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Hushed Willows Look him in the eye, aim no higher - Printable Version

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Look him in the eye, aim no higher - Lumiya - February 27, 2020

For @Iolana

The fae had not forsaken her friends from the emberflame ridge; the ones she was supposed to summon upon her return to get them to the safety of her realm. Though she'd been distracted, the task at hand was clear as crystal and she hoped they hadn't left the area yet. Her howl rang out for the one named Iolana and her bird, Lale. Though she was sure the howl might alarm the rest of her pledging faeries, she cared little for she was running out of time.

RE: Look him in the eye, aim no higher - Iolana - February 27, 2020

No, the lady had not forgotten about her promise to stick around the ridge, nor had Lale it seemed. Ever since the silver woman left the feathered one had been a mess of ruffled fluff and sassy squawks, quite a disturbance to the silence the cream woman was used to. When the howl rang out Lale squealed with joy and took off, Iolana trailing behind with a soft chuckle and humored shake of her head.

The bird arriving first swooped around the wolfess before tweeting impatiently in Iolana's direction and landing. "Alright, alright!" The gentle lady arrived from the dispersed brush; a smile sent towards the smokey lady before nudging Lale "Calm down Lale!" exasperated the woman. Facing Lumiya again she spoke: "Welcome back" A kind dip of the head while her tail silently swept behind, caring gestures in an act of greeting.

RE: Look him in the eye, aim no higher - Lumiya - February 27, 2020

Though Loinnir had kept from actively acting up about their separation, he was deemed slightly more hazardous and vocal about his annoyances in life by the little fae. Sure, the bird had never been a sweet soul, but n'er had she experienced such anger coming from such a small creature. Her attempts to calm him down using soft lullabies and frequent snacks had proven fruitful, but she was afraid that if she kept these feeding habits up, the poor thing would grow too heavy to fly.

Luckily, as soon as Lale's song rang through the air, Loinnir took off (clumsily, mind you) to greet his friend. He fluttered about for a moment and landed soon after she did, twitching his head all kinds of ways and making a purr-like sound in interest. Thank goodness, you haven't left. Lumi sighed in relief upon spotting the painted lady of the ridge, curtsying in greeting. She chuckled softly, deeming their reunion a worthwhile one. Thank you — I hope this territory suits your fancy, for I have decided to settle here, among the willows.

RE: Look him in the eye, aim no higher - Iolana - February 27, 2020

Both feathered creatures seemed quite overjoyed with the recent reunion as the forest filled with the energetic chirps of the dynamic duo. "No no. I wouldn't leave! I am a woman of my word." A polite dip of the head. Iolana wasn't used to all the noise of the miniature pair below, how could two tiny creatures make so much racket? After a few busy moments, it caused her head to hurt. Her head was not throbbing, it was simply a silent attacker, a painful itch always at the back of the mind. 

"Hush now Lale." A soft, creamy paw tapped the bird with swiftness. It wasn't enough to cause any balance off-throw, but enough to cause the squawking to lower a bit; a nod. "This place has proved itself plentiful. I'm sure it is a wonderful spot to settle!" The wisp was honest in her words, the forest had provided not only Iolana but also her companion in enough food for both, something that dwindled from time to time. "How many others are there now?"

RE: Look him in the eye, aim no higher - Lumiya - February 28, 2020

I'm sorry if it seemed I doubted you. She responded with a shy smile and an embarrassed posture. It was hard to believe others were following her advice and orders - it was so new. In her past, it had been her who was ordered around, tasked to do the dirty work of their family's clan. She hoped her subjects would not hate her the same way she had her parents, the heads of their family. She wanted to be a kind leader, one liked by most.

I've lost count, and I won't be sure of our exact numbers 'till our claiming howl and gatherings. She informed with a thoughtful look. I believe we are over a dozen, but it depends on who has decided to stick around.

Would you like me to show you around the borders? It is time for my daily round.

RE: Look him in the eye, aim no higher - Iolana - February 28, 2020

Iolana had missed the lady's response when quieting Lale but caught onto her next words. The wisp wasn't surprised that the lady managed to recruit so many in such a short time, she was surprised most had probably passed by and the pair hadn't noticed. Lale had seemed quite distracted lately though, the pair got almost nothing but the necessities done in the past while, the thought had been shaken. Lale it seemed was still enthused with the events and came back to the ivory lady and rested beside her paw, quiet and calm now.

Careful to not disturb her friend she kept still before nodding; "That would be wonderful!" Iolana bent her head and nudged the sleepy ball of feathers, allowing the peaceful bird to slowly climb up her neck. The woman made no effort to stop Lale from using her fur to pull herself up, trying only to help her companion get comfy before she and Lumiya started a circle of the territory. Once Lale had deemed a place suitable, it being the fluff at the back of the wisp's neck, she lay at the gentle lady's scruff and dozed. A silent and small nod was sent towards the silver woman; she was ready.

