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about a girl - Printable Version

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about a girl - Scimitar - August 17, 2014

Since her rise to Alpha, he had barely seen more than a glimpse of the ivory queen -- such was life, it would seem. She was settling, and he too was attempting to acclimatize to his new role. With his rank, it seemed he was suddenly the least desirable to be around, and with a grim acceptance of this, Scimitar had taken to rounding the borders even more often than before, his eyes always straying to the looming Sunspire in the not so far distance.

From what he was aware, there had been little word from them. More importantly, he had not scented Jace's stink around the borders.. and the inner lion within his chest gave a purr of satisfaction at that. Should the fool ever dare to come here again.. Scimitar would certainly pick right up where he left off with him.

Exhaling gently as a cooler breeze swept past, the regal's eyes lifted to the sky, noting the drift of the sun as it began to cascade down the horizon. Soon, night would fall upon them, and the stillness of the Creek would almost become unbearable. After the chaos of the month before, the tawny wolf found it hard to settle. Still, he turned then from the borders, his long limbs striding at quickened pace as he sought out the edge of the waters, his muzzle lowering to quench his thirst. He knew he should be reveling in the silence -- it never lasted long.

RE: about a girl - Bazi - August 17, 2014

Some time later, when their pot had calmed to a simmer and the rampant flames became hot coals, Bazi began to think about the future. Her future - not the pack's. She wondered what kind of wolf she would grow up to be, and what her children would look like. Those thoughts led her to Scimitar, and it was a hunger to see him, speak to him, get to know him properly that spurred her on towards the borders.

Most wolves were camouflaged by the failing light. For several hours between dusk and true night, Bazi shone even brighter than she did in full daylight, like the glow-in-the-dark stars that light up the ceiling of a child's bedroom. As a spy, she was useless, but it helped when she wanted to be found - and since Scimitar had recently become the pack's fourth warden (soon to be one of two, when Njal and Tuwawi departed), it was likely that he would be on patrol.

Bazi loped noisily through the tall grass, eyes and ears peeled for any sign of her gallant Frostfur. On this night, they would begin work on their future.

RE: about a girl - Scimitar - August 17, 2014

The water was frigid -- the tawny wolf could feel it work its way down his throat and within, and he allowed his eyes to lull to a close for only a moment. The silence was almost deafening at times, but it would not remain so when he heard a rather loud shuffle as another swished through the grasses of the pack lands. Jerking his muzzle upright, his eyes found her first, before his nose. She was a sight to behold -- but then again, he had always thought so long before he had even gotten to know her. The darkening sky only seemed to make her glow, and he felt his chest tighten as he watched her.

She did not seem to see him yet -- his muzzle opened to allow a parting bark to escape him, beckon her to him.. but that was when the summer eve breeze swept past him.. stirring her scent to him and causing his jaws to snap shut instantly. A jealous green dragon within him roared as the scent of Shadow was seemingly drenched upon her -- had logic interrupted emotion, he would have noted that she simply smelled of all of the creek wolves..

But the feeling she felt were complex by nature, and instead of luring her to him, he simply remained silent, watching her with carefully masked emotions.

RE: about a girl - Bazi - August 17, 2014

It didn't take long to find him - or rather, for Scimitar to spot her and choose to make himself known. Bazi angled her plush ears in the direction of the call, squinting into the darkness. There he was - as tall, dark, and handsome as the day he had summoned the entirety of Swiftcurrent Creek to greet him at the borders.

For once, she had not sought him out as his Alpha, but as a girl yearning for a boy. That fact made her feel incredibly self-conscious. Her heart fluttered uncertainly and her mouth suddenly felt very dry, despite the fact that Creek wolves had to really try if they wanted to become dehydrated.

She walked slowly towards him, this older, stronger wolf, tail sloping behind her and eyes wide. What was he thinking? His face was always so ..closed, like an ancient statue guarding something important. Scimitar was the mystery - Bazi was merely unsure of herself, and trying desperately to mask the fact.

"..alone at last?" she attempted - CHEESE ALERT! - offering him vague half-smile.

RE: about a girl - Scimitar - August 25, 2014

She looked at him – wide blue eyes that gleamed of innocence, and yet the darkness preened at his mind.. an inkling that Fox’s own flirtatious nature had indeed been passed on with Bazi’s rise to power. She could not be so foolish to not know that come her heat within the next few months that she could have her pick of the entire male population within the ranks. @Shadow ’s scent, though, clung to her like a poison, and he found the warmth of her gaze and voice was not returned this time.

