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Blacktail Deer Plateau The sunsets on us all. - Printable Version

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The sunsets on us all. - Sun Spark - August 16, 2014

@Amelie You wanted a thread before he died yes :)

Sun Spark woke in the morning light and standing up slowly he whined softly in his throat, the pain in his hips and back and legs terrible. He slowly walked towards the outskirts of the pack borders and sat. He would wait for the little granddaughter Amelie, speak with her. He had already told his daughter goodbye now it was the little lassy's turn. He was ready for this grand adventure to be over, he wanted to be reunited with his wife and his brothers and his sisters both blood and not. He had lost many friends in battle and to famine and to sickness, now it was time to see them all again, as he took that last journey into the mists and the lights.

He bowed his head and thought back on his life and the faces he remembered, and the stories he told and the love of a good woman and he smiled. It had all been worth it all of it. Now he would wait and say goodbye and then he'd be gone his flame finally snuffed out on the mortal plain.

RE: The sunsets on us all. - Amelie - August 17, 2014

omg :'( this is gonna hit her right in the feels

In her young life, Amelie had learned one thing for certain. Life was volatile and vulnerable. She had learned the crude reality of this when the pack had been struck with the tragedy of Osprey Junior's presumed death. During her erratic existence outside the pack she had never expirienced the death of a close relative. She had been born without a father, and her mother had left her but not died-- even if her brother's had met that unlucky fate after their split she didn't have a way of knowing.

It wasn't until she joined the Plateu and took the job of pupsitter that she realize the reality of the cycle of life. What she had thought to be a distant fable that only applied to aged wolves stuck her right in the face when one of the sweet pups she took care of took a step onto the afterlife. It was then that the truth fell on her like a bucket of ice water. No one was saved. Not even the pups who had just begun to breathe.

But even if that event had changed her way of thinking, in the end it turned out to be a lie; as the pup returned unharmed she forgot the cruelty of life and death for a second.

The borders had become nothing but a point of reference of where home was to the young girl. She often crossed the invisible line that outlined the Plateu to explore a bit of the outside world. Today was no different, as she jogged to the lands that laid beyond the security of the Plateu a black silhouette lined with silver hairs caught her eye. She wagged her tail joyfully as she approached her grandfather, she had not really had a lenghty conversation with him since he joined so she figured spending the afternoon with him would make up for her lack of attention over the past few days.

"Granpa!", she called to him as she reached him, burying her nose onto his shoulder inmediately after greeting him.

RE: The sunsets on us all. - Sun Spark - August 21, 2014

Sun spark had seen many come and go, dying from sickness, from age, birth and battle. He was born from blood and bone, born under the moon in the din of a battle. So his heart beat a little stronger than most he liked to think, being tried and true, time and time again. Sun Spark also believed, that even if you weren’t present if you were close to someone, you felt their death in your soul no matter how far away they were. It was as if you felt the subtle shift of the world making room for the new body that would take up space as the old body was taken away.

Sun Spark did not dwell on such thoughts, he had long ago accepted that death came for all, no matter how big or how small. He had seen pups lose their life, and he had seen wolves so old they could not see, hear or walk lose theirs and he had seen those deep in their prime lose their’s. Death did not have favorites, it did not choose to be fair, it just was and the harbinger of death, well he just did his job and he did it well.

Sun Spark fought to keep his leg and his balance when his granddaughter bull rushed him, his laughter ringing out truly to float across the grounds. He maybe old and dying, but he was happily old and dying. Hello ma lil Amelie. W’at has yo’ out of da pack lands, dere are dangers out dere you know.

RE: The sunsets on us all. - Amelie - August 22, 2014

The now-yearling looked at the elderly male with warmth and affection in her eyes, she was no longer a child but that didn't rid her from the dangers of the world. Sun Spark was right and though she would've liked to mutter she was grown she nodded obediently at the dark colored male. She was enjoying her lonesome expeditions outside the Plateu but she made a mental note to at least say something about her journeys just for the sake of her grandpa and mother's tranquility.

