Wolf RPG
Teeth Details - Metal on my wolf’s teeth - Printable Version

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Teeth Details - Metal on my wolf’s teeth - Santiago Arcos - February 28, 2020

Initial question: Can I have metal on my Wolf’s teeth?

I had a problem getting him accepted at first because I originally planned to have him have a thin layer of metal on his top two canines. I was told he couldn’t have anything that aided him in battle/made him have more of an advantage in battle. 

Would it be acceptable/ considered an advantage in battle even if the metal wasn’t pointed/sharp but more round and went along with a natural curve of the tooth? Like a really thin sheet of metal just covering it?

Sry I know it was long but I wanted to ask more specifically as to get the correct answer. :)

RE: Teeth Details - Metal on my wolf’s teeth - Towhee - February 28, 2020

It's a no from me. This is a semi-realistic game and that seems too unrealistic to me, in addition to the other concerns mentioned.

RE: Teeth Details - Metal on my wolf’s teeth - Talamasca - February 28, 2020

(I'm not a CM but they can confirm/deny.) oop! Kat got it.

I think it goes beyond an edge in battle. While WolfRPG is a "semi-realism" site, adding something like human-made materials to your character (like any prosthesis, as discussed previously) would either: a) not work in the short- or long-term depending what the addition was, and b) is too unrealistic overall.

It was asked previously if a character could have a prosthetic (human made, attached, etc) but such a thing would not last in the wilderness. The same could be argued about metal caps on teeth - they do damage the enamel, plus, how did the metal get there in the first place?

RE: Teeth Details - Metal on my wolf’s teeth - Santiago Arcos - February 28, 2020

Ah I see! Not a problem just wanted to make sure! And it got there from his previous life but that’s a long story haha. Awesome thank you for the confirmation though!