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Moonspear hallelujah, lock and load - Printable Version

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hallelujah, lock and load - Valour - March 17, 2020

impulsive thread set to noon tomorrow cuz travel. Sorry for the crappy starter. He's here to officially meet their alliance, if this isn't a good time just let me know

Little runts. Everywhere. It had sent him from the pack grounds not even a day after he had gotten home. The sight of Serem's son, the scent of others within that den and then sniffing out another litter? The memory of Moonspear gave him reason and he'd ran for it not even taking a rest before he went out. Thoughts clearing as he neared the borders he lifted his muzzle and howled for @Hydra the woman he had met briefly before she had to return to duty.

RE: hallelujah, lock and load - Hydra - March 17, 2020

Hydra sat with her son, @Osiris, and @Lyra. Together, they recounted the tale of his late aunt, Galaxy, and her forray with the bear—who were to be avoided, Hydra added thoughtfully. No doubt it was not the first time he had heard the story, and Hydra retold its conclusion again to her agouti son once her teeth had finished with a particularly fussy knot in his wild furs: ...And after it had fallen, Alya and I went to meet the bear. It was then that I killed the creature— a howl then, and Hydra's ears pricked as she heard a wolf calling for her. Looking to her son, she nosed him as she rose to all fours and shook out her furs. She gave him a look to imply she would return before she departed. 

It took some time for her to arrive, and when Hydra emerged from the Netherwood to descend the rockier face of Moonspears base she saw the familiar face of Valour. It was not an unpleasant surprise, but certainly an unexpected one, to see the once-apprentice of the late Vengeance. Hydra had not known then that he had been dead, and perhaps Valour had sought to tell her as much prior to her being called home. There was little to be done for that, and at the very least she had some time before her patrol to speak with him. She wondered if the boy still had an affinity for the beast of a wolf he had apprenticed under, or if he no longer thought of him at all. Valour, she recalled aloud as she arrived before him, eyes immediately assessing of his form as she searched for telltale sign of new injuries. She left him room to inform her as to if his arrival here was due to anything pertinent for her to know.

RE: hallelujah, lock and load - Valour - March 17, 2020

The woman was watched with a steady gaze though it wasn't due to disrespect. Instead he did as he has grown accustomed to, sizing her up and steadying himself under the intimidation brought on by the confidence and prowess he hadn't bothered to notice the first time. He had ceased to even hold this level of awe for Vengeance, the realisation causing him to assume a confident stance of his own as she greeted him. He gave a slow wag of his tail and a polite incline of his head "Hydra" his tone was firm but not chilled as he held it around strangers. "I'm here to check in on the state of our alliance myself, I just returned to Nightwalkers after some misfortune" his words were calculated, chosen wisely to save his own pride while being honest and mindful of who's presence he was in. "Have you met Hela yet?" he asked her and fell silent waiting to see if she had been made aware of everything herself or I'd he'd have to backpedal and cover himself.

RE: hallelujah, lock and load - Hydra - March 17, 2020

vague bc no one has responded to my NW post yet!!!

Hydra's ears pressed forward a measure as he did not submit, a mute warning for him to mind his place here or suffer the consequences. Her body language, simple and subtle though it was, would be easy for him to read; she asserted herself further by lifting her plume over her hindquarters. Even Hydra would not presume to stand in such a way upon the borders of the Nightwalkers, but Valour had much to learn still since Vengeance's passing it seemed. She did not take it personally, understanding now his guide had been ripped from him—but she expected, fully, for him to be cognizant enough to correct his error from hereon out. Hydra was a kind benefactor, but a merciless woman when tested. It was not his confidence that she did not mind, but the lack of respect he displayed. Had he any self-preservation, he would mind her. Hydra would teach him, where she could, how not to be cut down before an interaction began. To be sure, the matriarch was far more traditional than most. 

And once he did, Hydra would answer his questions. Already she wondered at his misfortune; did he mean the pack, or simply his own? And as he asked after Hela, Hydra found herself additionally wondering what he thought of her. Did she make a good Warlord, for a young girl? Or had everything fallen into a disarray, in his eyes?

RE: hallelujah, lock and load - Valour - March 28, 2020

The mistake in his approach was clear immediately and he swallowed thickly. It was one of the most mortifying experiences to date and he wanted to lash out and defend his pride but his body reacted for him. He bowed his head and took a quick step back away from the borders glancing up to check and see if she was more pleased. The submissive response caused more anger to pool in his gut and he remained silent just staring at the woman for a moment as he waited for some kind of verbal response growing frustrated as none came. Taking a deep breath he tried again "I didn't mean to be rude, I'm sorry.  I got ahead of myself" he lowered his eyes and waited for her response, not sure how to approach now that the situation was awkward and tense. 
idk if you wanna end this to avoid too much ic mix up?

