in a weakened state were cast out instantly.

RE: For a minute - Peregrine Redhawk - August 12, 2014

Edit on 8/23: I'm concluding this since Rina's been removed.

Although he intuited that Rina's advice came from a good place, he looked at her strangely. "My brother hit his head and is now mentally retarded. He was my Beta and on the verge of asking Blue Willow to be his mate," he said to shed light on the situation and his subsequent anguish over it. "This isn't going to 'even out in time.' And I could never think of casting out my brother. He would die." He looked at her plaintively.

She made another tentative attempt to counsel him, yet Peregrine simply wasn't in the mood for empty optimism. "I appreciate the effort, Rina," he told her after a few moments, "but there's really no consolation when it comes to this issue. I'm sorry but I'm going to go. Perhaps I will seek you out again when I'm in a better state of mind." He gave her a grim, apologetic look and then resumed his earlier brisk walk.