Wolf RPG
Whitefish River Little Red Dress - Printable Version

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Little Red Dress - Hieronymous - March 04, 2020

Thread for moving Kaistleoki back to Whitefish! Anyone may join @Ira, @Emrik, @Evergreen, @Connor or anyone else who is on the scouting mission

Emrik was a lad indeed. Hieronymous devoured any food that was put in front of him. Though he didn't feel much different than before, at least after some rest to take the time to digest, he was back on his feet and ready to scout out the river's territory to help the scouts with their mission to re-claim the land.

It was rather beautiful, he liked the river side a little more than the plains. It felt more like home to him, not to mention he loved the fish too! Despite being thinner than before, he was determined to make the rounds. Careful to try and follow the tracks and trails caved by his packmates in order to try and familiarize himself with their boundaries, again.

RE: Little Red Dress - Emrik - March 13, 2020

He was still pretty banged up from his fall, a gash on his leg scabbed over and crusty, another on his cheek oozed slightly. His eye was swelling slightly and he walked with a limp, but walk he did. He did his best to patrol as normal. There was a lot to be done before they could return and bring the others, and so he limped their tiny borders every day. Slowly.

Today Emrik was happy to find Hieronymous in his path. “Hey!” Emrik called, alerting the other man to his presence as he drew closer.

RE: Little Red Dress - Hieronymous - March 14, 2020

Carefully he followed the tracks of his packmates, picking out what might have been prey to wolf tracks, he could only hope they belonged to the scouts and not some stranger who was lurking within the would-be-borders they were trying to re-claim.

Then like a blessing, Emrik came around the bend to join the patch work man on his little excursion. With a wag of his tail, Hiero turned to see... well, the face of the man who had morphed for the worse since they had been reunited at the river. Woah, and I thought I looked bad. You alright? Emrik was worse for wear but at least he was standing - well, it was at least one good thing to see.

RE: Little Red Dress - Emrik - March 25, 2020

Emrik couldn’t help a little chuckle, and gave a nod of his head. “Ya I’m fine. Took a little tumble." He elaborated a little. Grimacing as he shifted his weight between his paws, and settling more firmly on his uninjured side. “You mind if I join you?” Emrik wasn’t to sure what Hiero was up to, but it was probably better to hang out in pairs until their pack scent was stronger.

RE: Little Red Dress - Hieronymous - March 26, 2020

Walking it off eh? Trying to keep the conversation light, Hieronymous was simply happy that Emrik was okay in the end. The fact that he was walking around, to begin with, was good news. Watching Emrik grimace as he moved, Hiero's brows arched and he offered a more sly, coy grin as he softly, barely touching the injured man, bumped shoulders with him. Maybe ask Speedy to look you over when you can. With a wink, he let the injured man off the hook for now. 

Absolutely, if you can keep up~ Of course Hiero would match Emrik's pace. It was all merely a farce. You can point out the borders for me if you could? So I can have a visual of them. With Emrik's nose, he could pinpoint out where their lands begin and end and Hiero would log it away into his retentive memory.

RE: Little Red Dress - Emrik - April 01, 2020

"I guess I am." Emrik appreciated the deviation from the typical concern and worry in Hiero's tone, easily joking with him instead of pitying him. A blush settled on his cheeks at, and Em had to shake in order to relieve some of the embarrassed tension. Simply nodding along to the mans comment, with an easy smile.

"Happy to help any way I can." And so Emrik lead Hieronymous on a tour of the border, indicating main scent markers and discussing common danger or things to look out for. Their conversation business like in it's nature, for the safety of the pack.