Wolf RPG
Raven's Watch Travesuras - Printable Version

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Travesuras - Chivirín - March 03, 2020

Tú estas enojado porque ahora, tú no puedas corejar las mujers, she crooned from her back with a half grin, watching the raven dejectedly pick at a pebble. The ravens here, too, were of a different creed than the wolves from the far south, and her companion was having just as much trouble communicating with the locals as she, if not more. Chivirín had at least picked up some English on her travels, but not her stubborn feathered friend.

¡Estoy aburrido! Vamos a cazar... she drawled, still on her back. Tal vez encontraremos una chica para ti. And with that she rolled over onto her belly, rising to her feet and swiping at the raven's tail. He retaliated with an indignant squawk and flew up to her shoulder to give her a swift bite on the ear, but soon became preoccupied with a tangle in her fur and began to preen it out.

RE: Travesuras - Reiko - March 08, 2020

Set after Reiko and Ira meet, RE is now claiming NSV

The mountains were vast - and she was beginning to know their terrain as best as she could. From one tip to the next, she wouldn't travel too far from the Vale without a guard - today, she felt adventurous enough to wander just a couple territories away to scout out the lands. What was where, who was where, who were their neighbors anyway? Did they have any other than Kaistleoki?

The forest was thick with black birds, both ominous and beautiful as she wanders the watch. A sight she couldn't help but feel amused by was a girl playing with one's tail. Though caution told her to hide and draw no attention to herself, she was drawn in by the playful banter they both had. Are you two friends? The princess asks with a soft tilt of her crown.

RE: Travesuras - Chivirín - March 11, 2020

A ghostly-coloured female with a build and coat that suggested northern ancestry approached, and Chivirín's ear's perked as she turned her attention to the newcomer. She had never seen a pure white wolf before - only in tales. Sí, we travel together for a long time, she clarified with a smile. The raven hopped from her shoulder and eyed the newcomer with beady eyes. But he does not talk and I don't know how much he understands. Her companion gave a disgruntled gurgle to suggest that he understood plenty.

RE: Travesuras - Reiko - March 12, 2020

Cerulean eyes wandered to take in the stranger's colours. Being from a pack with only white as the predominant colour among her and her kind, the Izuka were rather plain looking if she compared them to others from the outside. It was after her exile did he see all the colours and patters that mother nature had blessed others with. Salt and pepper speckled the young woman that faded into a warmer brown. 

The crow was only an added interest in this whole scene!

After the crow's somewhat sarcastic gurgle, or at least that's what it sounded like to the pale woman - Reiko giggled at the sight, even if the beady eyes staring daggers at her were unsettling. I think that means he understands enough. Keeping a comfortable distance between them, it was her curiosity that kept her here. May I ask? Um... How... How does one even befriend a crow?