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Jade Fern Grove how quickly though, life can turn around - Printable Version

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how quickly though, life can turn around - Valdemar - March 19, 2020

xTaggin' @Brouhaha, but open to any of the Legion wolves

He’s a touch late to the party, but there is hope that these Wilds are still alive with interest. After all, Valdemar has ever intentions of finding a place to settle. He isn’t big on creating his own gang, if anything it’s easier to slither into something more or less established than it is to hound a ragtag pack together.
Which is why he’s curious about the scents around here. Numerous enough that they make him question if he’s getting warmer to what he seeks. Cropped ears twitch atop the canine’s head, Valdemar lets out a deep boof—fortunate that he picked a nice evening to do so. Not too cold, not too hot. Only a shame the sun is hiding.  

RE: how quickly though, life can turn around - Brouhaha - March 19, 2020

The soil is mushy, and loamy gobbets and clumps cling stubbornly to her paws, but there isn't a whole lot of snow left carpeting it in here, except for some of the deepest, shadiest patches of ground that remain highlighted in white still. It makes for a refreshing change of pace from the icy weather of the long winter, which had definitely been lingering on much of the burgeoning pack's new chosen hunting grounds despite the faint tantalizing scent of Spring now lingering on the winds. So her feet grow kinda muddy but aren't quite really wet as they wend their way forth through the tall columns of trees that dim the failing sunlight into a sort of perpetual twilight here. Brou keeps her ears perked and her nose intently a-sniffing however, hardly handicapped by even the dimmest recesses of the forest. She isn't the first Legionnaire to venture here, and doesn't plan to stay all that long, but since it's all still mostly new to her and, more importantly, out from under Mother's steely paw and watchful eye, Brou is content enough to wander and investigate a little. Her uppricked ears soon catch a low BOOF as it resounds among the woody sentinels, though, which is enough to speedily divert her steps as she immediately homes in on the sound of the stranger and beelines toward him as best she can among the thick treecover. Mom would surely be proud and appreciative of her girlpup's expediting their sentry duties, after all, right? At least so long as Arbiter didn't start seeing invisible murderers around every corner again for now good reason, sheeeesh, but naturally Brouhaha chose to overlook that little detail that had already constricted her life for far too long now anyhow.

Brou's swift trot slows only a little as she catches the unknown scent and digests it consideringly, and then slows a fraction more yet as he comes into view. Her sky-blue eyes widen as she pads in a semicircle around the creature, taking in his dimensions appreciatively as she inhales his aroma. Whoa-oa, she half-breathes out, more to herself than to him, and then louder and more directly she addresses the stranger: Who're you? What're you doing here, and how come you're so noisy about it?

The words are a little accusing, but the glitter of excited interest in her eyes and the upcurled wagging of her white-tipped tail take any real harshness out of whatever bite her tone might present. She boldly steps closer to the very strange-looking stranger, eyes roving all over his impressive musculature and broad massif of a head, but lingering most upon his contrastingly stubby ears. Definitely not like any wolf she's met, ever—and boy is she ever ready for an exciting change of pace from the humdrum usual she's been stuck living with day in and day out for the better part of so many months.

RE: how quickly though, life can turn around - Valdemar - March 19, 2020

Loud it is, but it does the job, no? Before long, his wandering ends—pace slowing as the trotting form of a young thing breaches his line of vision. Not quite what Valdemar imagined, yet where there are families, there is undoubtedly a pack. It gives him hope.
A good natured grin curves across his boxy muzzle, burly form halting underneath the spotlight happily. One of his eyebrow arches, and he shifts his head to follow her circular movement. There is no fear, however, only a pose of confidence as he pulls the stance of a canine-flex.
Valdemar, he answers quickly, and then continues, amusement flickering in amber eyes at her overdose of questions; Smelled a pack around here. I’m lookin’ for one. Figured it would be the best way to get attention, and since you’re here… seems it worked. He winks. 

RE: how quickly though, life can turn around - Brouhaha - March 20, 2020

It's gotta be the impressive span of chest underneath that shaggy hair that makes his voice so booming. Brou twitches an ear appreciatively, and then distractedly ogles his ears again before dragging her attention back to his words. She waves her tail again in excited acknowledgement of his own bold enthusiasm, an attitude she of course appreciates, especially since instead of mirroring it some other wolves have been put off by her own forwardness. Perhaps that's part of this guy's weirdness, but darnit, Brou likes it if so. She doesn't even mind that his looming form leaves him looking down upon her, not when he seems so congenial about it and is spicing up her day with his own mysteriousness atop his friendly directness. Oh yeah? Well you're in luck, then, Valdie— Mom's been hoping to get enough wolves together to help claim and defend these lands an' all. She bites the heads off rude intruders though; I wouldn't boof in her face, Brou added with a snarky grin and another sardonic wave of her tail. Maybe if Arbiter gets focused on this potential newcomer, too, she'll stay the hell off her poor put-upon daughter's back, it occurs to Brouhaha. I'll let her interrogate you, though, she says with a bit of a wicked anticipatory glitter in her eyes, ducking her head to half-hide her widening mischevious smile. ...I just wanna make sure I know why exactly you're out lookin' for packs anyhow.

