Wolf RPG
Bitterroot Valley the best of us can find happiness in misery - Printable Version

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the best of us can find happiness in misery - Surya - March 19, 2020

what had happened there?

surya, stopped in the middle of the vast valley, stared at the blackened peak to the northwest. stared, gawked, head tilted. he'd never seen anything like it. he could even smell it, he thought. . .something caustic, something not of this world.

well. at least not of the world that started at his paws and rose upward, into trees and rocks and rivers— but, of course, surya had no knowledge of what lie beneath, beyond earthworms and small-prey burrows.

he was tempted to venture closer, and began to take measured steps forward by impulse. at this pace, it would take him a while to reach the mountain, before which time he would have chickened out and went elsewhere. for now, though, he entertained the notion of an adventure.

what was up there? he wouldn't truly know unless he found out for himself.