Wolf RPG
Blackfoot Forest Hello there, Sunset - Printable Version

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Hello there, Sunset - Autumn - August 16, 2014

The shadows fell across the forest floor. Autumn looked straight out toward the approaching sunset. Blackfoot Forest would be creepy at night, but Autumn didn't really care. She was exicited about venturing past the mountains into the Rising Sun Valley. She hoped to meet someone tonight, preferrably a wolf, although any animal would do. She knew this pack was especially picky about trespassers on their land, unlike the other packs. She hoped nobody showed up who would chase her out. Although that could be intresting, since Autumn had never really been in a dangerous situation. She watched as the sun just touched the ground, and she was remined of an old legend about a spirit called Sun Light. The darkened shade of orange faded away, deep ocean blue taking over for the night.

RE: Hello there, Sunset - Shadow - August 16, 2014

The silver wanderer looked behind him for a moment before turning away and making his way towards Blackfoot Forest. It was sunset and he had been stuck by the Creek for the whole day, Blackfoot Forest was rather close but it was better than nothing. He hadn't explored the whole forest yet, besides there might be some foxes there to chase. He smiled, remembering the time he and Bazi had went chasing foxes on their exploration trip.

The ashen male boldly walked into the dark forest, it seemed as if it was night already with the tall canopies blocking the last rays of the sun but he didn't mind. Not really. He was here to, well, stretch his legs.

Usually he would never have ventured in any forest willingly but tonight was an exception. He did not want to go anywhere far away from home and this forest was a good place for a nighttime adventure.

<style type="text/css">.Shadow{width:400px; margin:0px auto; padding:250px 25px 20px 20px; border:3px double #fff; background-image:url('http://i62.tinypic.com/2v29shw.png'); background-position: top; background-color:#1e6b3f; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;} .Shadow-in {width: 385px; padding: 10px; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.35); text-align: justify;} .Shadow q {color:#bad2ca; font:13px/2 georgia bold;} .Shadow p {text-indent:30px; color:#2e3f3f; font:11px/2 verdana; margin:0px;}</style>

RE: Hello there, Sunset - Autumn - August 16, 2014

She could hear Shadow approaching. She smiled. She could smell wolf, and they were always interesting. Like the wolf pup Junior who had thought Autumn's middle name was Junior instead of Juniper. Never had any ignored her. She headed towards the scent.
Soon he came into view. He was a gray male who smelled strongly of the Swift Current Wolves. "Hello." She said simply. She was even more cautious with Swift Current Wolves than the insane white cougar. For some reason some wolves saw foxes as a toy, a funny little creature for their games instead of real friendly little canines who were way faster than wolves. "It's was nice sunset, I think." It was a bit odd for a conversation starter, but weird conversation starters hadn't gotten her in any trouble, and they wouldn't now.

RE: Hello there, Sunset - Shadow - August 17, 2014

It wasn't long before he saw a fox and it spoke to him! He stared at it as it spoke ""It's was nice sunset, I think." He stared for a bit more before saying So, you foxes can talk? If I killed you and ate you, what would you taste like? he asked curiously. He had never eaten a fox before and wondererd if this talking one would be able ot answer his question.

He knew it wasn't really a good conversation but if this fox talked, they might as well talked his way.

<style type="text/css">.Shadow{width:400px; margin:0px auto; padding:250px 25px 20px 20px; border:3px double #fff; background-image:url('http://i62.tinypic.com/2v29shw.png'); background-position: top; background-color:#1e6b3f; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;} .Shadow-in {width: 385px; padding: 10px; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.35); text-align: justify;} .Shadow q {color:#bad2ca; font:13px/2 georgia bold;} .Shadow p {text-indent:30px; color:#2e3f3f; font:11px/2 verdana; margin:0px;}</style>

RE: Hello there, Sunset - Autumn - August 17, 2014

[size=x-small]It's rather rude to stare like that...[/size] Autumn muttered to herself. "Of course I can talk. I'm canine, aren't I?" Autumn said. Then she remembered that some argued over whether her species was canine or feline. The next question seemed a bit threatening, but she thought nothing of it. "Well, I'm kind, so I guess I'd be very sweet." She laughed at her own bad joke.

RE: Hello there, Sunset - Shadow - August 17, 2014

The silver wanderer tilted his head slightly at her answer, What is your name, little fox? he asked. If he wasn't going to chase the red furred creatures then he was going to have a decent conversation with them or have a meal, although the last option probably wasn't going to happen. First, because he wasn't hungry. Second, because he didn't want to eat foxes tonight.

Twisting his head to lick at his fur, he thought about his next move. Should he chase the fox? Or just talk with it. The first option seemed better but this fox seemed nice and it was rather mean of him if he chased it. Instead he lowered himself onto his haunches so he was the same height as the fox and waited for her answer.