RE: Look him in the eye, aim no higher - Lumiya - February 28, 2020

Perhaps Iolana was sure of the little fae's skills, and though she'd grown more confident, Lumi hadn't expected her dreams to materialize so easily - so perfectly. Surely fate would throw more obstacles her way, like it had always done; but for now, the skies seemed clear and her heart was a-flutter and she was the happiest soul 'neath the spires that touched the sky and near the unwavering pulls of the ocean. The willows whispered songs that sparked feelings of belonging, and she was sure she wasn't the only one who heard them.

Lumiya smiled at her friends, then turned to lead the way to their borders; they were faint still, but strengthening with each day that passed. She would make sure their presence was known, and that she'd be established and running a real court before the coming of summer - before the middle of spring, even, if she was lucky. I'm certain you'll enjoy yourselves here, and hope you'll meet your fellow faerie folk betimes. She mused on their way there.

RE: Look him in the eye, aim no higher - Iolana - February 28, 2020

The smokey lady took off swiftly and Iolana could tell she was proud of her achievements. The woman walked carefully as to not wake her friend, this was the best sleep she had seen the bird get in a long time. Hopefully, such naps and peaceful nights would become much more plentiful for the protective fowl.

Iolana trailed the lady and made sure to get in step with her, the fewer footsteps would mean less noise and a better chance of hearing anything the fae would say on the trek towards the border.

She turned her head just in time to see the lady speak of the others. "I'm sure we will meet eventually!" A gracious smile was set on the painted woman's muzzle as the pair continued. Iolana only hoped Lale would be in a good and welcoming mood when such greetings occurred.

RE: Look him in the eye, aim no higher - Lumiya - February 28, 2020

They arrived shortly, the court shielded by willow branches that at some points touched the ground. They were frosted over, like crystals strung on a string, almost making music as the wind pushed them against each other. Only the winter allowed for such frozen delights, but the forest would be no less beautiful in the coming seasons; the fae was sure of it. The caves, structures, streams, pools and open spaces allowed much variety in scenery and Lumi couldn't wait to see everything blooming. One sparkle faerie was perhaps even more excited about this; little Deidra, their medic.

Here we are. The girl chirped. If you so desire, you can plant your scent among ours. The border patrols were for more than getting the court's scent as strong as possible on the outer reaches of their territory - it was also to make sure there were no breaches. Though their territory remained neutral until their claiming howl, she wished for strangers to be met at the borders and not in the middle of their sanctuary.

RE: Look him in the eye, aim no higher - Iolana - February 28, 2020

It didn't take long for the group to make it to the gorgeous willows, a place of many wonders. The forest was strikingly beautiful and the woman felt the sudden urge to wake up Lale so she could see it too but held herself back. "You are quite a wise selector. Such a wonderful place will be a perfect spot for a pack like yours" A small pause before the lady continued: "ours." she corrected, her lips turned upward.

The woman was offered to place her scent and while it felt right she also felt she should wait until she found a weak spot. "I will wait till I find a weaker spot in the border. I imagine it's not the strongest yet as the pack is fairly new?" Iolana wanted to make sure she was correct in her assumption before going the trek around the boundaries. The was a quiet whistle, high pitched; Iolana's favorite. It was also the only kind she could hear. Either way, it was peaceful and sweet, soothing and relentless, beautiful and a nice reminder that wonderful things exist in hard times. "Have you a name for the group yet?"

RE: Look him in the eye, aim no higher - Lumiya - February 28, 2020

One would think the fae was used to compliments by now, but every one of them caused a slight blush to settle on her frost-touched cheeks. She wished she was as careful with her words, as humble as the painted lady, to cause such reactions; it was true she n'er not spoke the truth, but sometimes she'd forget to compliment even the tiniest of things. She smiled warmly at the added "ours" for, indeed, it wasn't her court. The queendom belonged to all those who settled there, and she was simply the one that kept things running smoothly and made the tough decisions.

Unfortunately accurate — but I give it not even a moon before it is as strong as other's. She'd seen the Taiga and scented its scents - she'd already established an alliance with two that had settled near. Artyom was the soon-to-be father of Whitebark Stream's new generation, mothered by his mate Dawn — and Uriel was the sunkissed leader of a pack settling in The Bracken Woods. There were more, but their proximity to the court caused Lumi not to think of them as often. We shall be named the Seelie Court, where everyone has a place.

