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Hoshor Plains I never land, just float there - Printable Version

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I never land, just float there - Speedy - February 28, 2020

back dated to 2/4 <3

She was ready for winter to be over. She desperately needed to replenish her plants and she was looking forward to not being cold all the time. Today had been uncharacteristically sunny, though, and she had been lucky enough to find a large boulder positioned perfectly within the sun's warm beams. She had spent most of the morning sorting more dead plants from her herb cache, the remnants of which still clung to her fur in random places. Her next task had been to check the food stores but she had been unable to resist the promise of warmth on her fur. She stopped near the rock, lifting her front paws and resting them on the smooth surface. To her delight, it had been heated just enough by the sun. She swiftly jumped up onto the boulder, did a few circles, and then reclined in the toasty rays. She sighed and closed her eyes, letting the sun heat her coat like it had done the rock. She could almost forget it was winter if there wasn't the occasional chilly breeze to remind her. But it was easy to ignore, and she let her mind wander. Her new mating with Emrik was the main subject of her thoughts, and she couldn't help but smile as his face appeared in her mind. They should tell the children soon, she thought too. She would need to ask Emrik about it. For now, though, she just enjoyed the small, fleeting gift of warmth.

RE: I never land, just float there - Emrik - February 28, 2020

After leaving the impromptu meeting with Ira and the other scout sent on the mission to reclaim the River, Emrik set out looking for his mate. He was desperate to see her before he left. After taking back the River, Emrik swore he would spend several days with just Speedy. Since their courtship had started the man had been called from the Plains twice. While it helped solidify his place within the pack once again, Emrik did miss his beautiful partner.

It wasn’t hard to catch her scent on the wind. She had been active today. Emrik followed various paths she had left, tracking some of her movements through the day. Herb hunting it would seem. As he circled her herb den. When he finally found the right path, he was greeted by an adorable sight.

Speedy, curled in a delicate ball, in the only rock large enough to absorb the suns rays. Grinning broadly at her antics, Emrik chuckled as he approached. Lifting her front paws to perch on the rock, he nudged his head alongside hers, his hind legs remaining on the ground. “Hey sleepy head.” He murmured softly.

RE: I never land, just float there - Speedy - February 28, 2020

She had started to doze off a little and at first, she thought her mate's scent was in her dreams. But then she heard the gentle tone of his voice and felt the brush if his soft, warm fur against her own. Her eyes opened slowly and a grin spread across her face before it was engulfed by a large yawn. She stretched in place and smiled at him once more. Hey, she said softly. They could could probably both fit on the rock if she scooted over and they snuggled close, which she didn't think would be a problem. She slid over, inviting him up with a lift of her head and an expectant expression. Assuming he accepted, she waited until he was settled and pushed her face into the fur of his neck, softly nuzzling him for a few minutes before pulling back just enough to meet his gaze. What have you been up to today? she asked. He had been busy lately, leaving the plains to scout the river with some of their packmates. She had missed him terribly while he was gone, but she knew how important it was that he prove himself useful here, and she was proud of his initiative and hard work.

RE: I never land, just float there - Emrik - February 28, 2020

His grin widened as he leapt up on top of the rock. Careful not to step on Speedy. He snuggled close, body pressed tightly against her own. Oh… it really was quite warm, and Emrik shivered as the heat seeped into his fur. Gratefully returning the nuzzle with one of his own.

He quirked his head slightly, thinking over her question. Summarizing as best he could, “Well I traveled the border, with several of us heading out we have to make sure this territory is well scented.” Splitting time between the two territories was going to be a challenge, with so many of them heading out on the scouting trip Emrik was worried about the safety of those staying behind.

“There was a group of does that split from the main heard, so I tracked them down to see what was going on. And then Ira wanted to see a few of us.” He was starting to feel at home, the routine of a pack and the reminiscent feeling of a family making it easier to settle. “I saw you’re tracks everywhere today. Were you searching for herbs?” Or perhaps someone was ill? Startled he peered at Speedy a little more closely. “Is everyone alright?”

RE: I never land, just float there - Speedy - February 28, 2020

It seemed he had been busy today, which was not surprising at all. She was thankful for the extra security measures; if she was being honest, she was a little nervous whenever Emrik and the other scouts weren't here. She worried about them out there, and she worried about being safe here with a good chunk of their members gone. But it seemed like they were doing all they could to make sure everyone was safe. You've been busy, she said with a smile. What did Ira want to talk to you about? she asked, curious about whatever might prompt the Count to gather some of the pack. 

His question was tinged with worry, and she smiled and touched her nose to his cheek reassuringly. Everyone is fine as far as I know, she answered first. No one had come to her lately in need of patching up or herbs. Aside from Ira and Evergreen, she thought everyone else seemed to be in perfect health; she'd like to keep it that way. I was organizing my herbs and clearing out anything that was too dead to use anymore. Worry made her draw her brows together. Spring can't be here soon enough; I'm not comfortable with how low my supply is right now, she added. I'll be happy when I can replenish everything. Her brows relaxed some. So no need to worry unnecessarily, she added, touching her nose to his cheek again. She loved that he cared so much, but she hated for him to worry.