RE: hallelujah, lock and load - Hydra - April 29, 2020

He seemed to understand quickly enough, and Hydra was at ease again. Forgiven, so long as you have learned, she drawled, tone absent of ire. Hydra was mindful of their borders, enough so that the lack of care had irked her to start... but Valour seemed truly repentant, and so she did not hold onto the feeling for very long. I have not. I visited, and was met by none... though I know much has changed there, given she is your Warlord, she drawled. What do you make of it? Of her? She asked, curious to see if he was happy there beneath her. Vengeance had been his mentor, to her understanding... was he angry? Pleased?

RE: hallelujah, lock and load - Valour - April 30, 2020

His mistake was forgiven and he relaxed enough to lift his gaze making sure not to be too direct. Hydra responded to his question, stating that she had come to their borders and been left unseen which he felt instantly ticked off by. He understood Serem was busy with her children but he couldn't grasp why Hela had ignored someone so important. When she'd greeted him at the borders she hadn't seemed too enthused to be there. In fact he'd simply been waved in and left to his own devices. "Our General recently had children. I'm not sure what Hela could have been doing" his tone was apologetic, neck muscles twitching in a way that betrayed his anger at the situation. Thinking over how to phrase his feelings for Hela he gave a slight shrugging motion "Personally my feelings about her are mixed" he admitted and then paused, deciding not to get too personal with the details before adding in "I'm not sure if she'll be left unchallenged for long" he didn't say that he wouldn't be surprised nor would he do anything about it. In fact if nobody did it soon he was contemplating going for it himself.

RE: hallelujah, lock and load - Hydra - May 04, 2020

Hydra listened to him, and his note on his leader left her all the more confused. If they were to be good allies, Hela ought to cater to her borders at the very least for a business call... but perhaps there had been something else going on that day. Hydra thought her irresponsible, and it simply aligned with her previous belief that those so young could not be trusted independently to leadership. Were she to know Valour's own interest, she likely would have offered more guidance on the subject... taken him under her wing, in a way. 

Hmm, she rejoined simply. His talk of a challenge had her wonder if he had any interest in it himself, but he did not say as much. Still, better to know now: are you considering this, for yourself? she drawled, and (perhaps insensitively, although she did not mean to be such) added: I can teach you to survive her. This fight, at least, should he seek to challenge her.

RE: hallelujah, lock and load - Valour - May 04, 2020

If they weren't allies he would have considered her nosy and been put off but she'd managed to get on the good side of Vengeance and from their scarce meetings he was honestly certain Hydra was an Ally that would prove powerful as long as mantained. He didn't answer right away and dropped his gaze studying his paws as if thinking though really he was thinking how he was unsure if this was the type of information and gossip that would be smarter to keep to himself even despite their alliance. "Nobody else can right now" was what he said and then continued on so he didn't seem like he was trying to be secretive "Nobody else but me has fought her and not gotten messed up. Or worse" he said trying to hide the fact that speaking about fighting Hela was actually painful though his loyalty to the entire pack drove him onward. Focusing on the more positive part of what she said his expression brightened "I could use some help, did you want to do it now? Or should I come back another time?" there was a hint of boyish eagerness, excitement to fight the impressive woman was barely kept under wraps as he remembered his manners and offered a rain check on the lesson so she could return to what he had interrupted.

RE: hallelujah, lock and load - Hydra - May 18, 2020

Why not, she wondered? Fear, perhaps. Vengeance was no small man. He could not have been easy to take down. Luck, or skill? Hydra could teach Valour, and then hope that he had enough of both to overcome his opponent if it came to that. Hearing his excitement, Hydra rumbled. In her present state, she could; later on, she would not be able to unless she wished to risk the life within. 

Hydra's disposition changed swiftly as she shifted; the transformation was immediate as her chin dropped and ears pressed against her skull while her weight was evenly distributed where she stood. Her tail neatly pressed against the vulnerable area to her rear, and her muzzle draped over her throat while her eyes narrowed and she drawled, finally, with her defenses set: make your move. 

Now, then.

RE: hallelujah, lock and load - Valour - May 18, 2020

There was a rumble and the young wolf couldn't help but smile as he watched her assume position, recognising the defensive stance from what Vanity taught him about guarding your throat. Once permission was granted the boy wasted no time and circled her studying her defenses. With her being so tightly guarded he wasn't sure that he could attack without winding up knocked flat on his ass fast, Hydra looked to be powerful and capable of a much better fight than him. Coming up around her left flank he suddenly lunged aiming to throw his forelegs over her back to go for a scruff bite before there came a call from within Moonspear's borders, from someone that sounded like Dirge if he recalled the man's timbre correctly. Immediately he dropped to the ground and backed off his ears twitching "another time maybe?" he asked knowing she'd have to go see what was up. Getting an agreement he turned and began to head home feeling content with the way their meeting had turned out.