Wolf RPG
Swiftcurrent Creek churning paws and water - Printable Version

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churning paws and water - Shadow - August 14, 2014

@Shelia Your name did not want to tag, xD

The sterling outrider stared longily at the distance but he made a promise, and a promise he would keep. But still, that didn't make him less adventerous or make the tugging in his gut go. Only exploring would chase it away, or fighting but there seemed to be nobody around to fight. He sighed and began marking the Creek's borders.

It was afternoon by the time he decided to finish off and have a meal, he did not want to go chase rabbits or ducks or squirrels yet. A quick meal of fish would do, sinking his paws onto the soft grass he made his way towards his pack's namesake but kept by the side. To chase off a bit of the useless energy he harbored, the silver wanderer climbed up one of the Sleeping Guardians and started his descent towards the Creek.

RE: churning paws and water - Shelia - August 14, 2014

haha that's ok

Shelia's form rummaged through the undergrowth of the forest floor, berries being the main goal. Her keen snout had warned of the wolves in the area, but it was nothing she concerned herself with. The sound of rushing water alerted her to a creek of some sort in the distance, thinking that perhaps she may be able to score a fish or two her large muscular body carrying her toward the creek. For those keen, her scent would travel on the wind, long before her brown and black form could be seen. As Shelia lumbered through the trees her dim eyes caught the sight of the creek. Letting out a low growl in satisfaction, she made quick work of the distance although pausing to deem if there were in fact any fish for her to try her luck with.

RE: churning paws and water - Shadow - August 14, 2014

The silver wanderer stiffened halfway down one of the Sleeping Guardians and immediately clambered up the hill again, and the scent was there. Bear... Keen platinum eyes spotted the brown and black form and the surrounding area wondering if it was possible for a second wolf to chase away a full grown bear. Probably suicidal, but it would be worth a try.

The wolf paused behind the undergrowth, crouching down. He had also made sure he was downwind so the bear wouldn't be able to sense him. Quietly he trotted to down to a space behind a rock. He was still downwind. A small grin flashed through his face, chasing a bear off on his own. Hopefully he wouldn't die, he still had lots to acomplish in his life.

RE: churning paws and water - Shelia - August 14, 2014

Shelia catching sight of a tail or two, but nothing big enough to sate her hunger, let out a small rumble from within her chest. Lifting her head from the water, to look beyond the creek to if perhaps there was better foraging on the other side. Looking back to see if perhaps she should turn back the way she had come. While her black eyes were not the best in the animal kingdom there was no mistaking the silhouette of a wolf, scenting the air slightly with a titch of her nose. While the air told her little she could not ignore her weakest sense, letting out a low warning growl. Her massive body rumbled at the growl showing her powerful muscles, and her long claws, everything about her spoke as if to say, I can break you with one swipe.

RE: churning paws and water - Shadow - August 14, 2014

His ears swiveled towards the bear as it let out a low warning growl. He rose to his paws and watched as the bear showed her muscles and her claws. As if he cared about her powerful muscles and claws, she was too fat in his opinion, too big to be nimble and swift, unlike him. Her blows would be slow and he could avoid them with his lithe and well muscled form.

He smirked as he trotted out from behind the rock and leaped up onto it, platinum gaze challenging her, the smirk still on his features as he waited for her reaction. This was going to be fun, not to mention, suicidal. He grinned.

RE: churning paws and water - Shelia - August 14, 2014

Watching his reaction carefully, she thought him a fool, she was no match for a pack of wolves, but with only one it almost made her laugh. While her speed as running could not match that of a wolf, her strikes were faster, much faster than his ability to dodge. Deciding that one more warning was in order, her jaws parted, showing her massive jaws and powerful teeth, she made a quick lunge in his direction, full speed toward this arrogant male. Her auds pressed firmly to her head, she was in no mood for a trickster, a loud roar came from her lungs. Backing up a little, she would raise her head high and wait for his response.

RE: churning paws and water - Shadow - August 14, 2014

He watched, a small bit of him amused as the bear's jaws parted showing her teeth and lunged towards him at full speed. He knew that this was suicidal and he would probably die but he decided it was worth a shot. Calmly, he walked to the left of the Sleeping Guarding and climbed onto another stone. A low growl escaped him, mixed with a howl that pierced through the air.

A smirk graced his features, platinum eyes glinting coldly in the afternoon light as he watched the bear's reaction. This was turning out to be rather...unexpected.

RE: churning paws and water - Shelia - August 14, 2014

wow changing up those tables!! XD Lol not sure if you will understand my speech, but it's up to you.

Shelia lowered her head, as he transferred from his perch to another, ready to charge once more. Until the growl like howl tore through the sky. Narrowing her eyes, she was at a disadvantage on lower ground. she let out another loud roar, still hoping to deter his plans or at least attack her. "What do you want?!" Her frustration evident in her tone, not knowing what to do, this seemed to be a good place to forage and hunt, perhaps she had found her new home range.

