Wolf RPG
Stavanger Bay The north wind blew, its head asunder - Printable Version

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The north wind blew, its head asunder - Nightshade - August 12, 2014

Nightshade had somehow managed to sneak away from her "master", but she didn't dare try to leave the territory. Something told her that she'd only be dragged back if she did. So, the new slave of Ragnar quietly sat on the sandy stretch of beach, watching the ocean roll onto the shore and back again, desperate to reach further inland, but it was trapped for all eternity in the bowls of the earth, never to touch the mountains nestled safely in the background.

Her flank ached and itched with the healing scabs of her entrance into the pack, having been scrapped against stick and stone, and yet still she ignored it in silence. The female was frustrated and angry. There was little she could do in her situation, but she still tried to think, to find a way out...

She quietly stood up, her large pupils stormy with the dark feelings that tormented her. She was furious with the two alphas and resisted their authority. She wanted to try and escape now, but her recent nights have been restless and plagued in her usual nightmare, which had become much more vivid since her capture, and the effects of it showed. She was much more sluggish than her normal state, and she knew she wouldn't even make it past the border...

So, she settled in resisting them on smaller terms. Avoiding them may be the best option, in the state she was in, and she was currently doing so.

RE: The north wind blew, its head asunder - Thistle Cloud - August 14, 2014

Thistle knew the girl was her husband’s slave, but she did not wish ill on her in anyway. As a matter of fact she held in her jaws some aloe, and some cobwebs determined to find her and fix up the sides that were surely riddled with cuts and scrapes. It was the own girls fault, but she wouldn’t let her die from infection or fever, because she was stubborn about things. She was the one who had come to the borders as it were, or well just outside of them.

Granted the girl couldn’t have known that they protected their borders jealously and she should have howled out and asked permission, maybe then she would still have her freedom. Her husband did not treat his slaves terribly though, and she hoped to convey that to the girl. Luck or fate was on her side this day and she chuffed gently her mouth to full to speak as she came upon Nightshade she thought was her name. She came closer and stopped a few feet away, not wanting the girl to freak out, after all Thistle had been anything but kind in their first meeting.

RE: The north wind blew, its head asunder - Nightshade - August 14, 2014

The black wolf turned her head slightly, her eyes half-closed in an almost bored expression, though with her head tilted in a small degree, it looked more like she was thinking, as if she was unsure how to proceed.

"... Hello."
Nightshade seemed to pause at her own words before fully turning to actually see Thistle Cloud. Her side itched as her muscles moved. She had wished to clean them better besides washing them out with the water from the lake, but she was never entirely sure how the pack would take it, so she didn't dare to harvest any aloe or yarrow, not wanting to dig a deeper hole for herself. She had not even dared to hunt, though her stomach would most certainly drive her to do so soon.

She stood in silence, waiting to see exactly what the other would do. She had not been friendly in their last meeting, and was suspicious about what she would do now, unsure exactly how Thistle would use her rank advantage, and whether or not it was safe to even talk to the woman.

RE: The north wind blew, its head asunder - Thistle Cloud - August 14, 2014

Thistle saw the expression on the others face and wondered at it, was she thinking hard about something, or was it just a neutral expression for her so no one could see what she was thinking. Much like Nerian?

Thistle tilted her head and lay the aloe at her feet with the cob webs and motioned to the girls side. Though I am fairly certain you may so no, I would like to help you with your side if you’ll allow me? I am Thistle Cloud by the way. I have brought Aloe and Cobwebs, you told me the night that you knew your herbs so you should know that Aloe will not hurt you, but it will soothe the burn and the pain. She tilted her head then and waited.

Thistle did not use her rank advantage over anyone unless she needed too, she would not do so to the slave. She was her husband’s slave not hers. Though she was certain he wouldn’t care if she used the girl to help her with things, but she wouldn’t.

RE: The north wind blew, its head asunder - Nightshade - August 14, 2014

Though Nightshade had originally planned not to accept aid from anyone, the consideration that Thistle Cloud had put forward seemed to mildly surprise her. Also by the fact she was still unsure if she had the authority to collect herbal medicine for herself caused her to slowly nod after another second of thought.

"If you wish, then I accept your help... Thank you."

She glanced over Thistle Cloud's stock she had brought, mentally approving it to be good for the situation at hand. Although, one part of her was still suspicious, still defensive. You could see it in the way she moved, wary and watchful. Her slight paranoia wondered if this was just a kind hand, or something on a different scale, such as an 'Pay me back later'. She didn't disrespect Thistle in any way, but she didn't give away any unnecessary opinion or thought, either.

