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crown of roses - Printable Version

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crown of roses - Cara - August 13, 2014

for @Sitri
I'd like this to be a gamekeeper/warden thread
and this is before the whole fight w/ ptarm is played out

The responsability of being queen was settling well on Cara's shoulders. Youth wasn't a disadvantage for her, in fact she thought that her lively and energetic nature was what the pack needed after being struck so low with the death of the previous queen.

She had been quick to assign jobs, and though she had no fears the borders would be unattended under Kaname and Mordecai's watchful care she still decided to take the early afternoon to patrol around the edges of the pack's boundaries before continuing with her tight agenda as the leader.

As she stepped along the invisible line that delineated their land from unclaimed one she sniffed around for any strange scents that might hint trouble. When she found none she stopped to admire the land she had inherited from her beloved snow queen; she stared in awe before squatting down to write a warning message for lone wanderers that might think about crossing to her side.

It said clearly.
GET OUT xoxo

RE: crown of roses - Sitri - August 14, 2014

Sorry i've been on absence for about a week

Sitri strode forth from the areas that his pack now inhabited. The red eyed brownie continued on towards the borders. His intention to reinforce the border markers so no one and that was no one came across their homelands. He was unsure if the others had found the usurper that had screamed her war cry across the lands the one day, but he kept that to him self.

He padded towards the borders, but a scent assailed his nostrils. He blinked and then looking it was the new queen he averted his eyes quickly and lowered his body. He was not about to get reprimanded for not showing the proper respect to the new leader. Especially since one day he would probably have to save his only friend Tyrande from her or Kaname if she continued to push her boundaries. He tilted his head and spoke quietly Queen Cara his voice low but his words unrefined and guttural.

RE: crown of roses - Cara - August 16, 2014

dont worry <3

As she sprinkled her scent along her borders she finished off her little act with a quick kick of her back legs that sent pieces of dirt and debris over her odorous masterpiece. She admired again how her marking was perfectly placed on that invisible line that divided her land from the rest of the Teekon Wilds. Her eyes trailed along the horizon, the outside did not longer seem tempting to her she had now realized that the rumor of the grass being greener on the other side was all a lie.

She turned, eager to continue the dilligent task of marking the borders and found that she was being watched by the brown brute that had once started a fire on envy in her heart. All of the jealousness and dicomfort she had felt towards him was gone, only to be replaced with a live sense of what could only be called gratefulness. He lowered himself, which pleased her inflated ego and made a smile appear on her slim face. "Sitri, how are you?", she barked while wagging her tail which was still held at a dominant position.

There where things to be settled between them, she did not know if he had noticed the resentment she had felt towards him in the past, but she was willing to clarify any misunderstanding in order to have him as a loyal follower.

RE: crown of roses - Sitri - August 18, 2014

He stood still while she continued to draw her scent to the borders. He stood still large body quivering eager to continue on, but keeping himself still so that she could speak to him if she wished. Sitri kept his body low and his eyes averted. He wagged his tail once and twice in return of hers. He spoke loudly I’m fine Queen Cara, how are you? He grew quiet then and sat down, keeping his head bowed and waited for what she would say.

Tattered and torn ears swiveled as he sat there, listening to the sounds all around. Of any danger that may cause harm to befall the new queen. His tail moved to and fro across the ground. The birds sang loudly in the trees, and he could hear a creek bubbling across rocks a little further away, but still he waited.

RE: crown of roses - Cara - August 18, 2014

The sight of the enormous brute bowing his head to her was strange to the female. She knew that as an Alpha that was what she deserved --and something she could easily get used to-- but since her former perception on the male had been of dislike and jealosy it was hard to for her to accept that now he was no longer a threat or a competitor.

It was exactly for that reason that she had wanted to speak with him, to wipe that slate clean and start fresh. He sat and asked how she was, still using the term Queen to refer to her; for a minute she wondered if he covered his words with bitter venom before he said them. She sighed and sat down too, getting the feeling that the conversation would be a long one.

"I'm fine. Listen Sitri I don't know what how you feel about me but I'm going to tell you how I feel about you" she began, "You're strong and were extremely loyal to Jinx. That's why I envyed you.. she admitted while fighting the urge to look away from his scarred face, "I no longer feel envy, but admiration.. I want to leave all those bitter memories behind and start over, what do you think?.

She hoped he would accept her lame attemtp to apologize and pledge his loyalty to her with the same intensity he had done with Jinx.

RE: crown of roses - Sitri - August 21, 2014

Sitri did not see the inner turmoil with the new Queen. And he had never known that she disliked him, that she saw him as competition. It was not usual for other’s to see him as competition, so he didn’t even think about it. He was what he was and that was pretty much it, what you saw was what you get.

Sitri did not speak any venom, or hold any ill will toward any of his pack mates, except maybe Kaname. But that was borne of protectiveness that burst into his breast hot and biting, when he heard the other talk about Tyrande. Knowing full well that the two did not like each other, but fact of the matter was she was his only friend and he would not have anyone hurt her, he finally had a friend.

Sitri stared at her for a moment trying had to process everything she just said then he spoke you were jealous of sitri? A slave?. He tilted his head unsure what else to say and alittle floored to be honest. He shifted his weight and looked down, not because he didn’t want her to see his emotions, she couldn’t anyway he was very school in neutral expressions, but rather to gather his own thoughts to himself. Sitri did not think badly of anyone, you is his pack mate, his family so, Sitri does not need to start over, but if you do we can. he grew quiet those few words feeling like he had spoken a long winded speech, when in retrospect he hadn’t at all.