<style type="text/css">.Shadow{width:400px; margin:0px auto; padding:250px 25px 20px 20px; border:3px double #fff; background-image:url('http://i62.tinypic.com/2v29shw.png'); background-position: top; background-color:#1e6b3f; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;} .Shadow-in {width: 385px; padding: 10px; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.35); text-align: justify;} .Shadow q {color:#bad2ca; font:13px/2 georgia bold;} .Shadow p {text-indent:30px; color:#2e3f3f; font:11px/2 verdana; margin:0px;}</style>

RE: Hello there, Sunset - Autumn - August 17, 2014

"Autumn. And you?" She asked the gray wolf. He wasn't turning out to be very territorial, gladly enough. Perhaps there would just be an intresting conversation about whatever, and maybe a common game like she had done with Ypres and Junior. Autumn reminded herself to eventually visit Ypres who had raced her as well as provided her with a delicious partridge. She'd also been friendly. This wolf may not be a threat after all. She looked up at him, awaiting an answer.

RE: Hello there, Sunset - Shadow - August 17, 2014

"Autumn. And you?" He turned his icy silver gaze on her for a second, sighing thoughtfully. I believe, Autumn, that you are near pack territory. In this case, my pack's territory. However you do not seem threatening so I will not chase you away. You may call me Angelus, although that is not my real name. In truth, it was his middle last name.

Perhaps, after this conversation. I will grace you with my real name. he smirked, amused. The silver wanderer waited for her response, wondering if he should lie again and say his real name was Angelus. It seemed like a better name than plain old 'Shadow' but he had promised. Even if the promise was to a fox, and he kept his promises.

<style type="text/css">.Shadow{width:400px; margin:0px auto; padding:250px 25px 20px 20px; border:3px double #fff; background-image:url('http://i62.tinypic.com/2v29shw.png'); background-position: top; background-color:#1e6b3f; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;} .Shadow-in {width: 385px; padding: 10px; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.35); text-align: justify;} .Shadow q {color:#bad2ca; font:13px/2 georgia bold;} .Shadow p {text-indent:30px; color:#2e3f3f; font:11px/2 verdana; margin:0px;}</style>

RE: Hello there, Sunset - Autumn - August 17, 2014

"I know I am near your territory. Sorry." She said, although her apology didn't sound very genuine. She smirked a little when she heard chase you out. "Alright Angelus. What now?" She asked him. By now the cicadas were loud and clear, as well as a chorus of bullfrogs. She left the decision up to the Swift Current wolf.

RE: Hello there, Sunset - Shadow - August 17, 2014

"Alright Angelus. What now?" He laughed when the fox said the word 'Angelus'. It had been a nickname for him back in the wilds with his siblings but since they had settled in, nobody had called him that. Nobody said that name for quite some time now. he mused quietly.

So what brought you here to Blackfoot Forest at night? Aren't you scared? he teased, icy eyes alight with playfulness. It was a conversation starter and hopefully it would last for sometime. The silver prince did not wish to return to his den just yet, a little conversation with a fox seemed particularly nice at the moment. Because the fox wasn't the Fox.

<style type="text/css">.Shadow{width:400px; margin:0px auto; padding:250px 25px 20px 20px; border:3px double #fff; background-image:url('http://i62.tinypic.com/2v29shw.png'); background-position: top; background-color:#1e6b3f; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;} .Shadow-in {width: 385px; padding: 10px; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.35); text-align: justify;} .Shadow q {color:#bad2ca; font:13px/2 georgia bold;} .Shadow p {text-indent:30px; color:#2e3f3f; font:11px/2 verdana; margin:0px;}</style>

RE: Hello there, Sunset - Autumn - August 17, 2014

"Well, not really. I didn't really think about it. I was really excited about coming down here for the first time, I didn't look for scenery. I came from the mountains. And I met two different pack wolves in one day. " She smiled, remembering when she had seen Fang and Meldresi. "Why are you here?" She asked. She tilted her head for her question.

RE: Hello there, Sunset - Shadow - August 17, 2014

"Why are you here?" asked Autumn.

Decided to venture out of the borders for a bit before sleeping, stretching my legs ya know? he licked his paws before lifting his head to look at the fox again. Excited about coming here for the first time but not looking at the scenary? he tilted his head questionably. Isn't that weird? The scenary is actually magnificent.

He turned his gaze away from her and lifted his head to look at the darkening sky. Night would arrive soon and he was content to stay here and chat for a while. It was rare for him to actually talk with a fox since the fox wasn't the Fox. He waited for Autumn's answer.