She had been lucky to meet nice wolves in her treks but at any time she could run into the mouth of death without knowing so. "I know, I just like seeing what's out there.." she barked, slowly noticing the subtle dullness t¿in his eyes that betrayed what was yet to come.

As a yeraling she knew she couldn't continue to trick herself into thinking that the reaper wouldn't knock at her beloved grandpa's door, she casted her eyes on his face and smiled at him warmly."What were you doing? " she asked, she suspected the adventurer inside of him refused to give up exploring despite his aged joints.

RE: The sunsets on us all. - Sun Spark - August 29, 2014

Sun Spark studied her for a moment and he knew what it was like to want your own time, and space when you were an adolescent. He had been there, long ago, but he had been there and blue had been terrible at seeking solitude. It used to drive him mad with worry. It's okay chile ta tell yir secrets ta da shadows, but ya wan' ta be safe 'bout it.

Sun spark chuckled a deep warm chuckle Ah I know. I always liked ta know w'at was out dere meself. I'm an adventurer born. he grew quiet then as he thought of his own adventures. Some were wonderful, some were grand and others others were so scary and so sad he'd never tell a soul about them .The night the wolves had wanted his wife and daughter and he had fought for both of them and himself, or the countless lives he took in the din of battle or the countless scars he held for being brash and brazen.

I lil gal was lookin' fir you. I wan'ed ta see 'ow you were doin'? he looked her over making sure there were no marks on her pretty hide, happy to be sitting here with her at this moment at time.

RE: The sunsets on us all. - Amelie - August 29, 2014

A chuckle gurgled from her chest as he recommended spilling her secrets of her heart to the lurking shadows, perhaps it wasn't such a bad idea, though they could not give her any type of advice they could 'listen' as she got her preocupations off her back.

She smiled brighter when he told her he had been adventure born, she had known that from the start, it showed in his eyes, right in the corner there always was a little glint that showed the reflection of his passion. She liked to think she had that same glow in her yellow eyes.Though she wasn't sure she'd like to persue the life of an Outrider she liked to see what lied beyond, there was something she hadn't seen before and something that awaited to be discovered.

When he said he was looking for her, Amelie tilted her head to the side, feeling a bit confused. Why would he be looking for her in the cold morning light. "I'm doing pretty well, grandpa, Blue is going to take me to the ocean soon and we'll meet some friends of her there", she barked, s¿not forgetting the promise her mother had made. She wished he could tag along but she knew that with bones as frail as his it would be a torture more than an adventure.

RE: The sunsets on us all. - Sun Spark - August 31, 2014

Sun Spark smiled at the girls chuckle, happy that he put it there. Children deserved to laugh, he spoke softly Fairies are born e’rydime a pup laughs fir da first dime. he grew quiet then imagining little fairies with wings. Such tiny impish things, that caused all kinds of trouble.

He chuckled at her bright smile Always ‘member chile your feet kin take ya anywhere, but you should always come ‘ome. He had traveled for years, never settling, never having a home and it had been a harsh life. His daughter especially had a hard time, poor blue, but she had learned a lot and he knew for a fact she didn’t mind too much, she was so knowledgable because of her travels.

Sun spark smiled at her enthusiasm well if yir modder says she’s goin’ ta take you ta da sea she’s goin’ ta’ Beautiful place da sea, beautiful. Youse can bind wounds with seaweed, tight and stops blood and not as breakable as cobwebs He grew quiet after offering the small bit of knowledge he had, there was more he could offer, but that was all he had at the moment ot offer, wait and see if she bit.

RE: The sunsets on us all. - Amelie - September 02, 2014

Yellow eyes lit up and eyelashes batted as the old man mentioned the birth of such wondeful and fantastic creatures everytime laughter was first released into the world. She imagined dozens of the tiny critters flying around as fast as lighting but still being as delicate as porcelain. She pictured the wings as well, thin and frail like butterfly wings but with a certain glow that seemed to have been taken from the most beautiful rainbows.

Her deep daydreams were interrupted by another piece of knowledge provided from the old man.She smiled kindly as his gruff voice told her that no matter where her feet took her and how gloomy thing were she should always return home. She had never thought of running away from the plateu, but she had sometimes thought of spending the night out in the open, oblivious of the risks that might arise.

