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Blacktail Deer Plateau A bit of peace and quiet - Printable Version

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A bit of peace and quiet - Dante RIP - August 14, 2014

I'm going to take a page from Danni's book and open this up for @Blue Willow .... @Hawkeye I would still love a thread with her or Kisu at any time if you get a spare moment ^^

The day was waning quickly but Dante was undeterred by the fading light. He pressed onward, making one final round on the edge of the plateau. Looking out, the flatlands stretched beneath him, an awe-inspiring sight in the light of the fading sun. It was a perk that this was also one of the prettiest spots to watch the sun sink down. Pausing in his steady lope, he slowly approached closer to the edge, stopping with some room between himself and the lip.

A sense of calm possessed him as he stood there, nothing more than border patrol and the beauty of the scene before him on his mind. All of his other troubles slipped away for one beautiful, soothing moment. This was one of the reason the idea of possessing the Warden rank so took him... out alone on patrols, he could leave the drama of pack life behind and simply focus on what was before his two eyes. He needed these moments desperately at times.

RE: A bit of peace and quiet - Blue Willow - August 30, 2014

Blue Willow left Amelie and Atticus both tucked deep into her den and fast asleep and she strode towards the border. Intent to just have a moment to herself. Maybe she would rage and scream probably not it was so out of character for her, that she laughed at herself in a way. She just held fast to her hope and told herself over and over again it would be worth it in the end it would be. He would be okay, he would be.

She really needed to go over the offer extended to her from Lasher, but she just kept pushing it to the back of her mind. Too anxious to make such a huge decision, without looking at all avenues, and only when there was no hope left would she visit that option. She hung her head, it was nothing against the dark Lasher. He was a wonderful male, kind and fairly easy on the eyes she supposed, but it was an offer to father her children, not to love her and perhaps she was selfish but she wanted the whole she bang. Everything that came with having children the mate, the love the life. She continued on and saw another figure in the distance, she chuffed once to let them know she was near and hoped it was a member of her own pack

RE: A bit of peace and quiet - Dante RIP - September 01, 2014

Dante had closed his eyes though he still stood, enjoying the feel of the breeze that blew over the edge of the plateau as it played through his fur. The day had been warm, especially with his thick coat, and it was nice to get some air flow. A soft sound behind him came, someone politely announcing their presence, so he turned without worry to see who it was. When he saw that it was Blue Willow, a smile of genuine pleasure lit his features, and he gave a low woof of greeting in return.

"Blue! How are you?" He asked, stepping forward to give her a nuzzle in greeting. It had been so long since he had spoken to her, but it was hard to catch her nowadays, and he didn't want to steal her time from Atticus. He did wonder how she was holding up, but did not want to pry, so knew to mention nothing about the man. He was willing to bet her presence out here was an attempt to escape that for a while and would assume so unless she brought it up herself.

RE: A bit of peace and quiet - Blue Willow - September 01, 2014

Blue had gotten close enough to make out the form of the male Dante and she had to smile. His own smile and his enthusiastic greeting was a balm to her hurting soul. She felt so out of sorts lately, and she really felt that she was lacking as a leader, simply because she was so scattered. She had even thought about stepping further down, but couldn't do it, wouldn't do it. This pack, her family they were too important for her to abandon, because she felt sad.

Blue returned the nuzzle to his shoulder and smiled softly. Hello Dante! I have been better, but I have been worse, so I suppose i'm okay. How are you my friend? She grew quiet and sat down to the ground near him, folding her tail around her paws. And giving him her full attention.

RE: A bit of peace and quiet - Dante RIP - September 01, 2014

Blue had always been a quiet, gentle soul, but to Dante she seemed even more subdued than normal. The smile made it a bit better, but still he was concerned. "Remember my offer, it still stands. You ever need to talk, I'm here. Even if you need to scream, yell, let it out. I'll be your crash dummy." He had to grin at the thought of sweet, even-tempered Blue Willow shouting at anyone. But sometimes frustration and pain built up and it felt good to just let it out. He'd screamed down his share of oaks and pines in his younger days, though now took to venting his anger on his legs when rare occasions called for it. He'd run for hours until he was so tired that he couldn't think straight, let alone hold onto the emotion.

"Myself, I am good. Working on trades and hassling rabbits." Larger prey had been eluding him lately. At least most of the stores had a rather good start on them. Winter was approaching quickly. Which reminded him... "I meant to offer as well, if you need anything restocked in your stores, let me know. I do a lot of wandering, so wouldn't mind keeping an eye out for you." Patrols had him paying attention to such things anyway.

RE: A bit of peace and quiet - Blue Willow - September 01, 2014

He's so sweet lol

Blue chuckled at his words and nodded her head in agreement. She remembered his offer and she supposed she could always take him up on it, but did she want to bare her soul just so? Did she want someone to know she was doubting herself, fully and completely doubting? She supposed maybe he could help her. I am just sad Dante and I find that for the first time in my life i doubt my abilities as a healer, as a friend, as a leader. I cannot heal Atticus I have tried everything, and I know head wounds are tricky, but he's in there you can see it. If he wasn't he wouldn't be able to move around or eat, but I can't shake his living dead comatose state. I have not been there for my friends when they needed me. I completely forgot about our weekly hunts perry had to remind me. Should I be leading if I can't remember something that important? she grew quiet introverted and didn't say anything else.