RE: crown of roses - Cara - August 22, 2014

The few minutes or seconds before he answered were painfully long for the young Alpha, she had wished he had spoken inmidiately, but he took his time analyzing her words and thinking about his own. She had forgotten Sitri had a particular way of speaking, not that she minded, she listened to his gruff voice and smiled slightly as he seemed to accept her low quality apology.

She was, however, quite confused when Sitri called himself a slave. Was that what he was? Was that loyalty and fierceness which with he served Jinx all forced? She had thought he was driven to act by heart and perhaps that was what she envied the most. "You..were a slave?" she asked while sinking her eyes into his face, "You don't have to be my slave. I'd own you of course but I'd be your friend too. the thought of having a servant was tempting but she didn't want to abuse of the man; he had after all a good heart under all those scars.

RE: crown of roses - Sitri - August 22, 2014

Sitri had to think about what he wanted to say and what she said. It made some think he was contemplative and deep thinking, but he wasn’t. He was trying to understand, he had not been taught how to speak correctly, had not been taught how to articulate, but he was learning now, he was trying. It was hard for the blood and slave borne male. Very hard for him to change around his entire psyche, but he was making some progress.

Sitri smiled ghoulishly, the scars marring the normal movement. Was a slave. Sitri was born of blood and slavery mother/father sister, brothers all slaves. Sitri was former queens consort, slave, assassin, kidnapper, whatever she wanted him to be. He was. Not Queen Jinx slave, first wolf show Sitri kindness, so he followed her. Needed new queen for old queen was gone. he grew quiet then, unsure if he would make sense, but it was the best he could do for her. He didn’t know how else to explain it to her. Sitri would have argued the fact that she thought he had a good heart. He had a neutral heart if any heart at all. He did terrible things in the name of his former queen, there was so much blackness he was fairly certain he would never wash it off, being baptized in blood and darkness as it were.

RE: crown of roses - Cara - August 25, 2014

His answer was a knot of unfinished ideas for the young Queen, she knew he was giving his best effort to articulate his thoughts into words but there the perhaps too ignorant yearling didn't understand if what he meant behind all those jagged sentences was an acceptance to her apology. She looked at him for a while after he was done speaking and a light smile began to pull back her lips.

"Will you take me as your new Queen, Sitri?"she asked with hopeful eyes. He would certaintly have noticed the love she had had for the Snow drapped Queen, she shared her ambition and her drive to get things done. If Sitri had appreciated that from Jinx perhaps Cara and him could get along. The yearling had already put behind her the childish jealous fits she had felt for the man, now it was his turn to accept or decline.

RE: crown of roses - Sitri - August 29, 2014

Sitri was trying his hardest to speak correctly. Tyrande working on Sitri's...my words and ar...ar...articulation. he grew quiet again. He was doing his best, he hoped that if he learned enough he would be able to speak well eventually, well enough that others would understand him.

Sitri dipped his muzzle gently welcome to Power Queen Cara. He grew quiet then and waited. he accepted her, would accept whomever. As long as a wolf was not purposely mean to the scarred male, he was okay with them. He had told others before he was just tired, and now he just wanted to survive to live. Do you need anything else from me Queen Cara? I was hunting.

RE: crown of roses - Cara - August 29, 2014

wrap up?

Cara could almost feel the arduous effort the brown brute placed into his pronunciation, though his sentences were still jagged and his tone flat, he could at least convey his thoughts into words. "You're doing good", she praised softly, finding it hard to compliment a grown man for his speaking skills. Though if they were to be friends, she'd have to get used to saying nice things --after all that was what friends were for.

The weak curve that lined her lips curled into a bright smile as the male finally seemed to recognize her as his Queen and congratulated her. Though it was weakened slightly when he gave her a subtle hint that he wanted to go on with his tasks. As cold and heart-less as she could be sometimes she had thought her apology would receive a more emotional response. Though by looking at Sitri she understood why her expectations would've been wrong.

"Carry on", she barked while giving a short nod to dismiss the brute.

RE: crown of roses - Sitri - August 31, 2014

That's fine with me :)

Sitri gave the female a small smile, it was eery and awkward, but it was a smile. Thank you Queen Cara, but no need to tell Sitri good things ot please him, not used to it. he wasn’t used to praise of any kind and usually didn’t know how to take it. He did however feel pride in himself for the praise, just because he was not used to it, did not mean he didn’t like it.

Sitri had not meant to convey disheartenment, or dislike, he just didn’t understand that she had wanted more of a response. However, he could not give one, he was largely unemotional most of the time, completely neutral always. He was working on it, but rome was not built in a day and he had time to work on it.

He gave her a small smile Thank you Queen. You would like to come with me? he was offering her a chance to get to know him if she wished, he could easily talk and walk while marking the borders even hunting could be done as a pair.

RE: crown of roses - Cara - September 02, 2014

last post for me

Cara blinked at him blankly as he gently turned down her praise, either way that wouldn't change the Queen's opinion on the subject. He was exeptionally better since she had first met him, when he talked to Jinx like a caveman. Tyrande had done good teaching the brute, and whether he'd take the compliment or not, she'd continue to appreciate his progress.

After he'd been dismissed, the frost coated Queen looked away, and prepared to go on on her border-marking spree, though as his deep voice grumbled for her to accompany him, she couldn't resist but to smile softly. Her eyes sinked into his reddish orbs and she bobbed her head up and down as a big YES.

"I'd love to" she barked as she padded next to him, her tail curled over her back and her ears pricked.