Wolf RPG
Great Bear Wilderness A Deal with the Daedra - Printable Version

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A Deal with the Daedra - Meldresi - August 15, 2014

@Rahzie @Surra Not sure which one you would be on first. Pledge thread!

Exiting the dark, damp tunnel for now, Meldresi stepped into the sudden light. She had explored a bit, though the tunnels were vast and intricate. Just like Mephala's webs. Speaking of her Daedric Prince, there was another wolf who was interested in joining her cult pack. Not a full wolf, but a coywolf, by the name of Rahzethe.

Pulling herself out of the mouth of the tunnel, she shook her pelt, roughly cleaning it. There, she sat nearby, awaiting the coywolf's exit from the caverns below so she could further entice the hybrid.