Because belatedly, it occurs to her that despite his deceptively congenial demeanor this guy could be looking for trouble. Maybe even to take over the lands Arbiter's been trying to mark as theirs before she can make their fetal pack's grasp upon them overly firm. Never having gotten into any real scraps, Brou's not worried about taking this guy on if necessary, but her newly-forming plan to keep Arbiter distracted is bound to backfire if she brings, like, a spy or usurper into their midst. Brou figures she'd better err on the side of doing at least a little cursory investigation first, else she'll never hear the end of it. Besides, this guy seems pretty interesting. Hey, did something chew on your earflaps there? she adds, unable to hold off her curiosity any longer, approaching closer and shoving her nose curiously at the strange-looking body part without quite getting close enough to touch him. They look so little and stubby compared to the rest of him! It's not possible all the skin and fur and bits got all used up in making the rest of him, is it, so that there was just nothing left over when it came to his ears? Or heck, maybe that lovable bat-eared freak Charles she'd just met had stolen all the raw material before this Valdemar guy could get to it. Brou isn't quite able to suppress her giggling at the thought.

RE: how quickly though, life can turn around - Valdemar - March 23, 2020

He wonders what’s got her so fixated—likely one of his features that screams dog and less wolf, something Valdemar’s gotten used to over the years, and known since day one that he’d attract more attention. He just grins, enjoying the spotlight for it doesn’t seem to be affecting her negatively. Some didn’t care for “mutts”.
Me, rude? Why, I’d never be, he teases with another wink—curiosity piqued though at the mention of her mother being in charge around here and seemingly not one to tolerate nonsense. Not many did, and leaders ought to be strict about that sorta thing in Valdie’s book.
Not here to make trouble that’s for sure, I just want a place to settle. My former pack roamed a lot, and much as I loved that life, I’m ready for somethin’ different now. Maybe find someone to start a family with, and beat up any who do have bad intentions. That sorta cushioned life, he rambles, and ends it with a chuckle.
‘Cept it doesn’t seem the little miss is much interested in his long-winded answer as it is his ears. She approaches, zeroing in on them, and at first he’s a little taken aback at her continued lack of personal space. But he takes it with ease, and even tilts so she could get a better look if she wanted.
Long time ago, my mama tried to make em look more wolf and less like hers. 

RE: how quickly though, life can turn around - Brouhaha - March 24, 2020

Yep, Valdemar's firmly in her good books. That jokey wink, his complete lack of offense as she pushes his boundaries... It's such a cool change from the strictures she's been living with these past several months. Heck, in all honesty any new face has her jazzed still at this point—but to have it turn out to belong to an actual fun grownup is icing on the cake. Huh. Okay, she says to his explanation. Seems legit enough, which is good enough for her. Really, Brou herself is way more interested in those funkitated ears, and the rest of his backstory, which already is sounding both exotic and exciting. She perks her ears attentively forward to be sure she catches every word of it.

Well I've never seen a wolf with ears like those, she informs him artlessly. She scootches closer such that her hot quick breath would probably be leaving condensation on the pinnae if it was just a little warmer out—all the better to see them, yes, particularly since Valdemar is being so gosh darn obliging about it. How'd your mom's ears look, then? Did she have to get 'em all chewed up too, so that her pack would be okay with it, or what? Brou's never met a wolf with such a crazy past, that she can recall. It's better than any bedtime story she's ever heard—and she wants to know more. To hell with this whole due diligence in screening potential packmates and Arbiter-minions; she just wants to hear more of this epic tale.

RE: how quickly though, life can turn around - Valdemar - March 24, 2020

Her shameless curiosity and blunt attitude are refreshing—Valdemar’s been around so many people, seen a plethora of sights, but a lot like to skirt around the details. The hybrid enjoys it; she’s interested in getting to know him and not just to be a mindless soldier in a pile of them.
Yeah, they ended up tiny, he laughs—knowing only from the descriptor of Grethe, who also liked to be honest. One of them was, but not by choice—not like his had been, either, but he’d been young and sour about it at first before he learned to forgive eventually—Her ears are long and flopped over, pretty scarred up from various fights. She’s the type of woman that’d chase a man out of her house with a kitchen knife and frying pan if she needed to—and those instruments were likely a disadvantage to her if anything.
She wanted a better life for me than hers. Can’t really change my muzzle though. One might ask why he still had a tail—since it curls, and doesn’t look anything wolf-like, but after the ear-incident, mama learned Valdemar doesn’t hate the qualities that he got from her.
I think she kept them like that to spite them—prove that despite her looking different she could be just as strong and pull her weight like everyone else. I never asked though, I sorta wish I did now. He grins, thinking back about her and how she’d likely throttle him if he decided to seek her out after the big fuss he made about settling. But she’d welcome him back regardless with a warm hug, tears in her eyes, and food.  