“Were you looking for me?” The question was posed simply – the ache to ask her how long she was going to pull herself from Shadow’s side to ask him something was so tempting and yet the agouti Beta managed to swallow them. His jealousy was stroked, but even as he looked at her now.. a beautiful girl that stood before him with words he would have longed to hear in any other manner than what he had taken them for, he could already feel his bitter resolve failing.

RE: about a girl - Bazi - August 27, 2014

"Were you looking for me?

The tone was not what Bazi had expected, and it caught her off-guard. A frown cut a a deep furrow between her eyes. "Yes... she began, uneasy now, ears angling delicately backward. What had flown up his ass and died there? A thin trickle of red-hot anger trickled into her veins, mixing with confusion and speeding up her pulse. If Scimitar was jealous, Bazi was short-tempered - a volatile mixture for sure. And for what? Had either of them thought to raise the subject, it would have become clear that Bazi's relationship was cordial at best - and soon to end in a gigantic mess. "And what's up with you, exactly? Bazi questioned, tail flicking irritably. This was not how she had imagined their meeting going.

RE: about a girl - Scimitar - August 29, 2014

Scimitar was never one to beat around the bush, and when the youthful female seemed troubled by his response and differing tone from the usual gentle croon he spoke to her with. It would seem Bazi was not one to let things fester either, and sharply, she questioned him on his attitude. He blinked down at her – not necessarily surprised by this, and in turn he rolled his shoulders back as he considered his answer.

“I’m just surprised you were looking for me and not Shadow,” was the simple response he gave – and the one that seemed least accusatory. He watched for her reaction, though not once did he stare at her directly in her feisty eyes. Bazi was his Alpha, and while he might have reigned over the others now, she was still his better. “You both seem to have grown close as of late.”

RE: about a girl - Bazi - August 29, 2014

"Shadow?" she spat, utterly perplexed and twice as angry. An ever-present undercurrent of stress made her volatile, and Bazi made the leap from quietly excited to enraged in two seconds flat. Her eyes glittered with angry tears that had made a sudden and unwanted appearance.

"He keeps seeking me out" - annoyingly, but she left that part out; hers and Shadow's was an awkward relationship - "Which is more than I can say for you! I thought.." She broke off with an exasparated little squeak. "Do you like me? Just me?"

RE: about a girl - Scimitar - August 29, 2014

Clearly, what he had considered a more politically correct approach had the exact opposite effect, and as he watched her face scrunch up in explosive rage and upset, it was the brimming tears that acted as much of a slap to his face as if she had physically struck him. “Baz—“ he began, but it was too late – the bomb had exploded.

His jaw tightened at the thought of the silver male constantly seeking her out – his muscles tensed in turn, and just as he was about to utter a low growling threat about finding the guy and putting a stop to that she completely turned the table on him.

He stared at her incredulously, shock upon his face before he pulled back, a frown marring his features at that point. How the hell did women do this?! “What do you mean just you?” His tone remained quiet, his gaze fixated on her as he stared at her, completely perplexed.

RE: about a girl - Bazi - September 02, 2014

“What do you mean just you?”

Oh-em-freakin'-gee. Bazi squeezed her eyes shut, putting the brakes on an exasperated sigh. I fancy you! Like, a lot! Since day one! Please be my boyfriend or whatever! None of those things left her mouth. "I don't know. I'm blabbering. Patrol?"

Without waiting for a response, she brushed past him and continued at a brisk trot down the approximate line of scent they called their borders.

Last post from me unless Scim's reaction warrants a response!

RE: about a girl - Scimitar - September 03, 2014

His jaw clenched as she responded, not once giving him any insight to her thoughts. Did she think he had his eye on someone else? The thought alone made him feel nauseated, and yet he could not bring himself to reel her back and fix what had just transpired between them.

With infuriating silence, the male strode, his cream paws thrumming the ground as his strides were lengthened from his size alone – soon he caught up, but he spoke nothing as he stoically cast his aqua eyes out to the borders now, intent on doing a round of border duty before he would depart from her side and seek solace elsewhere... no doubt, she would go find Shadow in the end and seek solace with him.