Blue chuckled i always need whatever you can find that can heal, I am always stocking the stores up. And rabbits are easily hassled. She smiled then happy to know he was enjoying it here. i am glad you are here Dante, i am glad you stayed.

RE: A bit of peace and quiet - Dante RIP - September 02, 2014

Having never been in love, he couldn't in any way understand what she was going through. True, if it was his sister in that position, he would be heartbroken... but it was different. He was willing to bet her pain was worlds apart from Peregrine's. No more or less, just different.

"I think you are right where you need to be. To be leader and healer can't be an easy task, but those roles are yours. And just because leader needs to take the backburner for the moment doesn't mean you need to step down. That is why you have us. Because while we rely on you to care for the injured, you can rely on us to take care of things like hunts. That's what being a family is all about, right?" He understood why she was doubting herself, but he didn't doubt her one bit.

The bit about Atticus was a harder one to answer, though. He had not spent much time around Peregrine's brother since the incident, but it did not look good. He would never say so, though, for his pessimism didn't have a place among those who fought so hard to bring him back. "He'll come back, I'm sure. But I feel it might be up to him. You can only do so much." Dante didn't know much about head injuries, but it seemed like it also would involve some effort from Atticus. "And I couldn't imagine him not fighting to get back to you."

"That they are, and so am I." He responded, and it was heartfelt. Imagine if he had walked away from Peregrine that day on the borders and not looked back... he would have missed all of this.

RE: A bit of peace and quiet - Blue Willow - September 02, 2014

Blue listened to him calmly, but didn't say anything just yet. She just listened and he did a very good job of easing her fears. This is true and I am a healer first, always will be. I suppose that is why this is so hard to take. I can't heal him, and I have never really not been able to heal another. I know sometimes you can't, but I have never been in the position. it was the truth of the matter. She did not ever take leadership over healing, she just didn't do it. Healing was in her blood, it was as if it were tied to her life force. Sometimes she feared if she were not to heal, she may just die for lack of purpose.

Blue smiled at Dante, and she knew that it was touch and go, and he could very well go one way or the other. She however, did not want to give up her hope that he would be alright. She knew that in time she may have ot move on, but that didn't make it any harder to swallow. Thank you Dante, you will make a good counselor, and i am glad to count you a friend.

She grew quiet and chuckled softly at his words, what would have happened if he had not stayed, if he had continued on. It made her slightly sad at the thought, he was a good member to their family a good friend. So tell me Dante, now that I have shared my woes. What is new with you.

RE: A bit of peace and quiet - Dante RIP - September 02, 2014

She spoke of the trade, and for a moment, Dante was silent. He had thought perhaps to go for it, but had begun to second-guess his ability to follow through on it. He didn't... connect... well with others. True, he had friends here, but at the current moment they numbered about three. Peregrine, Blue Willow, and Lasher. There were others he had met, but simply in passing, no real meaningful association had. "I'm not so sure that counselor is for me," he admitted. He would love to have it, but trades were supposed to reflect the strengths of one's character. And while he was understanding, Dante was not sure how much his actions actually helped in most situations.

"As much as always. The pack is content, so I am content." Aside from Atticus' condition, things were going well for them right now. He'd say that they were thriving, but to do so might jinx it.

RE: A bit of peace and quiet - Blue Willow - September 03, 2014

Blue chuckled at him for a moment, You tell me not to second guess or doubt myself yet you do it friend? Dante do not let yourself talk yourself out of it, you would be good at it, all you need is to have an understanding countenance, ready advice, and be a good listener. You are all those things and more, do not sell yourself short. Blue rocked backwards and shifted her weight. She gave him a small smile, she was enjoying this conversation, for a moment her sadness was lessened.

We are content, but I would love to see the caches fuller, and some more herbs. Especially if Fox insists on having puppies in the spring, she is going to need to eat and take well care of herself, and for that we need a healthy pack too. She grew quiet not speaking about her own thoughts on children or her want, or anything, sticking to the things that were safe.

RE: A bit of peace and quiet - Dante RIP - September 03, 2014

Dante laughed as she called him out. "I'm sorry, I suppose that his rather hypocritical of me. Thank you, though. It means a lot to hear that from you." To Dante, Blue was the essence of understanding and character. Many of the qualities he sought to have she exemplified well and his respect for her knew few bounds. To hear her say that he was a help meant a lot to him and he took the words to heart.

He nodded. He had been working as hard as he could on the caches, but with rotten luck there was only so much he could do. He would continue to hunt as often as possible, though, in an attempt to fill them as much as possible before winter struck. He too was worried about their stores. "If you show me some common, useful herbs, I could keep an eye out for them while I hunt and patrol." He wouldn't have a clue what to look for currently.