RE: how quickly though, life can turn around - Brouhaha - March 31, 2020

Teeny-teeny tiny! agrees a grinning Brou, who finds this extra-entertaining when she mentally compares Valdemar's ears to ol' Charlie's in particular. Gosh was it good to be able to get out and see the strange and crazy variety of people in the world; it had been so predictable and boring sitting around at home smelling and seeing the same old faces every day. And the same predictable old ears, for that matter, hahaha. But whoa—Long and floppy? Really?! The fascination with this incredibly weird idea is plain to see on her face. Brou's never met a wolf with outright floppy ears. What would that look like, anyway? She imagines comically mismatched oversized puppy ears on an adult's head, and giggles. Okay, whether that could really be true or not, she still has to give Valdemar points for being the most entertaining wolf she's met in awhile.

Yeah, your muzzle is really weird too. Though as she dances happily from one forepaw to the other in front of him it's pretty clear Brou doesn't consider this a particularly bad thing, not at all. She pauses to cock her head in consideration of Val's description of his momma, however. Hah! Oh really? Your mother sounds like an interesting lady. At least, the idealized image in Brou's head is a lot more interesting and vivacious than her own mother, who if you ask Brou is kinda stuffy and rulebound and old. Sheesh. But. I wish you'd asked, too! She sounds a lot more interesting than my mother—but, welp, if you wanna join the pack you kinda gotta go through her first, y'know? So c'mon! Brou leaps suddenly away, impatiently and indicatively arcing her lanky body in the direction of the new turf they'd been staking out. This way! She doesn't want to give Valdemar too much of a chance to rethink or second-guess this. That would put far too much of a monkey wrench in Brou's own brewing plans, at the moment. Besides which she obviously kinda prefers to be back in motion, especially with her emotions bubbling over like this. And remember! No boofing! She snickers and starts bouncing towards home.

RE: how quickly though, life can turn around - Valdemar - April 05, 2020

Her enthusiasm is, at least, very charming and it keeps Valdemar in a good mood. Not that it takes much for the hybrid to have a grin on his face. He’s just that sorta laid-back. Regardless, she is also infectious. Her enthusiasm mending to create his own. Maybe she ought to be deceptive in her future. He swears she’d get anyone to tell her anything she wants.
A nod is given to her fascination about the ears. Yep, long and floppy. Probs not too off from what she images, but his mama ain’t got a nice puppy face. She can mean mug anyone into submission.
Oh is it? His eyes crinkle in a way that shows he knows and just going along with the tease. Her little dance leaving the man wagging his tail a bit. But his story goes on about his ma, and in the end it seems to conclude with the little miss wanting to intrude him to the crew.
Ay, I’m sure your mother is plenty interestin’. Just gotta ask the right questions—like how I missed out on askin’ mine. He gives a wink, but the little miss is definitely impatient by now. As if she gotta show off the shiny new toy she’s taken a liking to. Valdemar shakes his head in amusement, and trots after her.
Right, no boofin’. I promise! Before we get there, mind giving me your name? And your mother’s, too. Maybe the pack’s as well, but hey, it’s a start to at least get a name to match the face and no longer be complete strangers. 

RE: how quickly though, life can turn around - Brouhaha - April 12, 2020

Oh, right. That little detail. Brou doesn't find her own or her mother's names all that new or interesting, so it makes sense for them to get, ehm, overlooked sometimes. But she supposes it makes sense enough that Valdemar here might like to have them onhand, particularly when he's about to meet THE LEADER and all.

Brou spins neatly in place. I'm Brouhaha! And m'mom is Arbiter. Just as quickly she spins back about once more, swiftly bounding another several strides ahead for good measure. Val's speed is rather more measured and sedate; he's not strolling but her impatient heart is not entirely satisfied with the calmness of his gait nonetheless. Brou swivels back and makes sure Valdemar is following her in the right direction among the arrayed arboreal sentinels, and then, having taken in the affable grin his maw continues to bear, sets her feet back in motion to dart quickly around behind him. She reaches out daring jaws of her own to offer his caudal appendange a quick nip and tug. And watch yer tail, too, Boofer! If it don't stay down my Mom might bite it off to match yer ears there—hehehe! Then she speeds back off to again head up the onward march toward home without waiting to catch his reply. ...If she'd really felt daring, she might have lept up and given those prodigious flews of his a tug, but all appearances to the contrary Brou does have a small inkling of propriety within her once in a while, and doesn't feel quite comfortable and familiar enough with this guy to pull a stunt like that. Yet. ...But there is definitely a certain laid-back awesomeness to him that sets her more at ease than with most strangers.

RE: how quickly though, life can turn around - Valdemar - April 22, 2020

Timbre low, a laugh escapes him as she spins about—a ballerina on her feet. He gets the information he’s been curious about since the beginning though; Brouhaha and Arbiter. Interesting names he’s not heard of before but he doubts most would have heard about “Valdemar” either.
He goes about following her along, pausing on when she comes spinning back at him, circling about with teeth catching his tail. An eyebrow arches as he glances over his shoulder back at her.
Ah, right. I’ll make sure to be on my best behavior! With that, he makes sure to keep his curly tail as down as it’d go without tucking it between his legs. It sits neutral, and then the duo are off again in this search for the elusive Ms. Arbiter.