Wolf RPG
Fox's Glade Go Lick Your Wounds - Printable Version

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Go Lick Your Wounds - Santiago Arcos - March 31, 2020

Depending on how the thread with Astara and Merrick end, we’ll tweak his wounds and all.


A solid day or so after his horrid fight of mauling teeth and vicious beatings. He limps himself off into Fox’s Glade to lick his wounds. His front paw is horribly deformed and will take some time before he’s able to heal it, even then it will take a while before he’s even able to put weight on it. That she-devil, Astara, wouldn’t let go for the life of her. Though now he only has three and a half fully functioning legs his life is indefinitely harder; unnecessarily so.

He flops his body against a lonely oak tree. His black tongue languidly flicks out over his ruined paw. Taking turns between his hind leg where the blonde male left his puncture holes and his front paw. He licks his wounds, body slumped again the powerful oak beside him. He’s bruised and broken. That small white wolf has made a mistake. Though Santi doesn’t really blame him even though he wants to rip his frail little throat out, he blames the others. Of course he could blame himself, but that would be too easy.

So he sits there, attempting to clot his wounds to refrain from losing so much blood. All he can do is wait to heal.

RE: Go Lick Your Wounds - Evien - April 06, 2020

It had been more difficult to find the massive man than Evien had anticipated. His entire body was sore and aching, begging to relax just for a little bit. But he'd chosen this job, and he'd known it was going to be difficult to take care of all of these wolves. Even the ones they beat up, if possible, because while this large wolf had been in the wrong, he didn't deserve to die.

Approaching him, Evien refused to take stock of the strange appearance. He'd seen stranger, here, anyway. He did note, however, the wound on his hind leg and forepaw - bad places to be hurt, but not life-threatening.

The little brown wolf padded up confidently and placed the dry moss and meager supply of rosehips on the ground a few meters away from the multicolored man. "I hope you know it was a dumbass move to try and take on a whole pack like that," he pointed out with a small smile, already moving to crush up the rosehips.

RE: Go Lick Your Wounds - Santiago Arcos - April 09, 2020

He lies there, black tongue licking the wound on his paw. Doesn’t notice a figure coming up until he’s about seven feet away and he mentally scolds himself. It’s the form of the chocolate wolf he’d seen with the pack before, their medic supposedly. He’s lucky it’s that one, if it was the she-devil or the other raven tinted male he’d be in even more trouble. 

Santiago’s eyes follow him, the snowy hues taking in the others form. He wasn’t able to properly inspect him as he was getting properly eaten. The soft feature along with those easy green eyes. Santi tilts his head, raising a brow as he comes closer. 

His stride’s confident and he seems unafraid even due to what he’d seen earlier. Then the small smile the shows along the brown wolf’s muzzle definitely makes Santi cock a brow at him. Proceeding to tell Gabriel that he’s a basically a dumbass and can Santi really disagree? No, he can argue his reasoning but all in all it was the devil on his own shoulder telling him to spook the cute little fox wolf. Even though it really just led to him getting his ass handed to him. 

Gabriel looked up to him as he begins to crush the herbs he’s brought with him. “I have no idea what you mean, amigo.” Santi groans defeated, yet still he somehow has enough energy to thrust some sarcasm into the sentence.

RE: Go Lick Your Wounds - Evien - April 21, 2020

Evien rolls his eyes with a soft scoff at the man's sarcasm, heading over to inspect his paw. It didn't really even occur to him to be more careful, but he figured he could probably get away if he needed to. Besides, surely the guy had had enough fighting for the day.

"I'm here to help you, so I'll kindly ask that you refrain from biting me," he said, wrinkling his nose at the foot. God, that didn't look good. "Alright, you gotta put pressure on that." Small brown paws came over to lightly press on top of the foot, looking to the man for permission. 

One brow raised. "It's gonna hurt, so if you need something to bite down on, let me know."

RE: Go Lick Your Wounds - Santiago Arcos - April 22, 2020

“Isn’t this betrayal? Or is your pack okay with this?” He wonders out loud to the wolf with those forest green eyes. Then Santi chuckles at the joke about biting him, or perhaps it wasn’t a joke, anyway he still laughs. Then he nods in agreement that–yes, his paw is definitely not in good shape. 

His brows furrow and he’s gives a dry, “Ow.” more as a joke than anything when the other put even the lightest pressure on his paw. Overall, he nods to the other, giving him permission to work his magic on his paw. 

Then Evien mentions the need to bite down on something and Santi can’t help but smile. “I could use you?” He jokes back with a brief chuckle of his own. Then shakes his head side to side. “No, I’ll be okay, amigo, gracias.”

RE: Go Lick Your Wounds - Evien - May 17, 2020

"I don't know if it's betrayal or not, but I doubt they'd be overjoyed." It was the truth - sometimes Evien's convictions did not align with his leader's wishes. He just hoped that the other boy could trust him enough to not be too upset over it. After all, Evien considered himself loyal to his pack, and he'd be honest about treating the man if they asked.

Evien smirked then and huffed out a soft chuckle. "Yeah, ow. It's gonna hurt when you try to take on an entire pack of wolves." 

Cutting green eyes over to the man, Evien was going to offer his scruff as something to bite on, but the larger wolf decided he didn't need one anyway. The healer nodded his head and cleared his throat. "Okay, one... two... three." With that, he put pressure on the wound, aiming to pinch off the bleeding so that he could put herbs on it without it the blood oozing them off.