RE: The north wind blew, its head asunder - Thistle Cloud - August 14, 2014

Thistle imagined Nightshade was waging a war within herself whether or not to accept her aid. She did accept, though Thistle imagined it came with a price to the girls pride. My sister wife Nerian and I we have a garden of sorts I know you had said you know a bit about healing. If you wish to use them, you may but you must ask us first. You may also want to seek out Nerian she was a slave until recently as well, she maybe able to explain to you what is expected of you. She grew quiet then as she stepped forward and with gentle touches and kindness she cleaned the girls side, pulling out sticks and taking extra time to loosen some of the rocks that the girl couldn’t reach. She finally did have it all done and she swiped a small paw across the wounds with the aloe on it and placed the cobweb across it. It was not perfect and it was messy, but at least it was cleaned and cared for.

Thistle backed up and sat down quietly I am the head healer if you are wondering. So do not fear I know what it is I am doing. She offered a small smile and shifting her paws she grew quiet unsure now what to say. She supposed she could just leave, but she did not want to deny the girl company if she would like some either.

RE: The north wind blew, its head asunder - Nightshade - August 14, 2014

Nightshade listened quietly as the wounds were cleaned and combed from anything that the potential of infecting it. When the aloe was applied, she see!ed to relax a bit, though her eyes still hinted her wariness and alertness.

It was when it was explained that the wolf Nerian came from slave to wife of Ragnar that caused Nightshade to lightly grunt in slight displeasure. She prayed that she wasn't in this place for the same reasons(even though she had nothing to pray to, seeing as she didn't have any sort of religion). However, that was the least noticeable part of her reaction. Her expression turned from stone to sour faster than a set of traffic lights. She couldn't pinpoint the exact mirror image, but there was faint similarities between Neriuan's story... And her mothers.

She recalled her nightmare. That one memory of agony she was forced to play through every night. She hated it. She hated those wolves. She hated the wolf that took her parents away from her.

Does this alpha take what he wants as well?

The thought coursed through her. She didn't know the truth of Ragnar, that he had stopped his raiding, that he had only held her captive because he thought she was close, and that he didn't want to hurt her. But how was she to know that at this moment in time? Despite Thistle's reassurances, Nightshade's paranoia caused her spirit to flare, her defiance under a will not her own. There was fury in her eyes. Dangerous, unpredictable fury. But there was a hint of calm, a hint of reason that she always had. Nightshade wasn't so ignorant as to attack or retaliate outright, nor was she low enough to seek revenge.

She rebellious female just wanted out.

Nightshade merely muttered a thanks as the last of the dressings were put on. Her eyes were stormy, though not threatening. She would welcome Thistle if she wished to stay, but she wasn't best buddies with the lead healer just yet.

RE: The north wind blew, its head asunder - Thistle Cloud - August 14, 2014

"icelandic translation here"

Thistle sat still afraid to move and make the girl angrier than she already was. Thistle chuckled I felt that way at first too, but it’s not so bad. You do not have to worry that it will happen to you as well. Nerian is a different case than you all together. She did not know if the girl was thinking that, but she did know that it was what she would have thought if the situations had been reversed.

Thistle dipped her muzzle once and then lifted her head again You are welcome Nightshade correct? I am unsure if I heard you right last night. She grew quiet then and waited to see if the girl would talk of if she should take her leave and not return, except to help the girl with her wounds.

RE: The north wind blew, its head asunder - Nightshade - August 15, 2014

Nightshade made an inward sigh of relief. Somehow, she felt as if Thistle Cloud was telling the truth, and chose to believe her. It was a small ray of light in an otherwise dreary day. A source of comfort, if you will.

She turned back towards the sea, watching the waves once more, her face once again stoic and expressionless, with her eyes half-closed.


She seemed silent, though if one strained her ears hard enough, they would pick up a small, barely inaudible hum emitting from her throat. However, Nightshade seemed to zone out without meaning to, and didn't realize she had been doing so...

RE: The north wind blew, its head asunder - Thistle Cloud - August 15, 2014

Thistle saw the girl disappear into herself and rather than stay and force the girl to speak. She stood quietly and strode away, with a quiet goodbye have a good day Nightshade I will return tonight to check that. Then with a lighter heart she went towards the center of the pack lands and her own den. She wanted to spend some time with her children and maybe even her sister wife, finding she enjoyed her company sometimes.