She nodded to let him know his piece of advice would not go by without being taken into account. Had he had this same conversation with Blue once? If she hadn't even stumbled onto the plateu who would've taught her all these life lessons? Her mind strayed to the thought of her blood mother for a second, had she thought that by just teaching her and her brothers how to hunt they would've been alright?

Then the course of the conversation switched to her mother. The adoptive one. Amelie smiled brightly as they spoke of the upcoming trip Blue and her would soon take. She had been waiting to go for so long that the mere idea of the trip was enough to send adrenaline rushes down her bloodstream.

"Seaweed, got it. Is there a use for the ocean's water, I hear it's salty.." she barked while raising a brow slightly.

RE: The sunsets on us all. - Sun Spark - September 05, 2014

Sun Spark watched as the girls imagination took precedence, and the idea of fairies took root. He saw the star struck expression and he had to laugh. Ah imagination it was a wonderful thing, and it made the world go round. He remembered the first time he had told his sons that, they had scoffed, but Blue it had taken hold and she had imagined fairies for days. Looked for fairy rings, everything she could. Ask yer mama take you fin’ some fairy circles. He grew quiet with a small smile on his face.

Sun Spark knew very well the want to travel and to explore. But he also knew the dangers it posed, especially for unaccompanied females. That alone was enough to make his blood run cold. It used to drive him crazy when Blue would just walk a few feet past his line of vision. You never knew the cruelty of others until you saw it first hand. It was a painful lesson to learn, and sometimes it was too late when you did learn it.

Sun spark nodded Aye tis salty. It kin clean ou’ a woun’ purty well chile. It’s a natur’l an’iseptic. He grew quiet then thinking about what else he wanted to tell her, before it was time for him to go.

RE: The sunsets on us all. - Amelie - September 06, 2014

Amelie's head bobbed up and down as the man suggested she asked her mother to show her. Even if the idea of tiny creatures covered in stardust flying around went against the laws of nature there was no harm in believing innocently. Real or not real it was a beautiful thing to picture in her head.

Though Amelie had been thrown into the real world far too soon, the lack of guardian figures during the most part of her sixth month had left a mark in her spirit. She had always been the cautious one, while her brothers enjoyed throwing themselves into the risky rollercoasters of life, Amelie had always taken a moment to give her actions a second thought.

When he answered her question she blinked a couple of times; well she had learned a couple of things now, she thought as she inspected the man's face with her bright yellow eyes. Despite wanting to ask more about herbs and their medical uses she felt that no words were needed then. The promise of a close departure was written in the silence, she knew he was frail and like the sun falling under the horizon his light would soon fade as well. Without further ado, the black yearling walked up to him and hugged him close, letting her love for him show in an unspoken manner.

RE: The sunsets on us all. - Sun Spark - September 08, 2014

Sun Spark chuckled again at her obvious delight with the unknown. It was not everyday that you got told of fairy rings and fairies. He could tell her more wondrous stories if he had time. Stories of unicorns and griffons and monsters that went bump in the night. However, he did not have the time, but he would have liked to lord have mercy he would have liked too.

Sun Spark preened the girls scruff gently, and rubbed his muzzle across her brow. T'ink on me an' smile chile. would you like a story? he grew quiet he could offer her that. He waited quietly enjoying the gentle weight of her against him, knowing he was loved still even as he died. He would see his wife soon, and though he was sure that his family both adopted and not would miss him, they would understand too.

RE: The sunsets on us all. - Amelie - September 09, 2014

A rebellious tear tried to slip from her eye but she held it in knowing that it'd be a shame to spoil the moment by grieving something that hadn't even happened. When his heart stopped beating and his eyeids closed over his eyes forever, then she would shed a tear, but now that she had him by her side there was no use on crying. She held her face pressed to his chest for a little while, inhaling his particular fragrance and feeling the slow yet continous pump of his heart against his chest.