RE: churning paws and water - Shadow - August 14, 2014

xD, I'll let him understand.

"What do you want?!" The silver wolf thought for a second, finally understanding her words. He gazed at her, platinum eyes fierce and stern. "What do I want? Let me see.... he said, expressionless. "You are trespassing on pack lands and you must leave our territory or our wolves will chase you out with a few scars or maybe death to remind you not to trespass. he said slowly.

Piercing silver eyes locked with the bear's ones and sneered. "Count yourself lucky this time but you must go." If she didn't, well he'll play with her for sometime and then he'll chase her away.

RE: churning paws and water - Shelia - August 14, 2014

Letting out a snort of sorts, hearing his words, she let out a sharp chuckle. "Count yourself lucky this time but you must go." Her amusement left as suddenly as it arrived, "I think I've grown quite attached, I think I'll stay..." Shelia took a step forward ready to stand her ground against on measly brute of a wolf. "If you don't mind." She taunted slightly, although her tone and her demeanor was deadly serious. She despised wolves, and this was one of many she had already encountered on her journey toward this land.

RE: churning paws and water - Shadow - August 14, 2014

He watched, his expression cold as she let out a chuckle. "I think I've grown quite attached, I think I'll stay..." he snorted in amusement. "If you don't mind." he smirked again and let out a snort of laughter. "Ah, bears are really stupid. If you stay I will summon my packmates and chase you out, and the other packs outside will kill you. You are not safe here, in the land of wolves, little bear." he said.

It was true, the many packs in Teekon Wilds would be able to finish this bear in a mere second. She was really dumb to have journeyed here of all places. Swiftcurrent Creek alone would be able to deal her a dozen or more good scars.

RE: churning paws and water - Shelia - August 16, 2014

"Perhaps it is you who is not safe, little wolf. How long will it take me to crush you, before your pack mates arrive? Hmm... Not long, I think." She knew that should the whole pack in it's entirety arrive, she had little chance and would have to flee, but his annoying noises had yet to make a call for aide so she knew she had time yet. Possibly long enough the crush the disrespectfully little whelp in front of her.

RE: churning paws and water - Shadow - August 17, 2014

"Perhaps it is you who is not safe, little wolf. How long will it take me to crush you, before your pack mates arrive? Hmm... Not long, I think." He laughed loudly at that, platinum eyes twinling with cold amusement. "The rumors are true, huh? Bears are daft despite their size." His ears twitched slightly as a faint rustling came from the trees but dismissed it for a fox or a rabbit.

"Go on, little bear. Crush me with your little claws and jaws and I will promise you the vengeance of my pack-mates. They will not be pleased by my death and I assure you, when they come, you'll wish you were never born." he snickered and paced the rock.

RE: churning paws and water - Shelia - August 18, 2014

"If you wish to die, come down from your perch join me on the same level." She could not reach the poor wolf from his height, well she could by why try if he was so willing to risk his life, he would come down on his own. "Come and play." She smirked, her head was held high, but she was ready for anything.

RE: churning paws and water - Shadow - August 18, 2014

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"I said, leave!" he growled, his patience gone. "Leave and begone from this world forever. Bears bring nothing but trouble to any inhabitant, squashing all our land with your fat asses and scaring away all the prey. Nobody can live with fools like you, only your own kind."

"Leave now and run to another place far away from her. I recommend Blacktail Deer Plateau." He lifted his head up into the sky.

RE: churning paws and water - Shelia - August 18, 2014

Is that good?? Maybe reunite later??

Shelia let out a loud roar from deep within her gut, "Don't talk to me as if you are better than I! Your kind is the reason I have even traveled this far! You are savages, killing everything in your path, not caring about anything except yourselves. I will leave for now, but this is not the last that you will see of me! That is a promise, don't forget this day little wolf. Your words have gained your pack an enemy." She growled once more before she backed up, and turned into the forest, angry and vengeful.

RE: churning paws and water - Shadow - August 18, 2014

xD sure. :) Concluding post

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"Don't talk to me as if you are better than I! Your kind is the reason I have even traveled this far! You are savages, killing everything in your path, not caring about anything except yourselves. I will leave for now, but this is not the last that you will see of me! That is a promise, don't forget this day little wolf. Your words have gained your pack an enemy.

The silver wanderer looked on, glad that the bear was gone, hopefully heeding his advice and going to do Plateau. He sighed and muttered "Thank you, cousins, for driving a bear into Teekon Wilds." his job was done, chasing the bear away without a single scratch on him. Words were a powerful weapon.

As if nothing had happened at all, the sterling outrider trotted towards the Creek for a meal of fish, hoping the bear hadn't tainted the river's waters with its stink.