RE: Look him in the eye, aim no higher - Iolana - February 28, 2020

The wisp carefully watched the lady's mouth as it articulated every word, glad that Lumiya was not one that was hard to lip-read. "Possibly not even that." Another glance over the delicate terrain before shifting her gaze back to the sterling woman. Seelie Court. Her tail grazing blades of grass, it almost made Iolana wish she could hear the non-squealing sounds of nature. 

"Seelie Court" The new syllables flowed from her jaw, a stream of undeterred harmonization. Once again the woman didn't fail Iolana, in fact, she prevailed. The name suited not only the silver woman herself but also the land, a puzzle of a thousand pieces falling in place so flawlessly. A silent nod, her approval showing as she simply smiled onward; quiet compliments were always a special talent of hers.

RE: Look him in the eye, aim no higher - Lumiya - February 29, 2020

Iolana was right of course - it would not take their band long to fill the forest with their scent. Even if some had left, their numbers were quite high for a forming group and she didn't doubt they'd be mistaken for official down the line.

Mhm. She hummed in agreement, sometimes forgetting Iolana was nearly deaf. Seelie means 'lucky' or 'blessed' - a common way to refer to good faeries. She informed. She would update Iolana on all the specifics later, thinking it was best to keep things simple for now. Their traditions and festivities would eventually come naturally to any of them.

RE: Look him in the eye, aim no higher - Iolana - February 29, 2020

As usual, Iolana missed the low hum and saw nothing more than a larger breath than usual afterward. She didn't know what sound Lumiya just made but she wasn't very fond of pointing it out and kept her mouth shut. When the silver woman finally spoke Iolana caught all the important words, the only ones she needed. "Extremely fitting." 

Iolana had to admit, plenty of thought had gone into the pack, everything was so perfectly organized. The mind was a wonderful thing, complicated, but gorgeous in its own way. Her brow knit with gratitude and hope Iolana smiled again; "Thank you"  Her words directed towards the lady's willingness to allow her and Lale to reside in her kingdom, one of the places Iolana had previously presumed she would never be granted entrance.

RE: Look him in the eye, aim no higher - Lumiya - February 29, 2020

The fae smiled then, beginning to trail her way 'ver the borders but making sure Iolana could see her lips at all times. And thank you — for wanting to stay with us. She didn't think of it as an honor to welcome others into their court, but she did think of them actually wanting to be welcomed as an honor. The title of queen had yet to fit her properly, but she'd grow into it in no time.

RE: Look him in the eye, aim no higher - Iolana - February 29, 2020

The pair started around the borders and Iolana noticed the other only sped up when she was positive she could do so when the cream lady would still be able to see her lips. To that, the lady's tail shifted. "Who wouldn't want to stay here?" A soft chuckle floated from her muzzle. It was nice to think she could be accepted so easily into such a place. So far, no problems had arisen. And while Iolana knew it wouldn't last, it still comforted the wisp.

RE: Look him in the eye, aim no higher - Lumiya - February 29, 2020

A high-pitched chuckle spilled from her throat at the question, knowing at least two that were not keen on staying in the forest and dance their problems away - her brothers. Some could find it restricting — but that goes for any court or pack. Some were just not meant for a fate of peace and community, and the fae found that quite alright. Though the Wilderness would be a safer, gentler place if everyone converted to their lifestyle - if everyone was a faerie, no one would be. For all the good they did in the forest, there had to be bad somewhere else, otherwise the world would be out of balance.

RE: Look him in the eye, aim no higher - Iolana - March 01, 2020

"Fair point." the wisp mused. Iolana still couldn't understand those who didn't want anything to do with an offering pack. She could picture a few downsides to a pack but some saw no benefits and it confused her. One would assume safety would be a true positive to living with others, even if it meant you may also be a target.

Iolana glanced around, at everything, taking in all the sights she could. The horizon of hues, the plentiful trees, glistening snow below, and the swaying of nature as the light breeze blew through. The lady turned her electric gaze back to Lumiya as to not miss any spoken words. The pair continued, and though it had not happened yet, Iolana knew she would come to peace here.

RE: Look him in the eye, aim no higher - Lumiya - March 03, 2020

Feel free to fade and archive or just archive next <3

They remained in the embrace of silence then, humbly doing their duties as queen and faerie. Loinnir hooted once the job was done, knowing it was time for a meal instead of trailing the same path they'd done for so many times now. The fae knew how to satisfy him, at least, and keep him somewhat tied down so he wouldn't cause trouble.

I believe it's time for us to part ways now — feel free to make yourselves at home. She informed with a smile. If nothing else was said or acted upon, Lumi would take her leave with a polite curtsy, intending to be back before nightfall.