<style type="text/css">.Shadow{width:400px; margin:0px auto; padding:250px 25px 20px 20px; border:3px double #fff; background-image:url('http://i62.tinypic.com/2v29shw.png'); background-position: top; background-color:#1e6b3f; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;} .Shadow-in {width: 385px; padding: 10px; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.35); text-align: justify;} .Shadow q {color:#bad2ca; font:13px/2 georgia bold;} .Shadow p {text-indent:30px; color:#2e3f3f; font:11px/2 verdana; margin:0px;}</style>

RE: Hello there, Sunset - Autumn - August 17, 2014

"Well, now that I look at it, I suppouse your'e right." She said, nodding toward the exit to the forest and all of Rising Sun Valley. It was pretty at night, a few small wild animals wandered around. "Do you enjoy living at the Swift Current Creek? Not the pack, I mean the place." She said. She wasn't asking him about how he felt about his loyalties to the pack, but about whether he enjoyed the Valley, the Creek, and the scenery.

RE: Hello there, Sunset - Shadow - August 17, 2014

"Do you enjoy living at the Swift Current Creek? Not the pack, I mean the place."

He tilted his head at her question, Yeah, the place is beautiful. he answered and it was true. He enjoyed living near the Creek's waters, with the beautiful meadows in the territory. And of course with the wolves too but she was asking about the place not the pack.

Do you travel a lot? Foxes are solitary creatures aren't they?he asked in return. So far this conversation was going rather smoothly, without the urge to chase Autumn and it was rather enjoyable to be actually chatting with a fox.

<style type="text/css">.Shadow{width:400px; margin:0px auto; padding:250px 25px 20px 20px; border:3px double #fff; background-image:url('http://i62.tinypic.com/2v29shw.png'); background-position: top; background-color:#1e6b3f; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;} .Shadow-in {width: 385px; padding: 10px; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.35); text-align: justify;} .Shadow q {color:#bad2ca; font:13px/2 georgia bold;} .Shadow p {text-indent:30px; color:#2e3f3f; font:11px/2 verdana; margin:0px;}</style>

RE: Hello there, Sunset - Autumn - August 21, 2014

"Yeah. Well, my parents and my aunt. But me and my cousins, we realized we can travel all over the place. Learn lots, and meet lots of creatures." She said. She hoped to meet more. She wondered where Vulpus and Storm were now. Somewhere out in the Wilds, maybe even out of the Wilds. After a large shaky circle she would vist her family back at Silvertip again. Then she didn't know what she would do. Maybe explore some unknown land.

RE: Hello there, Sunset - Shadow - August 21, 2014

"Yeah. Well, my parents and my aunt. But me and my cousins, we realized we can travel all over the place. Learn lots, and meet lots of creatures."

"I see," the sterling outrider nodded thoughtfully. "So you foxes never settle down at one place? Then how will you find a mate, raise a family? You guys basically just travel everywhere without a care in the world?" he asked, genuinely curious about the ways of the red furred creatures.

He licked a paw as he waited for Autumn's answer. It seemed like foxes and wolves were different in various ways but similar as some wolves such as himself did like to travel and learn stuff. The outriders but they were also different because most wolves have the urge to settle down in a pack.

<style type="text/css">.Shadow{width:400px; margin:0px auto; padding:250px 25px 20px 20px; border:3px double #fff; background-image:url('http://i62.tinypic.com/2v29shw.png'); background-position: top; background-color:#1e6b3f; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;} .Shadow-in {width: 385px; padding: 10px; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.35); text-align: justify;} .Shadow q {color:#bad2ca; font:13px/2 georgia bold;} .Shadow p {text-indent:30px; color:#2e3f3f; font:11px/2 verdana; margin:0px;}</style>

RE: Hello there, Sunset - Autumn - August 30, 2014

She thought a moment, and chuckled. "Yup. Pretty much. I don't have much interest in a family, I'm too young anyway. I was probably too young to leave home. But Mom was okay with it." She said. She smiled at how little the wolf must really know about most of the foxes around the Wilds. She had heard of other foxes who liked to travel such as Pan or Ramona, not to mention her cousins.

RE: Hello there, Sunset - Shadow - September 01, 2014

Last post from me :)

"Yup. Pretty much. I don't have much interest in a family, I'm too young anyway. I was probably too young to leave home. But Mom was okay with it." The sterling outrider shrugged, he had lost interest in the lives of foxes and decided it was time to go home, back to the Creek so he flashed a faint smirk at Autumn. "Nice meeting you, little foxie." he said.

He rose to his paws, dipped his head to Autumn's direction. "Goodbye," he said in farewell as he turned on his heels and made his way back towards the Creek, his tail swinging nonchalantly.

RE: Hello there, Sunset - Autumn - September 01, 2014

"You too. Bye." She said with a polite nod. The wolf had been a bit different than the others she'd met. She wondered if it was just because his Pack. Swift Current Wolves could all just be like that. She watched him trot back in the direction of his home.