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Haunted Wood salt coating me - Printable Version

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salt coating me - Pestilence - March 05, 2020

their mother had, some time after their birth, moved the group into one of the dens bordering the main group. one by one, she'd ferried them, and (had pestilence the capacity to realize this) seemed disappointed when none of those left behind in the glade had vanished. beyond the mouth of their new world, the sky darkened. things called, moved, beyond the relative safety of their world. but pestilence concerned herself only with the cold empty their mother had left beyond as, once again, she'd left. hunger ached, and the girl trembled as she dragged herself toward whichever warmth she could find, unknowingly on a collision course with another sibling.

RE: salt coating me - Conquest - March 05, 2020

Unbothered by the others in her litter, Conquest was more or less solely concerned with her own survival and comfort. In and out of sleep, awoken only by the feeling of cold as their mother would disappear into the darkness of their world - she was unaware of how long she had been thrust out into this world. It felt like an eternity already. 

New ground, she found the ground to feel a little different than before. With weakened legs, she struggled to move around along the ground, more or less like a slug worming its way into oblivion. The collision was slow but instant, affecting the few senses she had. With the ability akin to a drunken, half dead snake, she tried to bite whatever it was that had collided with her (with little to no force behind it being only days old).

RE: salt coating me - Guardián - March 05, 2020

Never enough. Famine's frustrations continued to grow as each day, his hunger was left unsatiated. When not nursing from his mother, he would latch onto whatever was around — paws, stones, perhaps one of his siblings! 

Again, she had left them alone. Soon after, Famine's hunger returned. He crawled toward the nearest source of warmth that his body could find and latched onto whatever was available, sucking with all of his might.

RE: salt coating me - Pestilence - March 05, 2020

the impact felt akin to a car crash, weakened and inexperienced as she was, limbs and dully snapping gums. she made a sound that was half cry, half moan, the first but certainly not the last of it's kind to emerge from her maw. drunkenly, she perseveres, sensing warmth and associating it with a sating of hunger. her maw searches for a teat as she clamps soft gums around her sibling's ear, limbs working to push her forward. simultaneously, the jaws of her sibling clamp onto a hindpaw, the unfamiliar sensation earning yet another cry as she stills suddenly, miserable. 

RE: salt coating me - Conquest - March 05, 2020

No. Whatever that was she hated it. She knew she hated whatever that was. Something was on her head, ear? That thing that hung off her head that had yet to open, something wet and teethy with little needles was around it. With a cry, the pathetic lump of meat tried to pull away from the sensation. Whatever this thing was, the thing that crashed into her and now was chewing on her, she hated it; and that hate would only grow in time. The hate for everything.

RE: salt coating me - Guardián - March 06, 2020

Famine did not seek to draw blood, but with the force he exerted, none would be surprised. He whipped his paws forward and back, kneading at the ground and fur surrounding his new chew-toy. Conquest's scent was strong — he did not know everyone's scent yet, but knew that they were different — so he released his grip and began to crawl toward her, hoping to try out one of her paws, too.