RE: I never land, just float there - Emrik - February 28, 2020

Emrik had to agree, “I think everyone will be happy for spring to arrive.” He added a deep nod of his head, he much preferred the green grass to the frigid snow. As was evident by their current position. He was relieved to hear everyone was alright, they did not need anyone to get sick or hurt right now. “Everyone is fine thanks to your tender care.” He nosed her cheek, smiling lazily. “I’ll help you find herbs once spring is here, two eyes are better than one.”

Moving on to the question about Ira, Emrik’s tail thudded against the rock. He was excited, and happy, “We’re going back Speedy.” He hadn’t realized he had missed the River until one of the others had graciously filled him in on the part of the meeting he had missed. “Ira told us to head out as soon as possible.” Of course he came to spend some quality time with Speedy first. He would reconvene with the others soon.

RE: I never land, just float there - Speedy - February 28, 2020

She smiled at his compliment. I hope so, she replied. They don't always make it easy, she teased, alluding to how accident prone the pack seemed. She never minded treating anyone's ailments, though. She just hated seeing her packmates in pain. Come spring, his help would be most appreciated. Thank you; I'd like that. She would get to spend time with him and do one of her favorite activities. 

She wasn't sure what he meant by back at first and her confusion was apparent on her face. But it clicked when he explained that Ira was sending them out. She hadn't realized that was even an option. Her confusion quickly morphed into excitement, hope lighting her eyes. Really? she asked. That would make the spring so much better. I miss the river so much. She had found a way to settle on the plains because she had to, but they never felt like home; not like the river did. But with every bit of excitement came worry as well. Be careful, she warned. It might still be dangerous there, and if someone gets seriously injured... She shook her head. If he got seriously injured, she wasn't sure she'd be able to treat him or anyone else properly with her current herb supply.

RE: I never land, just float there - Emrik - February 29, 2020

“We’ll be fine.” He nosed her gently, a knowing smile on his lips. “I promise.” He pulled back just enough to smirk at her, “Besides! When do I ever get into trouble?” Emrik threw in a wink for good measure. To be honest, he was sure the River was a disaster, and he did know it was dangerous. There were a lot of things that could go wrong. Both at the River and here in the Plains.

“Just think about how much better it will be back the River. It’ll be like before I left. Just you and me and the children.” He sighed leaning into her. “Aren’t you excited?”

RE: I never land, just float there - Speedy - March 09, 2020

She wasn't so sure they would be fine despite his teasing and reassurance and how laid back he seemed about the whole thing. Her mind conjured different scenarios where things went wrong and someone got injured regardless of how much she wanted to believe that they would all return home unharmed. She gave him an impatient look but softened a little at his playful wink. He sure was handsome when he did that, but it didn't really lessen her anxiety. I'm serious, Emrik. I'm holding you to your promise; you better return home to me unharmed. The same goes for anyone else going with you. Her voice was stern but a playful smile spread across her face soon after her worried words. Otherwise, I'll have to kick your ass. She gave him a teasing glare as she spoke. 

It was easy to picture them back at the river; she wanted it very much, and she was excited to hear that Ira was planning for them to go home. She nuzzled whatever part of him was closest. That would be perfect, she said softly. I'm sure the children would love to go back, and I would really like for our new children to be born at the river, she added, smiling at the thought of her current children's happiness and at the thought of hers and Emrik's future.

RE: I never land, just float there - Emrik - March 12, 2020

He gave a vigorous nod, “Speedy, I promise we will be careful.” He gave her a big sloppy kiss on the cheek leaning into her and gave a playful whine. He was excited to go back, but more importantly because Ira had trusted him with a role on this trip, a chance to prove himself. It was the beginning of something grand and new. His fresh start.

“I better go.” He whispered after a moment. He knew the others would probably already be heading out, he had told them not to wait. That he would catch up. “They’ve probably already left.”

RE: I never land, just float there - Speedy - March 24, 2020

She nodded despite her worry, reveling in his affection and trusting in his promise. She offered a few soft kisses to his cheek and nuzzled her head under his chin, seeming to feel that this moment was quickly coming to an end. 

So she wasn't surprised when he stated that he needed to go, but her chest still tightened a little. She would miss him terribly while he was gone, even with plenty to keep her busy. Okay, she murmured. She knew this was important to him, and she was proud of him for taking on such a responsibility. So she summoned a smile for him, pulling back to meet his gaze. They're lucky to have you, she said, touching her nose to his cheek. I'll see you soon. She pulled back, smiling still, and waited for him to make his departure. She would allow herself a few more moments of somber quiet before leaving the rock herself and getting back to her responsibilities; her work didn't pause, no matter how worried she was.

RE: I never land, just float there - Emrik - April 01, 2020

He took a deep breath in her presence for the last time until his journey was over. Keeping the memory of her scent close to his heart, and her image held firmly in his minds eye. "I'll see you soon." He promised once more, before rising and heading back toward the edge of the Plains. "I love you." He spoke over his shoulder, and gave her once last grin before finally heading out.