When he brushed his mouth over her forehead she smiled graciously just as he said she should. There was no reason to remember him with a heavy heart, not after all he had done was brighten up her day. "I would love one", she barked soflty, her yellow eyes setting on his aged face.

RE: The sunsets on us all. - Sun Spark - September 19, 2014

Sun Spark knew the girl had finally realized that he was dying, and it broke the old man's heart to have her have to go through it. However, it would be a learning experience for the girl, and she could learn to grieve properly and that was just fine with him. Teaching even as he died, he was fine with this.

Ok Chile, 'ow 'bout a story of da stars. He grew quiet contemplative and then began to speak.

The Cherokee tell of a time when dere was no Sun in da sky, a time when it was always dark. It was a problem fir all da animals an' dey called a meetin' to decide what could be done 'bout it. He drew a circle in the ground making dots for the animals that would hold the meeting.

Woodpecker said dat he 'ad 'eard dat wolves on da other side of da world 'ad light, an' perhaps dey would give da animals some. Fox said dat such wolves must be greedy people, to have all the light, and dat the animals would 'ave to just take some. He made a chirping sound like a woodpecker and growled like a small fox.

Possum offered to be the one to go. He said he could hide the bit of light in his bushy tail, and so he set out. Possum traveled for a long time until finally he saw light in the sky. The closer he got to the light, the brighter it was and the more it hurt his eyes and possum began to squint, and that is why even today a possum squints and only comes out at night. But possum kept going until he reached the Sun, and snatched a piece of it and hid it in his tail. The bit of Sun was very hot however, and it burned off all the fur on Possum's tail and the light went out. When possum got home, all he had was a tail with no fur, just like today! He made a face of pain, and squinted his eyes and then blew gently on his tail as if it was on fire.

Next, buzzard offered to go, he said he would balance the piece of Sun on his fine head feathers. Quickly buzzard flew off and when he reached the Sun, he dove down and grabbed a bit in his feet and placed it on his head. But the Sun was so hot it burned off his head feathers, and that is why buzzard is bald today! He acted like he was flying and then shook his head as if he was a buzzard whose head on fire.

Now the animals were ready to give up. Just then Grandmother Spider spoke up in a voice so small she was hard to notice. But she offered to go, and the animals, though they did not have much hope, wished her luck. Grandmother spider spun a bit of web the whole way to the west, and when she reached the Sun, she spun a tiny web and placed a bit of the Sun on the web. Then she began the journey back home. Imagine the surprise and delight of the animals when they saw that first light spreading across the sky! He acted tiny and spoke in a small voice, and acted like he was spinning a web with his paws.

The animals thanked Grandmother and promised to always honor her. And that is why today, the web of the spider is shaped like the disk and rays of the Sun!

RE: The sunsets on us all. - Amelie - September 20, 2014

gahh i miss him :c where do you get such awesome stories!
last post babe

Death was innevitable, and though it seemed scary it was only natural. One day there would come a day she would not wake either, and though she hoped that day was still far away she was aware of it. It was useless to worry of it. Though no one knew their day and time until it was happening, it was probably the only certainty the world had. All things came to and end, like the day when the sun slipped under the mountains, or the night as the sunrays flickered again.

Sadly, his story also came to an end. As the last word exited his lips, the young girl continued to look at him in awe, the last scene of the story playing in her mind. She would miss him when he was gone, but she would also rejoice on his legacy, the millions of stories he left behind and the million more he had took part in. "That was beautiful, grandpa" she murmured, reaching out her muzzle to plant a kiss in his cheek one last time.

RE: The sunsets on us all. - Sun Spark - September 20, 2014

Thanks :D I'm glad he's a memorable charrie. I usually just google native american stories about *interject subject here* Some I know from heart though too.

Sun Spark had never worried about death, it was something that no one escaped. He knew this and he embraced this and instead he made it a habit to live everyday as if it were his last. Which is also why he tried hard to never treat anyone cruelly unless it was justly deserved.

He chuckled T'ank you chile. He returned her lick and then he settled down to pass the night by at the edge of the plateau, too tired ot move, but it was nice enough out that he didn't need too.