Wolf RPG
Wheeling Gull Isle tell me can you hear me now? - Printable Version

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tell me can you hear me now? - Huā - March 28, 2020

playfight thread!! @Atausiq ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ok but fr let's get u this merc trade :P take it easy on Huā so we dont accidentally kill the babies LOL. some pp, lmk if anything needs to be changed

Huā bounded into the forest on dainty paws, giggling as she led a playful chase. Atausiq followed just behind. Was this what it felt like to have a fiance? She was already enjoying it- even if she didn't feel love for Atausiq yet, he was a nice boy to have around, and she appreciated the way he did what she asked. If she said, let's play, chase me! He would follow. He was the perfect husband-to-be, and so she paid a glance backward at him as she raced, grinning all the while.

RE: tell me can you hear me now? - Nanoq - March 28, 2020

when hua came to him with an edge in her oceanic gaze that spoke of an unfettered playfulness; what could atausiq do but oblige her? though his legs are longer than her's, she maintains the lead. she's got speed despite the slight rotundness of her flanks ...and atausiq suspects that soon she will lose that particular advantage. ...at least for a little while. her giggle is melodious and he enjoys it a lot more than he expects to.

all in all, this wasn't a bad deal.

atausiq lets out a low snort of amusement as she looks behind at him and pushes himself forward, letting his long legs carry him further in earnest now, lunging forth to snap his teeth playfully at her hip.

RE: tell me can you hear me now? - Huā - March 28, 2020

Soon he's on her tail, pulling ahead until he can reach her. And- ouch! A bold snap of pain at her hip. Were she a strict empress, she could've punished him- but to Huā, it was all part of the game. So she grins slyly, bounding only a few more yards before suddenly whirling around. 

If his instincts were not fast enough to stop, he might crash into her. Huā isn't too keen on that scenario so she chooses to leap immediately with the motion, hoping to try and tackle him- which was basically impossible, considering her tiny figure and his giant one- but it was all in good fun.

RE: tell me can you hear me now? - Nanoq - March 28, 2020

atausiq is surprised when his teeth make contact with the flesh of her hip — he recoils back, losing momentum. he hadn't meant to actually make contact; out of fear of hurting her or the babes growing within her womb. she offers him a sly grin and he figures he didn't hurt her too bad and keeps letting her lead him on the chase. she whirls on him suddenly, ahead, and he tries to apply the breaks; dirt digging beneath his claws he attempts to stop only to have her leap at him.

still trying to stop and unable to move out of the way swiftly — for he was not meant to be a swift beast — she tackles him. he lets his body absorb the smart of impact and the motion, gravity pulling him to the ground. unfair. he huffs playfully, wiggling beneath her on his spine, teeth snapping playfully at her paw.

RE: tell me can you hear me now? - Huā - March 28, 2020

Catching him off guard serves to be her advantage; she's almost surprised as she successfully comes down on top of him. The fall of such a giant seemed like an occasion to yell timber, his body landing with a THUD on the forest floor. He wiggles and complains- she finds it endearing and giggles. 

And then a little yelp of Ah! as she feels a slight snap at her paw. Instinctively she whisks it away, up to her breast- making it easier for him to escape her grasp. Realizing she could not hold him there for long, she hops off of the wriggling boy, landing to his side. From there she leans down, trying to get a nip in at his ears if she is able.

RE: tell me can you hear me now? - Nanoq - March 28, 2020

even in play fight, atausiq is clumsy ...the confidence he wields while hunting is gone, replaced by an uncertainty made worse by the desire he has to keep from hurting her. her giggles assures him that he hasn't hurt her, and his tail thumps against the ground as she whisks her paw away as his teeth graze it; finding it odd that while she has him pinned down that she doesn't take advantage of it. she lets him up and he rolls to his belly, letting out a playful growl as she nips at his ears.

do you fight, baobei? he asks her, slyly leaning towards her so he might try to, again, bite at her nearest paw. it is only now that atausiq realizes he doesn't know what — if any — trades his siren bride pursues.

RE: tell me can you hear me now? - Huā - April 02, 2020

His use of the word she taught him so naturally within a tease warms her heart, she can feel the heat in her cheeks- or was that just the excitement of play? She let go of his ear, laughing out, Laogong, I play, not fight. Maybe you notice I bad at this, She giggles. 

Biting at her paw, she releases a little EEP! of surprise more than real pain. She stumbles backwards on her paws, careful to maintain her balance before anything else- wouldn't want to give those kids brain damage. She calls back to him with a grin, And you, darling? Do you fight? On some level she was already confident of the answer, but the questions were all part of the game for her. While she awaited his answer, she would barrel towards him, hoping to grab his tail between her teeth if she could get behind him successfully.

RE: tell me can you hear me now? - Nanoq - April 04, 2020

you don't give yourself enough credit, atausiq chides with a click of his tongue against the roof of his mouth after she frees his ear and responds to his question. its a very thin line between play and fight. he points out matter-of-factly with a tug of his lips; a bit mischievous and a bit serious. it is true, however, that he is instinctually conscious of the growing roundness of her belly and near subconsciously alters his moves to be more gentle. funny, how though atausiq knows the babes growing within her womb are not his by blood, he feels the instinctual need to protect them all the same.

and maybe, he thinks wildly, blood didn't matter. for better or worse, she was his siren bride and her children were his.

she shifts off of him, allowing him to rise to his paws. atausiq does so, giving his coat a brief shake. i do, clumsily and unskilled right now. like a boxer taking blind jabs, lacking the ability to read his ring opponent. when i am trained i'll be better. that was just common sense — anyone with training could be lethal. he tries to turn to face her as she circles behind him — but despite her current physical situation she is still more swift than he — and just as he is about to turn her teeth grasp ahold of his tail. his muscles twitch as he resists the urge to whip around. instead, he lets out a low bark and half-turns towards her, teeth snapping playfully and harmlessly at the air between them.