Wolf RPG
Trades and Specialties help? - Printable Version

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Trades and Specialties help? - Skoll Almir - March 11, 2020

Hello! Like the title says, I have some questions about Trades and Specialites. 

- For getting a trade- is that 5 completed threads in all or 5 completed threads when it pertrains to one thing? Do you have to have those 5 threads when the character is an adult wolf? Are you abel to do threads with only your character (without other people in it) to get those 5 threads if those threads have to pertain to that one thing? 

Those same questions are also for the other phases of it- since they seem to work the same?

I am aware that lone wolves can't get them without posting in matinence, right?

RE: Trades and Specialties help? - Arcturus - March 28, 2020

For reference, our Trades and Specialties page:

(March 11, 2020, 11:39 AM)Skoll Almir Wrote: For getting a trade- is that 5 completed threads in all or 5 completed threads when it pertrains to one thing? Do you have to have those 5 threads when the character is an adult wolf?
Five completed threads (minimum of 3 posts by your character demonstrating the trade in question) per trade. So, if you wanted Hunter trade, you'd need five threads and in every single one Skoll needs to be hunting or doing something related to hunting.  You cannot use those five threads for obtaining a different trade (such as Mercenary) once you use them for Hunter.

(March 11, 2020, 11:39 AM)Skoll Almir Wrote: Are you abel to do threads with only your character (without other people in it) to get those 5 threads if those threads have to pertain to that one thing? 
No. Threads must be with other players. Some Pack Managers may have additional rules - check with your PM if you're a pack wolf.

(March 11, 2020, 11:39 AM)Skoll Almir Wrote: I am aware that lone wolves can't get them without posting in matinence, right?
Yes, you would post the request here: https://wolf-rpg.com/showthread.php?tid=19572

Let me know if you have further questions, or send me a PM if you'd like a thread partner for any of these trades and I can help.

RE: Trades and Specialties help? - Skoll Almir - March 30, 2020

Thank you for the reply! I posted this thread having already read that area you linked before- which spurred the questions in the first place. I'll definitely be using this information in the future!

If I wanted to get a character into being a Tactician, what would I do for that?

RE: Trades and Specialties help? - Arcturus - March 30, 2020

(March 30, 2020, 12:28 AM)Skoll Almir Wrote: Thank you for the reply! I posted this thread having already read that area you linked before- which spurred the questions in the first place. I'll definitely be using this information in the future!

If I wanted to get a character into being a Tactician, what would I do for that?

Is there some way the Guidebook can be better written so it is easier understood? If the phrasing isn't clear in the GB it is doing favors for no one!

Regarding Tactician..
Guidebook Wrote:Tactician: Major focus is on strategy in large conflict scenarios.

I imagine something that involves strategic planning -- (think Machiavelli) maybe a wolf that advises certain tactics, or, observes weaknesses in others / observes better ways in which to go about fighting? Things also like, picking specific places that are better for defensive maneuvers (IE, standing on top of a hill) vs offensive movers (probably best not to try to go uphill to fight your opponents) - best vantages for spying/espionage, etc.. Of course I am sure there is way more out there and this list is not exhaustive, just my uncreative ideas before morning coffee..

RE: Trades and Specialties help? - Skoll Almir - March 30, 2020

Oh no- I was asking here to make entirely sure I was thinking everything right! Another site I used to be on had things like this, so I needed to make sure I wasn't mixing things up! I think the guidebook is alright the way it is unless staff wanted to edit it to add on ways one could mention things to get each one(though its pretty obvious how). 
So theoretically I could just go through and have him notice things every thread? Weakness of others, or make plans for things etc? That actually sounds a lot easier than i thought. For that, would I have to do 5 threads going for tactician specifically, or would i have to get him into Mercenary first somehow?