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Sea Lion Shores take all the courage you have left - Printable Version

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take all the courage you have left - Orochi - March 05, 2020

set on the 7th

Orochi hated the coast a few weeks ago. He truly believed that he'd never enjoy this foul-smelling place, and that joining Huā on the island had been a mistake. But now, after his journey inland, the coast was comforting to him. He was relieved by the gentle ocean breeze, the sand between his toes. The dragon sat on a rock, taking in the sight of his beach.

RE: take all the courage you have left - Rosencrantz - March 05, 2020

It felt like an eternity since he had seen the water. The salty smell of the air was both familiar and foreign, it once perfumed his coat with the smell of salt and sand - now the smell of pine and other woodsy things took over. Walking along the edge of the water, the chill of the ocean's touch graced his pads as the soft sands squished around the mountain's toes. All the while a boy sat on a rock behind him, unnoticed by the leviathan as he looked onward to the place he had called home for just a brief while... the island where Aristos was supposed to have claimed.

A frown creased his face deeply as the memories quickly flooded his thoughts. Were they even still there?

RE: take all the courage you have left - Orochi - March 05, 2020

Everything was looking just as it should, well, save for the random guy walking along the shore. Seriously?! Why did everyone think it was ok to waltz around here? Didn't they smell his markings? To be fair, he hadn't been around to refresh the place, but he didn't care about that.

HEY! he yelled out to the man. Orochi shot up and grunted loudly. You better turn around. Right now.

RE: take all the courage you have left - Rosencrantz - March 05, 2020

Honey focused on the island as he thought back to the events of the summer. How it began all so well, he was happy, even, for a while - and how it all came crashing down around him. How trust was turned into hate. His gaze never broke, but quickly his ears flickered back to grab the voice that called out to him angrily. 

And a switch was flipped. 

Tension in his maw was evident. Fur flew up in a defensive position as his tail hung there, motionless. He did not, infact, turn around; and the only vocal response he offered was a growl, a warning, that slowly began as a tickle in his throat and only grew with time.

RE: take all the courage you have left - Orochi - March 05, 2020

No one ever listened to him did they? They always thought Orochi was something to toy with. They always underestimated him. This man was no different from the rest of them. He stayed where he was, challenged him. Orochi would just have to prove he was not one to mess around if, as he was forced to do time and time again.

You fucking stupid or something? He stepped off the rock and approached the man, tail curled up over his back. I said leave. He raced towards him, aiming for any part of his face.

RE: take all the courage you have left - Rosencrantz - March 05, 2020

Rolled a 9Health: 17/20
Damage buff: 11

He was hoping that the warning would be enough to keep the younger wolf at bay. That he would not approach and follow through by forcefully trying to remove Rosencrantz from this location. Unfortunately for him however, that wasn't the case. It seemed he just could not catch a break these days. 

As the words spewed out again, he knew exactly what was coming. The crunching of the sand quickly approaching him was enough to help him keep track of the other as he approached; and just as the youngster came within rage - Rosencrantz wipped around, maws ajar and fueled with rage, snapping at anything that was in their way. 

Teeth met their mark on the bridge of his nose, but as the blood trickled down, all he wanted was to teach the little shit a lesson (but more so to exercise that frustration of his, the lesson was just an excuse made up by him).

RE: take all the courage you have left - Orochi - March 05, 2020

roll for damage: 6
w/ buff: 8
dmg: 5

orochi: 10/20
rosencrantz: 12/20

His teeth raked against something, but that was about it. The man whipped his face away from any other attack, and came back around with jaws wide open. Teeth sunk deep into his snout, inciting a infuriated hiss from Orochi. The only thing he could think of doing was pushing up towards his face to loosen the grip. If his opponent let go, he'd grab onto his chest.

RE: take all the courage you have left - Rosencrantz - March 05, 2020

Rolled 5Health: 12/20
Damage: 7

The taste of blood was pungeant, but he had no pleasure from it. This fight was more or less an annoyance than anything. The ocean had become nothing but a series of unfortunate events, one after another and each one of them more annoying than the other. He began to hate the place, and anyone who lived along it.

His grip slipped from the boy's snout and it gave the younger of the two the opportunity to attack the giant's chest. Enraged by the situation, Rosencrantz aimed for anything he could see and thrusted forward with armed jaws - which would most likely land on the boy's shoulders or scruff along his back. There was no forgiveness or ease in his strike, he aimed to make the boy regret.

RE: take all the courage you have left - Orochi - March 12, 2020

roll: 3
w/ buff: 5
dmg: 5

orochi: 3/20
rosencrantz: 7/20

He managed to get a hold, but it just wasn't tight enough. A heavy blow to the neck ripped his teeth from his chest. He grit his teeth as a surge of pain rushed down his spine and out into his body.

Orochi flailed wildly and snapped at anything he could reach.

RE: take all the courage you have left - Rosencrantz - March 12, 2020

Rolled 6Health: 7/20
Damage: 7

With flesh in his grip he tore and ripped through what he had, the boy flailed in his final attempt to try and teach his target a lesson in ignoring the orders he barked out - but it was all in vain. Rosencrantz was in no mood to play around and he'd teach his own lesson today. Unless the lands are claimed with clear borders and defended with a pack, any random joe like himself would, and should wander. They were neutral lands after all, and the only scent he found so far here was that of the boy - and it was very, very fresh - so fresh it was like the boy was right in front of him.

The boy's teeth snapped as he flailed, nicking and cutting anything they could, cuts and crapes continued to riddle the paladin's armor but he would not back down to such an infantile young man. He was lucky enough that Rosencrantz had enough mercy to not make this a death match to begin with...

RE: take all the courage you have left - Orochi - March 15, 2020

There were a few scratches here, a couple of bites there, but nothing strong enough to make the man let go. It was becoming painfully clear that he had already lost the battle. As humiliating as it may be, he needed to flee the scene before his neck could get completely destroyed.

Orochi stopped snapping and began to twist and turn. If he was able to free himself, he'd make a run for it.

RE: take all the courage you have left - Rosencrantz - March 16, 2020

With a white canvas like his, every little cut and bite - big and small, bled through the pale man's cape. Staining him in red blotches from every angle that the young man had manged to land on him. Mainly focused around his snout and chest, rips and tears leaked through and stained the trail all the way down. He was angry and frustrated with the boy for charging at him on neutral lands, but even as the boy twisted and turned with the attempts to release the grip they had on one another; Rosencrantz let go with the belief that he would leave him the fuck alone now. 

With a snort he watched as the boy fled, and the moment that the paladin was alone again, he shot a glare over to the island once more. Nothing but a nuissance the island had become, even to this day. With a disgusted look in his eye, Rosencrantz walked back to where the plateau waited for him, back to Rusalka, away from that cursed island.