Wolf RPG
Stavanger Bay ultraviolent junglist - Printable Version

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ultraviolent junglist - RIP Atreyu - August 12, 2014

The beach had a rather peaceful vibe to it today, the sun hung high in the sky, warming the white sand and giving the blue waters of the shallows a particularly inviting look. Though Atreyu wasn't interested in the ocean today. His focus was zeroed in on the flock of seagulls who had decided to hang about on the shore, being their usual weird, noisy selves. There were many of them in this flock — perhaps the biggest gathering of birds Atreyu had ever seen. No-one would notice if one of them just happened to go missing, right?

Of course not, they're just dumb birds, he snickered to himself silently, bright eyes narrowing as he studied them from a ways off. Apparently, they either hadn't noticed him or didn't deem him a threat. Big mistake. With a crooked smirk, the boy slowly stalked forward before pausing and partially lowering himself to the ground, thankful he had been blessed with fur that was nearly the colour of sand. He let a moment or two pass as he waited for the birds to settle again, having noticed his movements, then leapt into a full-blown sprint towards the flock.

The former peacefulness of the Bay was shattered at once as the birds flew into the air with a chorus of loud, panicked cries. Atreyu added to the ruckus with his own snarling and snapping, trying to close his jaws around any of the scattering birds. His attempts were futile, however, as each and every one escaped his teeth. Panting and frustrated, the boy fell back onto all fours, glaring up at the retreating seagulls with an angry growl.

RE: ultraviolent junglist - Julooke - August 12, 2014

Julooke was trying to relax at the point where the grass met the beach. She hadn't stepped one paw onto the beach since her attack, but since she still wanted to enjoy the scenery, she opted for hiding in the tall grass. The waves were crashing into the sand, creating a hypnotizing effect and it lulled Julooke into a relaxed dazed. Her eyes closed softly as the breeze wound its way through the grass and her fur, ruffling it up. It was the calmest she had been in weeks. That was, until the sound of the gulls brought her back to the present.

Her eyes opened upon a scene in which one of her pack mates chasing the birds off. Oh, nope... he was trying to catch one. She smirked, though she felt bad he hadn't succeeded. Her ears swiveled as her eyes scanned the beach, looking for any strange wolves. She wanted to meet the wolf, but she didn't want to go out into the open beach. So, instead, just walked just inside the line of the grass until she came closer to him. She let out a bark to announce herself, her ears perked and her tail wagging. She hoped he would come over instead of making her go onto the beach.

RE: ultraviolent junglist - RIP Atreyu - August 16, 2014

A wave of anger crashed over the youth as the last of the seagulls disappeared into the sky, most likely startled but unharmed. He stared after them with a scowl for a few minutes before kicking the sand with a paw and then took to pacing back and forth along the shore, the tip of his tail twitching in frustration. It was perhaps an irrational response to one failed attack but, his prey being seagulls, Atreyu knew he really only had had one chance at them — and he had just blown it.

Having his right ear to the ocean side, the calls of a fellow pack mate fell upon his one deaf ear. Looking as if he was ignoring her, the boy continued on with his head down, walking past where she had moved to along the grassy edge.

RE: ultraviolent junglist - Julooke - August 20, 2014

I'm so sorry for the wait on this!

She frowned as he walked past her. He hadn't even looked her way. Maybe he hadn't heard her over the noise of the birds. Or, maybe he was just that good at ignoring other wolves when he didn't want their company. She just wasn't sure. Her ears swiveled in confusion as she tried to decide what to do. She wanted to make a new friend, but not if that meant upsetting him with her presence.

Hoping he just hadn't heard her, she trotted along the grassy area, parallel to him. She barked again, hoping to get his attention, but it seemed to fail.** She really didn't want to go on the beach, but she would need to get over it sooner or later, and now was as good a time as any. She hesitated a moment before bolting over towards the relative stranger. She knew she was safe with him, other wise he wouldn't be a member of the pack. Still, being on the beach made her nervous. She was quick to make it to his side, her eyes darting this way and that, like at any moment her attacker would come back her since she was on the beach. But, this beach belonged to Ragnar. If that male came here, it would be because he had a death wish.

After a moment, she turned her attention towards her unknown pack mate, though her ears were strictly alert to her surroundings. She gave him a tight smile, her nervousness coming through her usually upbeat and friendly personality. Hey, I'm Julooke, she said, introducing herself.

**If you're not okay with this PP, let me know and I'll change it :-)

RE: ultraviolent junglist - RIP Atreyu - August 24, 2014

All good, there's no rush! :D Also, just realised our characters are both holding sticks in their avatars, haha

The roar of the ocean drowned out whatever sounds were directed at Atreyu — even the calls from a pack mate. Where one with both working ears might have caught her barks, the boy simply continued onwards, listening to the crashing of the waves, oblivious to his company. It wasn't until he went to turn and head back, retracing his steps along the shoreline that he realised he wasn't alone. His eyes widened as a female came crashing towards him, smooth white fur almost blinding him in the sunlight. He noted her nervous demeanour and erratic glances and looked around himself, afraid that she was being chased by some horrible creature or crazed loner. Or maybe she herself was just crazy.

However, the two were alone on the beach and Atreyu glanced back at the female, taking a wary step back as she greeted herself. "Uh, hey," he said, voice breaking. The name was somewhat familiar and he swore he had heard it before somewhere. He did know this female though; she was at that strange ritual meeting a few days ago. While the boy couldn't remember if she had brought anything along to it he did remember her mate had dragged in a piglet — which Atreyu had devoured a leg of. The thought made his mouth water again but he kept his hunger at bay. "You were at the Urpsul...Upsl...the meeting," he stated dumbly, fumbling over the foreign word. "Oh and I'm Atreyu."

RE: ultraviolent junglist - Julooke - August 28, 2014

OMG they are! ^_^

She knew she was acting crazy, and willed herself to calm down. There was no one here except her, him, and the seagulls. She focused her attention on him as he commented that she was at the meeting. She nodded, smiling, The Uppsala, yeah, she responded. He introduced himself, giving his name. Nice to finally meet you, Atreyu, she said with a smile.

Are you from around here? she asked, wanting to know about him. She made it a point not to ask about the birds he had been trying to hunt, realizing he had been upset he hadn't gotten one. They were hard to catch, though.