He did not even think as to her own situation, for he would not have guessed that she desired to have pups of her own. Not that it was odd for her to, Dante just tended to assume everyone went through life like he did, with little thought to family or lineage, unless he learned otherwise.

RE: A bit of peace and quiet - Blue Willow - September 04, 2014

I read somewhere that dogs can see colors but it would be like dark blue, red, yellow etc...so

Blue chuckled You are welcome. Blue did not put much thought into the qualities that she exemplified. She was just the way she was, and she did it without thinking really. So she would have been surprised, had she been privy to his thoughts.

She thought about it Well I can always use Jopi weed for fevers. It looks like this. She drew the picture in the dirt. It stood up and had a bushy top. And showy goldenrod for sore throats. The Jopi weed is light red and the goldenrod is yellow She smiled then she would be glad to have these few plants in her stock. She had more that she could tell him, but she didn't wish to overload him, there was only some who could do well to remember herbs like her.

Blue desired puppies of her own, but only with someone she loved. She hadn't fully realized she had already made her decision regarding her offer, keeping it shoved down so, and she didn't even realize fully yet that she had made a decision. She smiled at him and sat to her haunches.

RE: A bit of peace and quiet - Dante RIP - September 08, 2014

Dante studied the picture carefully, committing the details to memory. Long plant with a nice, bushy top. He'd keep an eye out for anything that looked like that as well as any red or yellow plants. He figured he could bring back whatever he found and she would tell him when he got it right. Then he'd know what to look for.

"I'll keep on the lookout. Can't have you running low on healing supplies, can we?" He smiled, but it was true. Winter was a time of hardship, sickness and injuries due to the cold or ice common. They would need all the skill she had to offer, he was willing to bet, before the season had run its course.

RE: A bit of peace and quiet - Blue Willow - September 09, 2014

Blue chuckled as he studied the picture. It was not the best drawing seeing as she was most definitely a wolf with paws, but it would do just fine. And even if he didn't get it right, there were very few plants that one couldn't use for healing, so chances are what he would bring back, could still be used in some sort of capacity.

Blue shook her head No we cannot, winter is bad for everyone, but especially the young and we have puppies in our ranks. Not to mention she strongly suspected that Fox would want children this winter or at least to become pregnant this winter, so she would have to be prepared to keep her healthy too.

RE: A bit of peace and quiet - Dante RIP - September 12, 2014

He nodded at the truth in her words. All the more reason for them to stock up as much as they could before that time came. True, it could be a gentle winter, but to bet on such a happening would be a possibly fatal folly. He might even get started on his search tonight, though the dark would make it harder to see any likely candidates. He had the sudden desire to hunt.

"I am actually feeling a hunt. After all, as you said, we need to start storing all we can." Anything he caught tonight would go straight to the caches. He wasn't particularly hungry at the moment. With growing pups to keep strong and possibly more on the way they would need all the food they could get.

RE: A bit of peace and quiet - Blue Willow - September 15, 2014

Blue always adhered to the side of caution. It could be a mild winter, or it could be a heinous one. So she always prepared for the worst, that way when it wasn't so bad, she wasn't so stressed. Blue was not a good hunter in the least, she supposed she was fair. She would however do her best to hunt for the pack, because they needed all able bodies to do so. That actually took precedence of her herb gathering at the moment. Their failed hunts were happening far too much, and by no fault of their own. Circumstances in nature just fell that way sometimes.

Blue shifted I am not a good hunter, but I would like to help if you'd have me on your hunting trip? She grew quiet, she was always fair about her skills, if she was not good at something she told the truth. her father used to tell her it was because she was such a good healer. Can't 'ave more dan a few good skills chile, people begin to t'ink it unfair if you as perfect as it gets.

RE: A bit of peace and quiet - Dante RIP - September 18, 2014

We can fade this now or play out a hunt, doesn't matter to me! I plan on using this for counselor trade so I don't need the gamekeeper credit ;) but I am more than willing to keep it going

He was very pleasantly surprised when she offered to accompany him and help him on the hunt. He hadn't thought she enjoyed that sort of thing but would be more than glad of the company. "Of course you may come, I would be happy to have another along!" He was in the mood to be around others at this moment and her presence would be agreeable indeed.

Besides that, she moved quietly and would hardly disturb the prey. He didn't have to worry about her acquitting herself for she had the life experience behind her. He had enjoyed his hunts with Lasher and this would probably not be all that different. Blue Willow was becoming a fast friend for him, her open gentleness and kindness making her very easy to be around. "Let's see what we can find, shall we?"

RE: A bit of peace and quiet - Blue Willow - September 19, 2014

Gladly Thanks for the Thread another soonish :D

Blue didn't like to hunt, despised it actually, but it was a way of life. And she only disliked it, because she wasn't all that good at it. Blue smiled and nodded Good maybe you can teach me some pointers anyway, Peregrine bless his heart tried.

Dante too was becoming a fast merry weather friend for her. She nodded and motioned for him to lead the way. SHe followed behind him, wondering what they might find or catch and if they could. It was becoming dark soon.