Wolf RPG
Stavanger Bay Will love blossom? - Printable Version

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Will love blossom? - Beric - August 14, 2014

Beric had been excited to learn Claire was staying in the pack after her captivity period had ended. He hoped he had given her some encouragement to try pack life out, and not just assume it would be bad. The Stavanger Bay wolves were a really good group, and he knew there were many reasons to like it here. He just hoped Claire was open minded enough to see them and not give up easily.

He had gotten up early this morning to do his usual rounds, and then intended to find Claire. It was early afternoon now, however, and he couldn't seem to get a bead on her location. So, he walked into the heart of the territory where the lakes were located, heading towards the western one. Coming to the edge, he lowered his head to take his fill of the water before sitting back on his haunches. He figured the only way to find her now was to send out a call. Tilting his head back, he let out a howl, asking Claire to come.

RE: Will love blossom? - Claire - August 16, 2014

the kind of tired sleep can't fix

To be completely honest, she had not even noticed when her status as a captive had vanished. She thought she'd feel different, that she'd feel like a weigth would have lifted off her shoulders but really it was like the weight wasn't even there. Like all days she awoke and lingered around the forest with her head low and her eyes on the ground --but something had changed.

The first she noticed was that the harsh stares from some faded into neutral or indifferent glances. Then she noticed she was not avoided by others anymore, they did not swerve away as if she was the carrier of the plague. She was beginning to somehow break the mold and integrate herself into the pack. Though Beric continued to be the only one she spoke to.

An today, it was him who seeked her. She had slowly transitioned from sleeping in the den --which she found out belonged to Beric-- to sleeping under a tree, coiled against the trunk to maintain her body heat.

Her long bony legs took her quickly to the meeting spot, though she had gained a good number of pounds since her arrival, the traces of her extreme malnourishment were hard to hide. While her ribs were now covered by a thin layer of fat her hip bones and spine were still pretuberant.

"Hello Beric"she barked softly while approaching him with her head subtly lowered but not to the point she used to as a prisoner.

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RE: Will love blossom? - Beric - August 18, 2014

Beric fidgeted while he waited to see if Claire would answer his call, dragging his paw across the sand in different directions to entertain himself. It didn't really work. His mind was still on her, wondering what she was doing. He knew she hadn't been sleeping in his den anymore, and so he had reclaimed it, but where was she sleeping? He hoped it wasn't out in the elements. She deserved a nice, cozy den to sleep peacefully in. He certainly wouldn't call his cozy, but it was better than nothing.

His thoughts were interrupted by her voice, his head jerking up as he watching her approach him. She was respectful, lowering her head, but he was glad to see she held herself just a little higher than before. Was that confidence? He smiled, Hello, Claire, he responded. She was looking better and better. He could tell she had been eating by the way her body was just a little more filled out than a few weeks ago. He thought she could eat some more, but that really was not his place to say. It was obvious she was taking care of herself, and that's really all that mattered. How are you doing? he asked, really interested in the answer. Was she settling in well? Did she like it here? Were the others being nice to her? He had no doubt many would treat her with the utmost respect, but there were a few wolves he didn't know very well.

RE: Will love blossom? - Claire - August 20, 2014

the kind of tired sleep can't fix

A flicker of approval was blended into his eyes, she figured it was because she had attended to his call but she also suspected it was due to her appereance. Many times she had been interrogated about her poor eating habits and the ugly repercussions it brought onto her body. She knew it wasn't healthy just to stop eating when sadness arrived or stress knocked at her door --she was not stupid-- the truth was that when life got to hectic, Claire felt as if life wrapped its finger around her trhoat and choked her to the point nothing but air --and in bad days vomit-- could go through her esophagus.

Many continued to call her a lunatic, a masochist. And perhaps she was one, she had been pushed to the limit and throwed around into misery so many times perhaps she had grown attached to the pain. There was no way of knowing. What mattered now was that she was doing well, not only had she mantained her health during her captivity but she continued to recover from the extreme state of malnourishment and desnutricion she was in.

She glanced at him when he said her name and a little smile that slowly grew as the conversation rolled took hold of her face. "I'm well, no longer caged" she barked nervously, she wondered what would the behaviour of the others --including him-- would be now that she was no longer a prisoner held against her will.

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RE: Will love blossom? - Beric - August 28, 2014

She claimed she was doing well now that she was no longer caged. His ear flicked in slight confusion. Was that a stab at him over her previous confinement? She a small smile on her face, and he didn't really detect any malice in her words. So, he returned the smile. I'm glad you're well, he responded. And free, he added after a fraction of a pause. She was, indeed, free to leave the Bay wolves whenever she wanted, though he silently hoped she would find reason to stay.

What do you think of us, now that we're no longer your wardens? he asked, a curious gaze set upon her. He wondered if her views had changed to a more positive outlook now that they were no longer holding her against her will. He wasn't sure how much interaction she had got with the other members, but he hoped any was positive.

RE: Will love blossom? - Claire - August 28, 2014

the kind of tired sleep can't fix

The fact that he didn't lecture her on eating habits earned him a golden star in the little space next to his name. She was so tired of hearing it over and over again she was glad she didn't have to pretend to listen to Beric say it. Hollow smiles were the most exhausting to give, Claire would know of it. But thankfully she wouldn't have to waste one on him, the small curve that pulled on her lips was natural and genuine.

She blinked at him a couple of times as he mentioned the freedom she had recently acquired. She had been longing for the second the imaginary chains around her neck and the shackles on her ankles would be taken off, but truthfully now that they were no longer there she didn't feel as overjoyed as she thought she would.

She was glad she wouldn't have to fear for her life anymore, there would be no reason for Ragnar to sacrifice her in front of the Isle wolves -- mostly because there were no Isle wolves anymore. Apparently Ypres had met her fate by jumping from a cliff, but that was none of her buisness..
She thought of her former leader and rescuer's fate until the man's voice cut through her thoughts. Huh?,she thought, who's we? she wondered as she brought her eyes up to his face. At first she had thought that by us he was referring to him and..her--it was thought that made her heart flip over and a strange sense of heat climb to her cheeks.

"I- I'm alright, I mean I still get the stares and I think I always will but whatever.. " she muttered, not knowing he wanted a more of a you & I type of answer.

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